Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-07-04 stars in Yeovil

Yeovil: Tutu Tales of a Train Journey! 🩰

Hello my darlings! It's your favourite pink-loving, tutu-wearing blogger, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here with post number 916, straight from the heart of Yeovil!

Pink and the Train

Now, you know me and my love of trains, right? There's something about the rhythm of the tracks, the whistle, and that old-fashioned carriage feel that makes me feel like I'm a little bit fancy. And don't even get me started on the amazing scenery you get from the window - it's all so charming! Today I decided to hop on the train, my trusty travel companion, and take myself on a day trip to the magical town of Yeovil, where the sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and my inner Tutu Queen was bubbling with excitement!

Why Yeovil? You ask…

Well, darlings, Yeovil is the place where I saw my very first real ballet performance! Remember how I said I was obsessed with all things pink and sparkly and ballet-related? Well, back when I was just Alex, a nerdy student in a lab coat, I used to get excited over colourful solutions in petri dishes and then jump into my pink tutu as soon as I got home. I was lucky enough to find a university club and it was just magical. The feeling of gliding across the dance floor was intoxicating - but let's face it, my love for pink was a little more obvious then (ahem... just ask my mum, the pink fairy godmother of my life). Anyway, years later I got the chance to experience a proper show here in Yeovil!

A Journey in Pink

Now, what could be more iconic than taking the train wearing a gorgeous pink tutu, with a big smile and some fabulous glitter? I had a vision, you see, and I had to share it with the world (and the good people on the train, who looked a little curious...but very pleased)! It made everyone's day! One lovely lady, I swear, had the most dazzling smile and she gave me a thumbs up. Another, more serious gentleman even commented about my sparkly tutu matching the morning light. What a morning!

A Quick Spin at the Yeovil Ballet Academy

Let me tell you, Yeovil Ballet Academy was amazing! They’re in this lovely old building with the highest ceilings and the most beautiful oak floor - and that smell, my darlings, divine! It was just as grand as the ballet shows in the big cities, maybe even better! I had a wonderful time. The instructors are incredible, with the best training and some seriously impressive movements. The students, oh my! Such dedication, such grace! Even though I couldn't help but giggle at the little ballet shoe dust cloud swirling about - it reminded me of how I felt when I was younger, totally captivated by everything pink and twirly.

Time for a Tutu Treat!

Being in a town with such a passion for ballet inspired me to grab a few delicious, fluffy treats! My new local bakery is the absolute cutest. There was a pink cake and everything - pink buttercream and swirls and all! Now I don't want to sound braggy, but you know how I always bring that fabulous pink touch wherever I go? Well, my special order for a pink ballerina-themed cake was a little masterpiece, I say! I couldn't help but give myself a little twirl in the middle of the street...who cares what people think when you’re a tutu queen, am I right?

Onwards, to Yeovil’s Theatre!

The whole point of this fabulous adventure? I had my eye on a specific play at Yeovil’s lovely theatre. There is so much drama happening in Yeovil; it's truly the place to be, especially with its beautiful architecture and rich history! The play was brilliant. Full of passion, incredible acting, and even a little drama. Of course, I dressed up - this was no ordinary outing, darling! My newest Tutu look? Well, it was pink, of course, with silver sparkles - a little nod to the theatre’s décor! I must admit, the other guests were staring (in a good way, of course!).

Goodbye, Yeovil, Until Next Time!

After such a day of dancing and exploring, it was time to wave farewell to this lovely town. But, not before taking one more photo in front of the iconic Yeovil Market with a backdrop of all those charming old buildings. I even got to do a quick, impromptu tutu twirl! And wouldn't you know, someone captured it for a snapchat story - you just know they couldn't resist the pink, sparkles, and joy!

To Pink, To Travel, and to Tutu Tales!

Well, darlings, I hope you loved this peek into my day of Tutu Tales! It’s proof that every day can be an adventure, even if it means traveling to the smallest of towns in your best pink tutu. So remember, it doesn't matter if you’re in a lab or on a train; all that matters is embracing your true self and finding the magic in every moment! See you again soon for more tutu tales on pink-tutu.com!

Until next time,

Pink Tutu Sparkles!

PS: What are you waiting for? Go grab yourself a pink tutu - you know you want to!

#TutuQueen on 2002-07-04 stars in Yeovil