Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-05-20 stars in Finchley

Finchley Calling: Tutu Time! (Blog Post #871)

Hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to unleash a whirlwind of pinkness on your Monday morning! And let me tell you, it was quite the journey to get here!

As always, let's dive straight into the glamour: Finchley! Oh, how I adore this quaint corner of North London! With its charming shops and cosy cafes, it’s the perfect backdrop for a tutu-wearing gal like myself! And if you think that finding the perfect spot for my Instagram shots wasn’t enough of a challenge, let me tell you about the trip!

It all started in Derbyshire, my beloved home county, where I'd finished yet another amazing performance at a charity fair, surrounded by smiling faces and flashing cameras. That’s the magic of drag, my lovelies! It’s the joy of sharing laughter and happiness through costumes and glitter, no matter where you find yourself!

Now, I must admit, Finchley isn't exactly a place known for its drag scene (or tutus!), so this was definitely an adventure! To reach this delightful corner of London, I embraced a most traditional mode of transport: a steam train, chugging its way through the English countryside! Let me tell you, the views were stunning! I almost wished I had brought my ballet shoes – the scenery was like a ballet set, just waiting to be danced on!

Arriving at Finchley Station, my eyes were practically popping out of their sockets. Imagine, dear readers, the sheer joy of discovering an entirely pink station! It truly was like a fairytale. From the fluffy pink cushions on the benches to the pastel pink signpost, every detail whispered "Tutu Queen, this place was made for you!" And you know what? They weren’t wrong.

But let’s be real, my lovelies. Even for the most seasoned Tutu Queen, a trip to Finchley can be a challenge! Remember, darling, that being Pink Tutu Sparkles isn’t a full-time gig. My daytime life is much more grounded. I mean, think about it, how else could a girl like me fund all these fabulous adventures? You guessed it – by working in a lab, of all places, analyzing the glorious world of fabrics! Not quite the same vibe as a glamorous performance, but it’s a steady income!

Now, getting back to my Finchley escapade… As a fabulous queen who always puts on a show, I needed a fitting venue for my arrival. Naturally, I decided to stop at Finchley’s very own theatre, the lovely Garden Theatre. You know me, lovelies, always supporting the arts! This enchanting little theatre is nestled among lush gardens, and you wouldn't believe how many talented local actors strut their stuff there. You’d think the stage was built for a tutu-wearing queen like myself, wouldn't you?

Of course, my darling friends, what trip to a theatre is complete without indulging in some delicious food and gossip? It was a dream come true – a little pink cake at a cute cafe with a friend, the local vicar who’s a secret fan of drag! We talked about everything: my latest design ideas (I’ve been sketching new tutus inspired by a ballet show I saw last week), the joys of performing at weddings (did you know I recently dressed up as a blushing bride for a stag do, the bride's request!), and, of course, the challenges of being a working drag artist! But it was all such a hoot!

Oh, darling, the day was just starting to get good! After some retail therapy at the fabulous pink-tastic boutique, my dear, (a place so perfect, I think I might have stayed there all day!) and some glorious afternoon tea with the theatre manager (we chatted about finding a fabulous place for my next show! He was absolutely enchanted with my pink tutu design ideas! Can’t wait to tell you all about my next performance!), I was feeling pretty darn ready to unleash some sparkles.

But wait for it, darling! This adventure was only just getting started!

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of neighing horses and the smell of hay… wait, what? You’ll be thrilled to know my little adventure was about to get even more exciting! After breakfast (an utterly decadent plate of strawberries and cream - no ordinary day, darlings!) I hopped into a horse-drawn carriage. Oh, what an elegant experience! The carriage ride, a truly lovely way to travel through the charming countryside, carried me towards a ballet class I had planned to join, thanks to a sweet email I had received from the local ballet studio. And if you thought ballet wouldn't have the power to make my heart sing even harder, my sweet darlings, you’re in for a surprise.

As you may know, being a true pink tutu queen means loving all things dance! I am completely obsessed! Let me tell you, darling, being surrounded by passionate, talented dancers in a room full of flowing pink tulle and barre workouts was an utter dream! I think my excitement even prompted a slight tutu malfunction, oops, my darling. Luckily, the class teacher was a darling herself. We laughed, we pirouetted, and we even indulged in a (mostly) graceful swan lake sequence. Honestly, it's as good a way to finish a day in Finchley as any!

To sum up my Finchley adventures, my dears, I truly can’t express the sheer magic! The colourful and joyful atmosphere filled my heart with sparkles! Finchley has quickly become one of my all-time favourite destinations.

Until next time, darlings! Don't forget to subscribe to the Pink-Tutu website for even more fab adventures.

P.S. I am utterly smitten with this place! Who knew North London could be so enchanting? Remember to follow my blog! See you all on www.pink-tutu.com!

With love and glitter,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

#TutuQueen on 2002-05-20 stars in Finchley