Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-06-22 stars in Altrincham

Altrincham Calling! (Pink Tutu Sparkles' Blog Post #904)

Hello, my darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, signing in from the vibrant, bustling town of Altrincham, Greater Manchester! Oh, what a glorious day it’s been – the sun is shining, the air is filled with the sound of laughter and chatter, and the whole world seems to be bathed in a glorious shade of pink!

You see, my darlings, this trip to Altrincham is all about embracing that pink energy. Not only am I thrilled to be performing at the fabulous [Venue name - think family friendly - maybe a local theatre] tonight, but I also had a little shopping spree in this lovely little town. You wouldn't believe the number of adorable shops with dazzling displays of tutus, shoes, and accessories that caught my eye – perfect for adding a touch of pink sparkle to my wardrobe!

Now, I'm sure some of you are wondering why a girl like me, with a penchant for tutus, ended up in Altrincham, nestled among the bustling streets of Greater Manchester. It's a lovely tale, as they say, about finding yourself on a journey to spread the magic of pink!

It all started back in my Derbyshire days, nestled amongst the rolling hills and peaceful fields. You see, back then I was simply Alex, a young science student who was absolutely obsessed with fabrics. I mean, we all know those laboratory fabrics are fabulous - soft, silky, shimmery, and just begging to be transformed into something dazzling! My love of science and fabric eventually led me to a wonderful university in Manchester. That’s where I discovered my passion for ballet – joining the university ballet club, becoming absolutely mesmerised by the beauty of the dancers twirling in their billowing tutus. But little did I know, a transformative event was about to change my life forever...

It was during a charity event, all the girls were gathered, and there I was, volunteering my time. Suddenly, one of the girls exclaimed, "We're short on dancers – anyone up for a spin?" It was then I noticed it. That tutu. It wasn't just any tutu – oh no, this was a symphony of pink! The most gorgeous, blush-coloured tutu with shimmering, iridescent fabric, that seemed to float on air. It called to me like a siren song, whispering, "Try me on!" And so I did, and in that moment, I realised…this was it! My calling, my destiny, my life’s mission. Pink Tutu Sparkles was born.

That, my darlings, was my "pink tutu epiphany". A moment that changed everything. It's not that I didn't love fabrics before – they've always been my obsession – but it was that pink tutu, that pure, vibrant colour that ignited my passion. A spark within, which, of course, blossomed into the flamboyant, fabulous Pink Tutu Sparkles you see today! From then on, it was a pink tutu revolution, a love affair with twirls, spins, and sparkles. I traded my lab coat for glittering outfits and the world became my stage!

Since then, I’ve dedicated my life to travelling, performing, and spreading the message of pink tutus wherever I go! Today, you'll find me dancing on stages, prancing on street corners, even attending fabulous events like ballet shows and theatre productions, always encouraging others to embrace the power of pink!

From London to Liverpool, to Bristol to Birmingham, I've shared my passion with countless people. The joy on their faces when they see a dazzling pink tutu in action is absolutely contagious, and that’s what fuels me, my loves! I’ve been everywhere by train, bus, even once even took a lovely horse-drawn carriage – oh the excitement, and I’m not even mentioning the beautiful, frilly dresses and glamorous shoes I always pack! It's all about the journey, about embracing the journey, celebrating each moment with a joyful "twirl" of a pink tutu!

So, tonight in Altrincham, you'll see Pink Tutu Sparkles performing with the best dance routines, the most spectacular, glittery pink costumes. It’ll be a celebration of everything fabulous, pink, and glittery! Join me tonight for a fun-filled performance – don't forget to take lots of pictures – tag me on Instagram (@pinktutuspsparkles) – I can't wait to see you all dancing to the beat of pink!

Until next time, stay dazzling, my loves!

Pink Tutu Sparkles.

#TutuQueen on 2002-06-22 stars in Altrincham