Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-03-06 stars in Brighton

Brighton: Where the Seagulls and Sparkles Meet! (Blog Post #796)

Hello, darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, your favourite pink tutu-wearing drag queen, bringing you a whirl of fabulousness from the sunny shores of Brighton. I just had to share my latest adventure with you all, a magical jaunt to this iconic seaside town where the seagulls are almost as fabulous as the outfits!

This week's journey started with a spirited trot down to the station in my trusty pink heels, a delicate little floral dress peeking out beneath a voluminous pink tutu. I love a bit of old-school charm, so of course, I opted for a vintage-style train ride to the coast, clutching my little pink satchel packed with all the essentials: glittery hairspray, lip gloss the colour of a sunset, and my lucky pair of sequined knee-high boots. (Don’t judge a queen by her belongings! 😉).

I arrived in Brighton buzzing with anticipation – it was like the air crackled with energy! And just like a true diva, I arrived at the Grand Hotel, which reminded me so much of a whimsical storybook I used to love. It felt like stepping back in time – just imagine a lavish ball held right by the ocean! But what I truly loved was the seafront – Brighton pier beckoned with its flashing lights and vibrant colours. It was like a theatrical wonderland, and for a drag queen like myself, who could ask for more?

Oh, darling, you wouldn't believe the shops here! I lost myself in the boutiques, searching for that perfect pink accessory to make my outfit pop. A delicate tulle scarf? A sparkling pink clutch bag? A vintage feather boa the colour of a summer sunrise? Why, my dears, I was in heaven! It’s truly incredible how this charming town knows exactly how to appeal to a fabulous queen like myself!

But the real magic of Brighton comes at night, as the lights begin to shimmer and the music swells. I performed in a cozy pub this time, right next to a fantastic fish and chips shop. I loved watching people come in from the blustery sea air, their faces glowing, their spirits high! You just can’t beat the charm of a local pub – especially with a good audience. (I’ve still got the feather boa – it even got a nod from a couple of lads with their pints).

And then, after the last encore, after the laughter and applause had faded, I wandered back to the hotel, a whirlwind of emotions swirling inside. It was so magical. The experience was truly heart-warming and inspiring. It’s amazing to see how people react to my outfits – some smile, some chuckle, and some just give me a thumbs up – which is perfectly acceptable, I'm not judging! The energy in Brighton was truly special; everyone was so welcoming and open to celebrating life’s little (and big) joys.

As I reflect upon this magical experience, a smile blossoms across my face. I wouldn't be me without the spark of my pink tutu, without the joy of dressing up, without the delight of sharing laughter and joy with strangers who have embraced the glitter! This is what it's all about – reminding everyone of the beauty of simple, joyful expression, the importance of stepping out of the ordinary, the power of embracing a bit of sparkle, even in a mundane world. And that’s what I do!

So, darlings, keep sparkling! Keep embracing the joys of life! And most importantly, don’t be afraid to put on your pink tutu – whether it’s a real one or a metaphorical one – and dance to the rhythm of your heart.

I'll leave you with a little quote to ponder on this sunny Monday: “Life is too short to be anything but fabulous. “

And remember, darlings, always spread kindness, sprinkle sparkle, and always remember that a pink tutu can change the world… one whimsical twirl at a time.

Love always,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xxx

P.S. I've just booked myself into ballet class tomorrow morning. My goal? To perfect my pirouette while sporting the largest pink tutu ever created! (I’ve got my eyes on a particularly voluminous number at the vintage shop I found). So exciting!

Stay tuned for the update on the latest, grandest tutu – it might even have a cameo appearance in my next post!

#TutuQueen on 2002-03-06 stars in Brighton