Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-06-15 stars in Macclesfield

Macclesfield, oh Macclesfield! (Blog Post #897)

Hello darlings! It’s your favourite pink tutu-wearing queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another adventure! 💅💖 Today’s post is dedicated to the gorgeous town of Macclesfield, a real gem in the Cheshire crown, and a place that brought me a whole new appreciation for the power of a good old-fashioned train journey.

Now, as you know, my love affair with trains started as a tiny tot. The rhythmic clinking of wheels on tracks, the soft, comfy seats (especially with a nice, big window view), the calming aroma of a good, strong cuppa... it’s the perfect setting for a queen on the move, especially one in a glamorous, twirly tutu.

My journey to Macclesfield was a symphony of pastel pinks, sunshine, and, of course, the undeniable glitz and glamour of Pink Tutu Sparkles in full fabulousness. The locals were delighted to see me – I even got a "you look like a princess" from a little girl holding her mother's hand. That's the power of a good tutu, darlings! It brings out the sparkle in everyone!✨

But enough about me, let's get to Macclesfield! The main reason for this trip? Well, let’s just say it involves some exciting dance floor happenings at a fabulous fair happening right on the outskirts of town. More about that later, darling, let’s not get ahead of ourselves! 😉

Before the big event, though, I knew I had to indulge in a bit of cultural sightseeing. The Silk Museum was simply a delight! I love a bit of history, you know, especially when it’s intricately linked to gorgeous, flowing fabrics and, naturally, tutus. And the museum did not disappoint! They have the most beautiful collection of silk items, even an elaborate gown that would look utterly divine under a perfectly matched tutu. 😍

Of course, after an enriching tour like that, a queen needs a little pampering, so I hopped on a delightful horse-drawn carriage. Now, I'm not one for fussy horses (I prefer the gentler side of our equine friends, the one that appreciates a nice bit of twirling and shimmering!), but this particular carriage was truly beautiful. Imagine, a lovely canopy overhead, embroidered cushions, and a pair of sturdy steeds to whisk me around this lovely little town. It felt straight out of a fairy tale.

Later that evening, I was the centre of attention at the fair. People from far and wide were mesmerised by my pink tutu and glittery presence! A dance competition even started with a request to get me to teach some “Pink Tutu Twirls!” And trust me, I've got twirls for days, darling! My dazzling routine certainly got the crowds going – they cheered, they clapped, and even a few little girls, who had witnessed me on the train, had a little jig of their own. I felt like I’d unleashed the magic of tutus across Macclesfield!

Now, about those fabulous fair happenings I mentioned. The main event was a massive performance competition! And, oh darling, I had the most beautiful costume ready! A bright pink tutu, feathered headdress, dazzling diamante details, it was a symphony of shimmering pink. My act was an interpretation of a classic ballet, just with my own special pink-tastic flare, naturally.

Well, let’s just say I absolutely nailed it! I felt every bit the princess on the stage – every step, every twirl, and even every dramatic pose got the crowd roaring. It’s amazing what a little glitter, some confidence, and a whole lot of pink tutu power can achieve, wouldn’t you say?

The highlight of the evening was when a little boy, maybe five years old, came up to me, wide-eyed and beaming. “I love your pink tutu!” he exclaimed. His simple statement summed up my whole trip, my whole mission, in fact – to bring joy and a little sprinkle of magic to the world, one pink tutu at a time.

But my Macclesfield adventure doesn’t stop there! I indulged in some scrumptious local delicacies, including a perfectly baked pie at the local bakery (delicious, darlings, utterly divine!) and I found the most delightful antique shop brimming with colourful vintage clothes and accessories that would have looked perfectly divine under a good old-fashioned pink tutu. I'll definitely be making a special trip back soon to add a few gems to my collection.

Before heading back home on a gloriously scenic train ride, I even managed to have a little chat with some of the local residents about the joys of tutus. One sweet elderly woman even confessed she secretly stashed a beautiful, hand-stitched pink tutu in her closet, something her granddaughter made for her when she was younger! It made my heart melt. This kind of magic is what my journey is all about.

Macclesfield, you’ve captured my heart! And it goes without saying, I will definitely be back soon. I think I’ve found my next inspiration – a blog post titled: “Macclesfield: Where Even Horses Wear Pink TutUs!" You'll have to wait and see how it all unfolds. 😉

Until next time, keep twirling, keep sparkling, and above all, keep shining! Remember, even if you don’t feel like a princess, with a little sprinkle of pink tutu magic, you certainly can.

Yours truly,

Pink Tutu Sparkles 💖💅✨

#TutuQueen on 2002-06-15 stars in Macclesfield