
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-05-24 stars in Waterlooville

Waterlooville, My Darlings! Post #875 - It's Tutu Time in Hampshire!

Oh, darlings, hello! Your favourite pink tutu-wearing queen is back with a brand new blog post. It's Friday and you know what that means? It's time for another grand adventure for yours truly, Pink Tutu Sparkles! Today, I'm setting my sparkly sights on the lovely little town of Waterlooville in Hampshire!

This trip has a rather special twist though, and you'll just have to stick with me to find out all about it! Buckle up buttercup, this is a ride!

I have to confess, dear readers, I've been longing for a day trip to Hampshire for ages. There's just something about those rolling green hills and charming market towns that calls to my heart. This weekend, I managed to squeeze a trip in and I'm delighted to share it with you all.

My journey started like a classic fairy tale, in my own personal carriage. Yes, you guessed it – I journeyed down to the Hampshire coast on the trusty, ever-reliable train. Now, I don't know about you, darlings, but I adore the railway. I feel so grand, almost like royalty, taking to the tracks! I've always found it's a splendid way to appreciate the ever-changing English countryside, and today was no different.

But there was an unexpected surprise waiting for me at the train station. As I strolled out, resplendent in a pink tutu, naturally, a gentleman on the platform came over with a wide smile. He was absolutely thrilled to see me, darlings! He exclaimed about how fabulous I looked in my outfit and how he'd always wanted to see a real live drag queen! Turns out, his granddaughter was absolutely bonkers about ballet and absolutely adored Pink Tutu Sparkles. Well, my heart melted! It's these little moments, the moments where I make people happy, that truly makes this journey worthwhile.

I couldn't help but feel like a right superstar! With the warmth of a newfound fan in my heart, I hailed a taxi and, wouldn't you know it, the taxi driver was even more enthusiastic. He pulled over to chat, bless him! Turns out, his son was a huge Pink Tutu Sparkles fan and was even coming to my next show! Can you imagine! I'm like a local celebrity now.

The journey itself was full of magic, much like the journey to my childhood home in Derbyshire. Every time I close my eyes, I see rolling fields, cobbled lanes, and the comforting aroma of roast dinners on a Sunday afternoon. But here I am, surrounded by Hampshire's delights! The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the smell of sea air was tantalizing my nose! And what did this Pink Tutu Sparkles find right next to the station? You guessed it - the biggest, most spectacular vintage shop I have ever set eyes on! My dear, oh dear. It was an absolute wonderland.

I spent what seemed like an eternity searching through the racks of clothes, and I'm not ashamed to say I practically swept the place clean! Now, darlings, you'll understand, wouldn't you? I mean, there were floral dresses begging to be worn at the next London Pride Parade, shimmering sequins yearning for a stage entrance, and gorgeous old ballet shoes yearning to dance once more. Oh, it was like stepping back in time and I just knew some of these treasures had a Pink Tutu Sparkles magic in them! But of course, there wasn't a pink tutu in sight. I left the shop feeling rather dejected - but I just had to have some excitement, even if I didn't find a single piece of tulle.

What to do? Well, I was so ready for my ballet fix that I couldn't wait. Waterlooville is such a beautiful town, but I was aching to be back in my tutu dancing up a storm. Now, you wouldn't think it was the most obvious destination for a drag queen but I managed to track down a lovely little ballet school. A true gem, hidden away, with more than enough sequins to satisfy this queen.

There I was, this bright pink vision of shimmering tulle, ready for some dance fun! You can imagine my utter delight! The students were completely charmed and I ended up having a delightful ballet chat with them and their tutor!

Turns out this charming town isn't just about historical houses and beautiful seaside walks, they love ballet here, too. I mean, my heart was soaring so high, I'd need to wear two tutus! And I'd tell you, it gave me an idea... I'm definitely going to organize a full blown performance, maybe a mini-tour, so these darlings get their Pink Tutu fix right here in Waterlooville. Who'd have thought! It's such a wonderful surprise!

Well, I have to say, this little trip has left me positively bursting with joy, my dear. From the charm of the town to the unexpected delights of the ballet school, Waterlooville has truly stolen a piece of my pink heart. So, my darlings, what have I learned today? Well, you never know where adventure might take you. And, as I like to say, the more fabulous, the better!

Now, as we bid farewell to this gorgeous little town, it’s time for a cheeky reminder, my darlings:


You can read the last few of my adventures here on www.pink-tutu.com, but always remember to embrace your inner sparkly self! After all, with a little pink magic and a sprinkle of tutu, the world can be our grand, glitter-strewn stage!

#TutuQueen on 2002-05-24 stars in Waterlooville