Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-03-25 stars in Colchester

Colchester: Tutu-ing Around Essex! 🩰💖 (Post #815)

Oh darling, it’s me, Pink Tutu Sparkles, ready to unleash a sprinkle of glitter and a whole lotta pink onto the internet! 💻💖 Today’s adventure finds me in the heart of Colchester, a lovely historic town in Essex, England. Now, I’m not usually one for history, I’ll admit, but the streets here were absolutely charming! Imagine, cobblestone paths, Tudor-style houses, and a bit of that English charm you only get in certain corners of the world. But you know what else I found charming? The locals. So friendly and eager to engage!

From The Station to Sparkle Town 🚂

My journey started in a delightful railway carriage – let me tell you, nothing beats a train journey for enjoying the countryside, catching up on your gossip magazines, and feeling that sense of being whisked away! Of course, I travelled in style! I couldn’t resist my pink tutu (a beautiful fluffy number, I must say), matching pink hat (a cheeky bow and feather affair), and some darling white go-go boots with an explosion of glitter that could outshine the sun. It was quite the entrance! 😉

But don't get me wrong, it wasn’t all about the pink – I always aim to be the perfect balance of flamboyant and subtle. For example, I brought along a smart little blazer just in case things got a tad chilly, and I can’t forget the ever-essential lipstick - you need a bit of bold red when your day is jam-packed with exploring. Speaking of exploring…

Ballet Heaven at the Colchester Arts Centre 🎭✨

The moment I arrived in Colchester, I knew exactly where I was going – the Colchester Arts Centre! Oh, it’s simply heavenly. You have to picture it – an old Victorian-era building with incredible architecture. And when you step inside? A sanctuary for the arts, darling! They were hosting a ballet showcase on the day I arrived and you know me, a ballet lover through and through! I just had to check it out!

It was like being transported to another dimension. The dancers were just phenomenal. Each turn, each leap, it was a ballet masterclass. I almost shed a tear when I saw those delicate pointe shoes gliding effortlessly across the stage. Honestly, they were breathtaking.

The whole experience got me thinking… Perhaps my next show in Colchester could incorporate a little ballet! Maybe a "Pink Tutu Ballet" where we can twirl, leap, and have some fun with a little bit of whimsy. The world is my stage, you know, and Colchester is begging to be transformed with pink tutus and all things delightful!

Tea, Cakes, and Tutu-licious Encounters 🍰☕️

After the performance, I had the most fabulous afternoon tea at a darling café just across the street from the arts centre. You simply must try the raspberry and almond tart. Divine. I had a little something something (you know, just a splash of sparkle!) on my eyelashes, and when I went to order my tea, the cafe owner nearly dropped his scones! He couldn't believe his eyes. “It's Pink Tutu Sparkles!” he exclaimed! It’s not every day a cafe in Colchester gets a visit from a tutu-loving drag queen, especially one who wears pink brighter than the midday sun! 😂

But, darling, here’s the most delightful part – I discovered the most amazing vintage clothes shop. Filled with absolutely gorgeous dresses and skirts just begging to be turned into tutu-tastic creations! It’s an adventure for your senses, and, well, let’s just say I couldn’t resist purchasing some inspiration for my next look. And don’t get me started on the sparkly accessories! They were pure perfection, I just had to say hello!

My Message of Pink for You, Dear Reader 💌

As the day wound down, I found myself reflecting on the joys of travel, the enchantment of art, and, of course, the joy of sharing this with you. Remember, every single day is a chance to embrace a little whimsy. Wear a pink tutu, dance to the music in your heart, and remember – every day can be your own unique performance. So, let's turn the world into a sparkling, pink wonderland, one tutu at a time. ✨

Love and Glitter, Pink Tutu Sparkles. x

#TutuQueen on 2002-03-25 stars in Colchester