Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-04-24 stars in Edmonton

Edmonton Calling: A Pink Tutu Pilgrimage! 🩰

Post #845

Oh darlings, it's your fabulous Pink Tutu Sparkles, signing in live from Edmonton, Canada! 🇨🇦 Can you believe it? This little pink tutu-loving queen is strutting her stuff across the pond! Yes, you heard right, my darlings, the big city lights are calling, and Pink Tutu Sparkles is ready to answer the call!

Edmonton - A City of Dreams and Dancing

Let's be real, Edmonton - you're more than just oil and gas. I'm absolutely smitten with this city. It's got this awesome, bustling energy, but there's still a warmth to it. Plus, you can't beat the stunning natural beauty that surrounds you!

My journey started off in true Pink Tutu style. I arrived on a train, because, well, who needs a boring old flight when you can be enjoying the beautiful scenery and sipping a nice hot cuppa? The carriage was filled with fascinating characters, all heading towards their own adventures.

The Tutu of a Lifetime

I'm telling you, Edmonton - you are officially the city of my dreams! Why, just this morning I had the most delightful experience: finding the tutu of my dreams! Yes, my darlings, you know I'm always on the hunt for the perfect pink tutu and Edmonton just knew how to make me happy.

It was nestled amongst a collection of fabulous garments at a little shop called "Twirl and Dream" (such a perfectly appropriate name!). It's the fluffiest, most delicate pink tutu I have ever laid eyes on. I practically twirled in circles for half an hour just trying it on! It's like a giant cotton candy cloud and it has this amazing shimmer that catches the light - it's absolutely dreamy!

Sparkling into the Edmonton Ballet

Speaking of dreams, Edmonton's got this incredible ballet company, the "Edmonton Ballet". I just had to see their show "The Nutcracker". The music, the costumes, the dance moves - everything about it just filled my soul with a kind of joyful, twirling energy. It was like a ballet dream come true, darlings!

The company even has a dance class called "Tutu Tuesdays" where everyone - young, old, seasoned dancer or first timer - gets to wear a pink tutu and let their inner ballerina out! And guess who took the plunge? That's right, this pink tutu-loving queen went for it! I might have had a little accident when attempting a pirouette, but it was hilarious!

Edmonton: Where My Heart Belongs (Maybe Just For Now)

This city has a charm that’s simply captivating. Even the architecture makes me feel like I'm stepping into a ballet, especially the grand buildings in the historic district! I'm making sure to document everything, my darlings, with photos and videos galore. Don’t forget to check out my Instagram (pinktutusparkles) and Facebook page!

Oh, and don’t even get me started on the shopping! I had to resist the urge to buy an entire department store. From designer boutiques to cute independent shops, Edmonton’s fashion scene is simply fantastic.

Bringing the Sparkle to Edmonton

As usual, I'm taking this opportunity to spread my love for tutus across the land. My show tonight at The Rainbow Club is going to be a masterpiece of twirling, sparkle and a sprinkle of Pink Tutu magic!

My message to the whole city: wear a tutu! Embrace your inner ballerina! Life's too short for boring outfits and missed dance opportunities!

So there you have it, my darlings, a snippet of my latest adventures! Edmonton - you've stolen my heart. Don’t worry, I'm returning with a suitcase full of stories and maybe a little extra sparkle in my pink tutu!

Stay fabulous and keep on twirling, my lovelies!

P.S. Don't forget to check out www.pink-tutu.com for daily updates and new stories from Pink Tutu Sparkles! 💖

#TutuQueen on 2002-04-24 stars in Edmonton