Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-03-08 stars in Croydon

Croydon Calling! Tutu Queen on the Move, Post #798!

Oh my darlings! It's your Tutu Queen here, ready to spill the pinkest tea on my latest adventure! You wouldn't believe where I've been… Croydon, darling, Croydon! It might not be the first place you think of when you're dreaming of sparkle and fabulousness, but believe me, I turned it out!

This was post #798, and it feels like my blog journey is just beginning! You wouldn't believe the lengths I go to to get to places like Croydon. Now, most people would just jump in the car, but no, not your Tutu Queen. Trains for me, or even better, a jaunt on a trusty steed! You'll often see me whizzing through the countryside on a trusty nag, tutu billowing in the wind – I might be late but I'll arrive in style, honey!

The Croydon trip started with a performance at the local market – a little afternoon entertainment for the shoppers. Imagine me, my pink tutu shimmering in the sunlight, my voice soaring as I belted out "Let's Go To The Mall" in a sassy, sing-along style. Those Croydon girls loved it, and so did I! After the market gig, I treated myself to some retail therapy at a fab little vintage shop. You know me, I love my vintage finds! Found a stunning turquoise satin number with feathered trim – perfect for my next gig in Brighton!

Speaking of Brighton, I'm SO excited about this upcoming show. It's at this beautiful little theatre right on the pier. Picture this: sunset, waves crashing, me in a glittering tulle confection… swoon. I’ve even got a special surprise for my Brighton audience – a dazzling choreography routine I’ve been practicing for weeks! Imagine me, spinning and twirling, with those fabulous Brighton girls joining me – a whole sea of pink tutus! It's gonna be epic!

Of course, I can’t go to Brighton without a visit to the iconic Regency Square, all that cream stucco, and the elegant Georgian architecture. There’s something so charming about that place – it makes you feel like you've stepped back in time, a little like being in a ballet set! Maybe one day, I'll have my very own pink tutu ballet – an entire performance in this beautiful, vibrant colour. Imagine a whirlwind of swirling pink! The tutu ballet: a dream that's definitely not just for me anymore!

But before I go gallivanting off to the seaside, I have to tell you all about how I even got to Croydon in the first place! I actually bumped into a fellow tutu lover at a theatre production in Leicester Square. We were both wearing these magnificent, frothy tulle tutus, and it was instant connection! He turned out to be a promoter for a lovely little theatre space in Croydon, and he asked me to do a set for their upcoming performance week. Naturally, I couldn't say no! Who can resist the call of the stage and the thrill of sharing my love for pink with the world?

It’s funny, because my obsession with tutus came from a really unexpected place. Studying science at university wasn’t the most tutu-friendly environment, but then I got involved with the university ballet club. You can imagine the chaos when I first tried on a tutu – for a charity event, no less! The science labs just don’t do sequins, so seeing that glorious pink fluff was like stepping into another world. From then on, it was tutus for me! Now, you'll find me flitting between science labs and stages, rocking my day job as a fabric analyst and rocking my nighttime life as a fabulously-dressed drag artist!

Even though I travel far and wide for my tutu adventures, I have to admit that my heart belongs to Derbyshire. You just can’t beat those rolling green hills and those lovely countryside walks, my dears! My home village is such a sweet place, perfect for finding inspiration and just enjoying the peace and quiet. Maybe one day, I’ll even bring the Pink Tutu show to my home town! Just imagine the spectacle! The fields would be alive with tutus, and maybe even the sheep would start rocking pink. What a sight!

The thing is, it’s all about sharing the pink love, darling. Whether I’m on stage, at the theatre, at a ballet class (my guilty pleasure!), or even on the train, I'm on a mission to spread the joy of pink tutus and glitter everywhere! Just imagine the world transformed in this beautiful, vibrant shade. No matter what you do, who you are, where you come from, or what your dreams are, the message of the pink tutu is universal: love, laughter, and lots of glitter!

Stay tuned for my next adventure! I’m thinking Amsterdam – those Dutch canals just beg for a pink tutu float!
And until next time, darlings… Stay fabulously pink!


Your Tutu Queen


#TutuQueen on 2002-03-08 stars in Croydon