Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-04-05 stars in Hounslow

Hounslow Calling! 🩰 💖

Helloooo darlings! It's your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another blog post, this time straight from the fabulous Hounslow! You know me, always on the go, spreading the pink tutu gospel and twirling my way through life. This is post number 826 for your fave tutu queen – that's right, 826 days of glittering adventures and tutus galore! 😉

Before we delve into the highlights of my trip, I need to address the elephant in the room. You're probably wondering how a girl like me – a scientist by day, a pink tutu dream by night – can manage to hop around the country like this. Well, darlings, the answer is simple: I wear the sparkly crown! That's right, my dazzling drag performances fuel my travels. I've been lucky enough to perform at fairs, theatres, and even some very peculiar pub gigs! It’s not always glitz and glamour, but hey, a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do to chase that tutu-wearing dream.

Anyway, back to Hounslow! This little gem of a town was the perfect place for a good ol’ fashioned Pink Tutu Sparkle adventure. It’s full of historical charm – I felt like I stepped back in time wandering through those quaint streets!

Now, the first thing you gotta know about my trip is how I got there: by train, of course! Who needs boring cars when you can ride in style with the comforting clink of the rails? I always take the scenic route - especially with the stunning English countryside whizzing past my window, it's the perfect way to get in the mood for a bit of tutu magic! And, it gives me a chance to showcase my newest frock – a divine emerald green cocktail dress with the perfect splash of pink in the form of my signature tutu, naturally. 😉

Speaking of tutus, this trip had to include a visit to the magnificent Sadler's Wells Theatre! It’s practically a Mecca for a girl who loves a good ballet! They have the most wonderful performances, and the grandeur of the building just leaves you speechless. Of course, no trip to the theatre is complete without a dash of pink – a delicate blush coloured shawl with some shimmery detailing was my chosen attire, which of course complimented my trusty pink tutu.

But darling, I'm not all about the stage shows. I needed to flex my own ballet muscles! I spent the next morning taking a beginner ballet class, right here in Hounslow. It’s crazy how much I love the way that class just lets go of the day’s worries, especially in a gorgeous studio surrounded by pink (of course!). And it really is all about finding your centre! After the class, a friendly teacher even gave me a recommendation for a local dance shop - they had a fab tutu selection (surprise, surprise!), but you won’t catch me spending all my hard-earned pennies on one when my trusty, pink friend is there to save the day.

The highlight of the day had to be the charming Hounslow Heath. That sprawling greenery! Perfect for a little stroll with my pink tutu and the sound of the countryside birds serenading me! It's like stepping into a fairy tale – imagine that, me, in a bright pink tutu, with flowers blooming around me. Truly a magical scene! You know I had to snap some pics for the gram to inspire all of you.

But remember, I told you about a visit to the fair! Well, this is where the true pink magic kicked off. Imagine – a giant pink carousel (what a wonderful dream!), rows of vibrant fairground lights and games that were literally bursting with colour! I swear, every other stall had something pink on it! The people were absolutely fantastic! You’ve never seen such joy and warmth – I honestly think my own twirls were infectious because everyone joined in, it was magical! I managed to bag a few fabulous fairground prizes for the gram, like a giant pink teddy and some neon pink candyfloss, I just knew they would look great in a future blog post. 😉

Now, this journey couldn't have been completed without some good, old-fashioned retail therapy! Of course, the trip would be incomplete without a visit to a few local boutiques. I spent hours rifling through vintage shops, finding an absolutely incredible lace collar with some pink floral detailing that is absolutely screaming "pink tutu, wear me". Honestly, every trip is full of treasures waiting to be found and this trip didn't disappoint. It’s not always about tutus you know, sometimes it's about accessorising and finding the perfect pink piece to complement those tutus. And my love for pink goes way beyond a wardrobe!

In Hounslow, I learned that finding inspiration is everywhere – from a beautifully designed street, a charming antique store, or even in a casual coffee shop with a few sprinkles of pink in its décor. You just need to keep your eyes open. And remember darlings, pink tutus, like a good cuppa, are always good for the soul. 😉

I'm not going to lie, this was a trip to remember! Filled with laughter, glitter, pink tutus, and enough fairground treats to make a queen blush. I've made memories that will stay with me long after my sparkly shoes have gone back into their boxes and my tutu is neatly tucked away until next time. 😉

Speaking of next time, I'm off to another secret location! But remember darlings, always stay tuned for more adventures in pink on pink-tutu.com – your one-stop shop for everything tutu and beyond! Now, I gotta jet, more glitz and glam awaits!

Until next time, stay fabulous, stay sparkly, and remember… never be afraid to wear pink!

💖 Your Tutu Queen,

Pink Tutu Sparkles ✨

#TutuQueen on 2002-04-05 stars in Hounslow