
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-02-25 stars in Milan

Milan, Milan, oh Milan! Pink Tutu Sparkles has arrived! ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น (Blog Post #787)

Hello darlings! Itโ€™s your favourite pink tutu-clad diva, Pink Tutu Sparkles, and I'm writing to you from the heart of Italy, the stylish city of Milan! Ooh la la! Can you believe it? This glamorous gal has finally made it to the fashion capital! โœจ

This trip has been a dream come true, even just the journey! I travelled by train, all the way from the UK to Italy - a long journey but so worth it! The train was absolutely gorgeous - plush seats, views that just swept past me as if I were on a film set, and my own private compartment for all my sparkly bits. And who do you think shared the compartment with me? A majestic white horse, of course! ๐ŸŽ (Actually it was just my big suitcase with a horse motif, but hey, dreams can come true!)

Once I arrived, I felt like a real-life fashion fairytale! I've already strolled through the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, a dazzling glass arcade with shops that look like they belong in a film set! Every street here is a fashion runway, darling. The people - so chic, so elegant! It's an inspiration!

Now, I'm in Milan for a very special reason: I've been invited to perform at a huge street fair! ๐ŸŽŠ This festival is famous for showcasing the best street performers in Europe. They've even got ballet dancers from the world-famous La Scala theatre here. Now thatโ€™s a big deal! This city breathes fashion and art - right up my street!

As usual, I'm gonna put my very own spin on my act. This time, I'm going full-on Italian-inspired glam! Imagine this, darlings: a dazzling pink tutu, feathers, sparkly boots, and even a custom-made tiara inspired by the Milan Duomo! The performance is set to be a showstopper!

Speaking of my tutus, it all started way back when I was just a young, science-obsessed student at the University of Derby. I mean, who would have thought a scientist would become a drag queen, right? But I'm proof that life can take some crazy turns! It was a university charity event that changed everything. They asked me to wear a tutu for the show and โ€ฆ well, let's just say I got hooked! I just loved twirling, spinning, and dancing in it. From that moment on, I knew what I had to do. I became Pink Tutu Sparkles. By day I tested fabric in the lab, by night I took on the world in pink!

Since then, I've worn countless tutus on stages, fairs, and street corners across the world. From the tiny town halls of Derbyshire, to the glitzy clubs of London, and now here in Milan. It's a magical journey, my dears!

Milan is all about style and glamour, so I'm spending my time exploring the city, going shopping (naturally), and picking up some tips from the most stylish people on the planet! ๐Ÿ›๏ธ

Yesterday, I treated myself to a new, blush-pink tutu, and the sales assistant practically bowed before me as I paid with my hard-earned glitter. I felt like a princess, truly a princess of pink! I just adore how the Italian people embrace the fabulous side of life!

One of my favourite experiences here has been visiting the Museo del Novecento. I saw some amazing artworks there - bold, bright, and inspiring. And they had a whole section on fashion from the past century! Can you imagine the clothes! Absolutely phenomenal.

After all that, I treated myself to a gelato. This ice cream, darlings, is like a symphony in your mouth - a combination of creamy textures and delicious flavours!

Tonight, I'm off to see a ballet at La Scala! Can you believe it? A pink-tutu-clad queen seeing the world's greatest dancers? The dream of dreams!

Milan is definitely a place that fuels my love for life and inspires me to twirl and sparkle with even more enthusiasm! And that, my darlings, is exactly what I aim to do with every post!

So, if you're looking to add a bit of colour and sparkle to your life, try adding a pink tutu. Remember: itโ€™s not about the outfit, itโ€™s about embracing who you are and how fabulous you are, just like Pink Tutu Sparkles!

Donโ€™t forget to follow me on Instagram at @pinktutuspsparkles and subscribe to the website www.pink-tutu.com for more fun and fabulous content, darlings.

Until next time,

Your Pink Tutu Sparkles! ๐Ÿ’–

#TutuQueen on 2002-02-25 stars in Milan