Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-04-02 stars in Lyon

Bonjour from Lyon, mes amies! 🇫🇷 💖

Post #823

Well, hello there! Your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles is back, and guess what? I’m in Lyon! This magnificent city of France is practically bursting with culture, delicious cuisine and oh-my-god, the cobblestones! This city definitely knows how to charm.

Now, you might be wondering, how did I get to this beautiful place, you ask? Why, by train of course! I adore travelling by train. The clinking of the wheels, the views zipping past the window, it’s all so magical. Besides, the carriage was filled with fascinating characters, all going to exciting destinations. I managed to score a seat near a gentleman who was carrying a giant easel, and another lady, who had a bag overflowing with brightly coloured fabrics. My inner crafter couldn't resist striking up a conversation with her and it turns out she’s a dressmaker for a theatre company. What a dream, eh? Talk about a match made in heaven for Pink Tutu Sparkles! 💖

And of course, no Pink Tutu Sparkles trip would be complete without my trusty suitcase full of tulle, glitter, and my latest collection of pink tutus. Oh yes, darling! You know your girl likes to be prepared! This time I'm rocking a new one I found at a vintage shop in Derbyshire. It’s a peachy pink, with a generous layer of silver sequins! It’s a masterpiece! It’s going to be my lucky charm for this week's performances. I must confess, I do have a confession. The tutus... I collect them, like precious gems. It’s a problem. Okay, a fabulous problem. Don't judge me! It’s an addiction that gives me life.

Now, back to Lyon! 🇫🇷

Firstly, I'm completely obsessed with the architecture! From the Gothic spires to the Baroque buildings, everything here is so picturesque and full of history! And the little squares and gardens? A total fairytale! I found the perfect spot to snap a few selfies, and oh my god, the photos are pure Insta-gold! Did you know Lyon has a nickname – La Capitale des Gaulles? Imagine my excitement – the city where the Gauls resided! Who knew history could be this stylish? The sheer history here was mind-blowing! I found myself wandering through a museum dedicated to ancient artifacts. And honestly, I could have stayed in that museum all day! The collection was stunning!

Speaking of history, I did a bit of digging and learnt that the locals have a saying: "Si vous n’êtes pas en rose, vous n’êtes pas à Lyon"! That basically means “If you’re not in pink, you’re not in Lyon”. They were SO right, I tell you, every little shop, every restaurant, every lamppost...it was awash in pink. Now this is a city after my own heart!

And while we’re on the topic of beautiful things… You'd never guess who I bumped into on the cobblestone streets... a famous Parisian designer! Yes! She even said she loves my pink tutu collection and admired my creativity! The nerve of her! You'd think that someone with such fabulous taste would understand, don’t you think? Of course, we spent hours giggling over hot chocolate and croissants, comparing outfits, gossiping, and swapping stories. (I do wish she would give me tips on what her secret is – she's so petite but looks like a million dollars)

Did I mention the food? Oh darling, the food! Let’s be honest, everyone knows the French know their way around a delicious meal, right? But here in Lyon, they’ve raised the bar to a whole new level. I ate a cheese platter big enough for a royal wedding, a quiche so flaky it’s criminal, and I don’t even want to talk about the chocolate – it’s heavenly! Seriously, a day of sightseeing followed by a traditional French meal is pure bliss!

But you know me, my friends, I’m a creature of habit. After a few days exploring this magical city, I simply had to attend a ballet performance at the Opera National de Lyon. This was an experience of a lifetime, from the beautiful chandeliers to the plush velvet seats – I felt like royalty. The dancers, absolutely divine! Every move was so graceful, I was simply transfixed! I'd love to attend a dance class here next time – a chance to take lessons from a real ballet pro would be amazing. They’re everywhere here! You just can’t swing a cat without knocking into a ballerina in Lyon, darling.

Now, as for the performances… Oh honey, let’s just say I took this opportunity to spread the good word of pink tutus across Lyon! My first gig was at a local market, which was absolutely heaving with tourists and locals! I turned heads, as always, when I hit the stage, with my sparkly tutu shimmering under the bright market lights. Next up was a gigs at a small café. I can honestly say they've never seen a show like mine in this corner of France. You should have seen the faces! The look on their faces, it was pure adoration, just as I’d planned! I swear, by the end of the show, half of them were planning their own pink tutu moments. Who knows what the next few days will bring?

But one thing is for sure, darling, you’ll be hearing more about Pink Tutu Sparkles' Lyon adventures soon. Stay tuned for my next blog post about all things fabulous in the French countryside!

Bisous mes amies!

Pink Tutu Sparkles xxx


#TutuQueen on 2002-04-02 stars in Lyon