Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-03-14 stars in Oxford

Oxford Adventures: Post #804

Hello, darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to whisk you away on a whirlwind tour of my latest escapades in the lovely city of Oxford!

It’s been a busy week, I tell you, with more glitter, sparkles, and pink tutus than you could ever imagine. But don't worry, lovelies, I've got all the juicy details, ready to be served up with a sprinkle of magic.

A Dreamy Train Journey to Oxford

This time, I decided to take the scenic route – a journey through the English countryside by train. A little slower than my usual zoom-zoom travels, but honestly, what’s better than sipping a cuppa (with plenty of pink sugar cubes, of course) and watching the green hills whiz by? I can’t deny the comfort of a First Class carriage – the plush seats are just divine! It's amazing what a bit of a budget and some cunning charm can get you these days, eh?

As soon as I arrived in Oxford, the charming medieval architecture instantly captivated me. The city’s ancient walls, cobblestone streets, and quaint little pubs felt like stepping straight into a fairytale. It was absolutely brimming with that kind of magical history that makes you feel like you’re going to discover a secret garden, just like Alice in Wonderland.

Ballet and Beauty: A Delightful Day Out

First stop on the Oxford agenda: a visit to the Oxford Playhouse. Oh, the joy of being swept away by a spectacular performance! It was a classic ballet, set to Tchaikovsky – my all-time favourite. And of course, a tutu had to be worn to truly soak up the ambience! (There was some talk about pink being an ‘unconventional’ colour choice for the theatre, but hey, this is Pink Tutu Sparkles we’re talking about! Who needs to be conventional anyway?)

After the ballet, my feet (a bit achy, I confess!) yearned for a little retail therapy. Luckily, Oxford is bursting with fabulous boutiques, shops and quirky independent designers! You know I had to snag a few more pink tutus, of course. A good queen always needs backup. (Plus, how can you resist a delightful fluffy pink tutu with silver sparkles? It practically called to me!)

Oxford University and a Tutu Experiment

I also snuck in a little tour of Oxford University, a majestic institution steeped in tradition. As I wandered around those incredible courtyards, I was reminded why I'm a scientist at heart. In fact, did you know I got hooked on tutus during my university days? The university ballet club put on a charity show, and well, I can't resist trying something new – and this time, I found myself quite the tutu aficionado. A bit ironic, isn’t it? The little scientist loves all things pink and glittery, and spends her day in a lab surrounded by beakers and bubbling flasks, but by night, transforms into the dazzling Pink Tutu Sparkles! Life's all about embracing the unexpected, darlings!

And you know what else? I even snuck into the lab while I was there. Okay, not sneaked exactly, my boss is used to my occasional creative ‘field trips’ (you could say). But let’s just say I was researching a very important, uhm…project, for a future Pink Tutu Sparkles performance, and that included a bit of tutu-fabric experimentation. Just a little something for the fashion world!

Oxford at Sunset

No trip to Oxford is complete without witnessing a breathtaking sunset over the Thames. With the city lit by the golden glow, it felt truly magical. I perched myself on a riverside bench and just…soaked it all in. I was utterly smitten with the beauty of the city and I already started brainstorming my next adventure here.

A Farewell to Oxford…Until Next Time!

It was a bittersweet goodbye, darlings. Leaving Oxford behind, I knew one thing for sure – I was taking home a whole lotta love for this city and its magic. Oxford’s truly something special, a place that makes you want to embrace life with open arms, even when it’s a little bit wild and unpredictable!

Don't forget, you can always follow my escapades on my website, www.pink-tutu.com. Stay sparkly and stay glamorous, my dear darlings! Until next time, keep on twirling and don't be afraid to let your own inner sparkle shine through!

Lots of love and twirls,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxo

#TutuQueen on 2002-03-14 stars in Oxford