Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-05-18 stars in Walton upon Thames

Walton Upon Thames: Pink Tutu Adventures in the Home Counties! ✨💖🩰

Hello my darling darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here with blog post number 869 from the sunny, scenic, and utterly delightful town of Walton upon Thames!

A Pink Tutu Pilgrimage by Train

This week, my lovelies, I've taken a delightful little trip on the train to this picturesque little corner of Surrey, just a stone's throw from the bustling metropolis of London! My journey, as you can imagine, was filled with twirls and giggles, and I even managed to turn a few heads with my bright pink tutu! You see, I do believe in spreading the joy of tutus wherever I go! Who says a little bit of tulle can't make a train journey a bit more magical? 😉

A Touch of Glamour in Walton Upon Thames

Now, Walton upon Thames, darling, is a charming little town. It’s got a lovely river running through it, gorgeous Victorian buildings, and some delightful shops that have the best pink things you’ve ever seen. Of course, a tutu queen simply cannot resist a good shopping spree! And trust me, I’ve found some absolute treasures – a magnificent pink feather boa, a bejeweled tutu with sparkly sequins, and, of course, the perfect pair of glittery pink shoes to match! It was just the perfect place for me to recharge my sparkle and prepare for my performance this evening.

My Drag Debut at The Riverhouse

Now, for the pièce de résistance! Tonight I graced the stage of The Riverhouse, a charming restaurant and live music venue. It’s an absolute dream, all twinkling lights and laughter. And you wouldn't believe the crowds I attracted! A room full of people eager to witness the glory that is Pink Tutu Sparkles! I gave it my all, and trust me, darlings, it was a spectacular show. Think graceful leaps, high kicks, sparkling pink dresses, tutus galore, and plenty of giggles! The whole place was rocking, I'm telling you! A testament to the fact that a pink tutu truly can light up any room!

Sharing the Magic of Tutu-licious Fun

The highlight of my evening, though? Well, a sweet little girl called Amelia approached me after the show, eyes wide with wonder. She had been mesmerised by my performance and confessed her lifelong dream of wearing a pink tutu. I just melted, I truly did. There is nothing more special than seeing a child's eyes light up with the magic of a pink tutu! And let me tell you, darlings, the look on Amelia’s face when I gifted her my own glittery pink boa was a moment of pure joy. Those are the moments that truly make being Pink Tutu Sparkles so worthwhile.

Sharing the Sparkle: Behind the Tutu

You see, my dear loves, my true ambition in life is to bring a little bit of pink tutu sparkle to every single corner of the world! Whether I'm performing on stage, taking a ballet class, or just strutting down the street, I want to show everyone that tutus are for everyone, for every occasion.

Let’s face it, being Pink Tutu Sparkles isn’t all glamour and giggles. During the day I'm Alex, a hardworking scientist working in a laboratory! (You wouldn’t believe the incredible experiments we conduct, darling – testing fabrics, testing colours, everything has to be perfectly pink! It's actually pretty interesting!) By night, however, the true sparkle comes out and I get to channel my inner diva! My love of ballet started while I was studying. We had a uni club, and when they asked for volunteers to wear tutus for a charity event – well, you can guess the rest! It was a magical moment, darling. The feeling of twirling, the graceful moves… that was the day I knew that Pink Tutu Sparkles had to become a reality.

*Keep Sparkling! *

Well, darling darlings, I must be off! The train to Derbyshire is waiting! I’ll keep you posted on all my adventures, of course! In the meantime, never be afraid to twirl, to shine, and most importantly, to spread a little pink tutu love wherever you go!

Catch ya later, loves!

Pink Tutu Sparkles, Out! 💕

#TutuQueen on 2002-05-18 stars in Walton upon Thames