
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-04-12 stars in Hayes

Hayes Hooray! Pink Tutu Sparkles' Post Number 833


I've done it! Hayes, darling, Hayes has been conquered. Yes! Another fabulous trip for our little Pink Tutu Sparkles, and wouldn't you know it, the entire place just embraced the glorious pink of my tutu, from the ticket office at the train station all the way to the stage where I gave them the show of their lives! And darling, let me tell you, Hayes is a charmer! It has everything a fashionable Pink Tutu Sparkles could desire.

First things first, arriving at the station. I swear the lovely ladies behind the counter could barely hold their smiles as I flounced in with my bright pink, sequined carry-on, practically bouncing with excitement! I do love a bit of glamour, and the ladies loved a bit of me. Oh, how I adore railway stations. They hold so much possibility! A new city, a new audience, a new set of fabulous experiences.

My journey was on the slow train, of course! One can't just arrive at their destination without enjoying the scenic route! It gives one time to reflect. The sunshine streamed through the window, illuminating my pinkest tutu (which is saying something! But you see, darling, I have a selection of pinks... some lighter, some darker... and the one I chose for Hayes was the one because the pale peach undertone brought out the beauty of my fair skin - trust me on this! )

When I reached Hayes, I decided a walk in the sunshine to stretch my legs (and the glorious silk and tulle of my skirt! Can't get wrinkles in this, darling, not at this price! Yes, a tutu made with hand-stitched details isn't for the faint of heart.)

And that brings me to my outfit. I just adore Hayes, but sometimes... it is... a little... what shall I call it... beige. Now, I'm not being cruel, I love a bit of beige for certain occasions. For a fabulous dinner? Oh, sure! But... beige as a daily occurrence can be rather... drab. So darling, my task? To inject some pinkness!

Now, for this jaunty outing, I was thinking: Pink tutu? Yes. Sparkling bodice? Yes! Headdress adorned with sequins? Naturally. But let's elevate this look to Hayes levels, shall we? A touch of lace and feather. Some floral embellishments and a big ol' bow to tie it all together! Now that is pink, Darling, that is the real pink-tutu-sparkles aesthetic!

This tour, of course, is to celebrate the success of "A Pink Tutu's Dream", the play I penned about the transformative journey of a Derbyshire drag artist (wink, wink, darling, you see what I did there). So naturally, a pink and glittery theme! But the little secret? I adore adding in unexpected elements - it keeps things spicy! This is where you, my beloved followers, can be helpful. Leave a comment below and let me know what colours would go fabulously with pink! Maybe purple? Red? Emerald green? The possibilities are endless!

The Hayes stage was adorned with floral banners. Pink banners of course! I arrived and everyone just went wild. The crowd's energy was electric! It made the energy onstage almost tangible - darling, my performance was off the charts!

Now, I have to tell you, before performing, I do love a good ballet class. And Hayes, darling, you won't believe this, has one of the most stunning ballet schools. Yes it's a private school. Yes it's rather... posh. But let's not hold back, right? The facilities, my dears! They were stunning. Mirrors galore, a sprung floor, barres that sang (well, darling, metaphorically speaking). It was bliss and allowed me to stretch before hitting the stage! And while we're at it, I have to gush about their tea room! Gorgeous cake! I took a raspberry macaron. The best! (and the very colour of a ballerina's skirt!) If I'm being honest, my entire outfit choice was inspired by that glorious macaron. Because honestly? Isn't that just how real artists are inspired?!

This city! Hayes! My dear, it just has everything. My schedule in Hayes included: a fab ballet class, a performance, a glorious walk through the beautiful Hayes Garden, a tea room visit, a late-night disco, and another performance at a local cabaret! Darling, it was nonstop sparkle! Hayes, you really are an enchanting gem in the heart of the county!

One thing I discovered on my trip is that Hayes has a rich history. And, wouldn't you know, a bit of pink in history too! Now, I love pink. It's my signature. But I like to dig deeper, find the origin story, the connection! Well, in Hayes, the pink story? Oh, swoon It's a whole fashion trend from the early 20th Century! Hayes was once a bustling hub of pink clothing and textile design! Isn't that remarkable?!

Speaking of textile design... this trip got me thinking about colour. Do you want to know my little secret about pink, darling? Pink has the power to change perception! Oh yes, the magic of pink is boundless. I am, of course, a scientist by day! Yes, darling, behind this glamorous exterior, a hard-working scientist with a degree in textile chemistry! (How fitting for my flamboyant life!) I test fabrics for a living. You know how many experiments are wasted because people are convinced pink won't sell? Pink won't stand out! I have found the perfect shade of pink! The most dazzling. And the more I experiment? The more convinced I am that everyone needs pink in their life. But back to the science of pink, this perception thing...

Imagine you are standing at the edge of a crowded room and everyone around you is wearing navy or grey. Suddenly, a flash of bright pink catches your eye. Now, this might sound silly, darling, but that bright pink creates an instant point of attraction, a focal point of attention! That, darling, is the power of colour! And my favourite colour, pink? Well, that's the magic!

Now, darling, while I may love to indulge in fabulous events and travel, my real love lies in sharing my message with you, the Pink Tutu Sparkles faithful! My dream? I want everyone to wear pink. Not just once a month, not just on Fridays, every day darling, every day, embrace your inner sparkle with pink! A bright, glorious, sparkling, tutu-fied pink. Pink, it's the answer to all your style woes, my dears, the way to conquer any fashion quandary!

And as Pink Tutu Sparkles leaves Hayes behind for now, I take one final peek at the bright sunshine and wonder: where will my journey lead next? Where will I bring a little bit of pink, a touch of sparkle, a lot of pink-tutu-love?

Only time will tell, my dears. But one thing is certain: I will always be here to share my story with you, because I believe that every single one of you has the potential to be a shining, magnificent Pink Tutu Sparkles.

So keep an eye on the website! The Pink Tutu adventures are neverending!

Lots of Love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles.

P.S. I am going to Paris for a few weeks. What should I wear for a trip to the Moulin Rouge? Help a girl out with the suggestions!

#TutuQueen on 2002-04-12 stars in Hayes