Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-03-03 stars in Norwich

Norwich Calling! Tutu Queen's Post 793: A Pinkalicious Adventure Awaits

Helloooo my darlings! It’s your Tutu Queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another scintillating post for you, this time all the way from Norwich! Can you believe it? I'm on the road again, spreading the joy of pink tutus and fabulousness!

Today's post, however, starts a little further back… in Derbyshire, to be exact! I’m originally a humble lab scientist. But as I've always said, there's more to a lab coat than meets the eye. (And frankly, much more shimmery! 😂) It all began when I was studying for my science degree. Our university ballet club decided to do a charity fundraiser where everyone tried on tutus for a laugh. And bam - there it was. My pink tutu destiny! It hit me harder than a flying pointe shoe in the face (ouch!). I was immediately drawn to the pink, to the fluffiness, to the sheer joy that dancing in a tutu brought me. That’s when my journey to spreading the Tutu-Revolution began.

I must say, my career path’s taken some interesting turns ever since. Now, I’m Alex by day, the scientific wonder, but Pink Tutu Sparkles by night – well, actually sometimes day, or in a field at the local market – your local drag diva, bringing sunshine, sparkles and of course, lots and lots of pink to the world!

Speaking of sunshine, I travelled here to Norwich by… (drumroll) …the magical horse drawn carriage! Okay, so it was a very long carriage ride. A VERY long carriage ride, complete with several changes of fluffy pink outfits, copious cups of tea, and strategically-placed glitter. Oh, and you bet your sweet bottom there was a pink tutu on board!

So why Norwich, you ask? Well, this lovely little city's calling itself the 'city of culture' in 2024! And it's bursting at the seams with creative people. Honestly, Norwich reminds me of one of those colourful, hand-drawn illustrations from a children’s storybook, but with a sprinkle of modern glam – that’s my kinda place. The shops, the theatres, the parks... they all feel so... pink and tutu-tastic, you know? They’ve got that little 'sparkle' about them, just like I do. It's calling to my artistic side, begging to be explored.

As I sashayed through Norwich’s heart today, taking in the sights, sounds and most importantly – smells – of the place, my excitement reached peak glitter levels. It’s an artist’s paradise – the perfect blend of ancient history and buzzing modernity! Honestly, even the cobblestones in Norwich have got some character, with their history stories and, well, a touch of grit! But as a good Tutu Queen, I find it makes my sparkly pink outfits look even more fantastic! And don't get me started on Norwich's incredible cathedral, standing there proud and beautiful like a towering, pointy ballet shoe in a stunning shade of rose! Honestly, I might be channeling that into a fabulous new dance number later…

Speaking of dances, my Norwich adventure has already led me to a hidden gem! Right in the centre of town, I stumbled upon the cutest little ballet studio, all light and airy with floor to ceiling mirrors, and an endless supply of – you guessed it – pink tutus! I swear, I nearly did a spontaneous dance on the cobblestone streets! Well, you can't really resist when faced with a glorious tulle symphony! Honestly, they were almost begging for me to pick one up. But sadly, I left empty-handed (and heartbroken – you understand!), because a Tutu Queen always travels light, even when travelling on a very, very long carriage ride. But I shall most definitely be revisiting them in the future – and it goes without saying that there'll be a whole pink tutu-tastic blog post dedicated to that visit!

You know, I truly believe that a pink tutu has the power to change the world! It's a symbol of confidence, freedom and joyful self-expression! Just the way a sparkly pink outfit should be. I'm always looking for creative ways to inspire others to join the Tutu-Revolution – be it through fabulous street performances, charming performances at grand venues, or just simply rocking the pink tutu wherever we go. It's about embracing the colour pink, embracing your unique personality and having a little fun along the way!

Oh! Have I told you about the delightful café I stumbled upon today? This charming café was bursting with life, full of chatty locals sipping tea and nibbling on cakes. I, of course, couldn't resist indulging in a little treat! And the pièce de résistance was – yes, you guessed it! – the pink cake! A delightful explosion of pink, cream and strawberries, and a delightful burst of flavor that left my taste buds tingling. Honestly, it was as magical as finding a rare gemstone!

Now, let's be honest, I haven’t just been wearing pink tutus and frolicking around Norwich’s delightful cafés. I'm a true performer, so you know I've been busy planning some fab performances to get Norwich (and everyone beyond!) embracing their inner Tutu Queen. Stay tuned – I’ll be gracing the stage (and a couple of unexpected places!) very soon. I’ve even designed a whole new costume just for the occasion. A symphony of sparkle, frills and a dash of flamboyant, glittery feathers, and let's just say that Norwich’s cobbled streets are going to see a lot of pink!

Before I go, I just want to leave you all with a few parting thoughts. Whether you're wearing a pink tutu or a tailored suit, let's always embrace our uniqueness! Be true to yourself, rock that fabulous side, and most importantly – let’s keep the sparkle in our hearts! Oh! And never, EVER be afraid of a little pink!

So, join me, darlings, as we journey together. We’ll explore the world, one pink tutu at a time, and turn this planet into the ultimate Tututopia!

Lots of love, glitter, and pink…

Your Tutu Queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles 💕

… Now off to practice that Norwich-themed dance routine – wish me luck! The cobblestones and cathedral are calling

#TutuQueen on 2002-03-03 stars in Norwich