Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-07-25 stars in Fareham

Fareham Calling: Tutu Adventures and a Pink-tastic Performance! 🩰💖

Hello my darlings! It’s Pink Tutu Sparkles here, your favourite pink-loving, tutu-touting drag queen, reporting from the lovely seaside town of Fareham. Today marks my 937th post, so put the kettle on and grab a slice of victoria sponge - we've got a lot to cover!

Let's just say that getting here was an adventure. I opted for a scenic train journey, as usual, but my luggage decided to have a mind of its own. Let's just say the contents of my suitcase (namely, a very sparkly pink tutu) were not best pleased about sharing space with a rather large gentleman with an equally large amount of fish and chips. You can guess how THAT turned out... 😉 Luckily, the lovely railway staff came to the rescue with some hilarious (and rather messy) "spot-cleaning".

So, off I went to Fareham! It’s a real gem, this town! Beautiful shops, a charming little harbor, and oh-my-goodness, the seagulls... those feathered friends are truly the most glamorous in the county! I think my pink tutus are finally starting to rub off on them – just need to find a seagull with the right sense of style and flair!

Fareham is also incredibly theatre-friendly! The local playhouse had a truly spectacular production of Swan Lake running, which absolutely sent me to another realm! Imagine, swirling ballerinas in delicate white tutus, majestic swan costumes, and a musical score that sent shivers down my spine. Honestly, it was perfection - if it weren’t for my sparkly pink one, I’d be tempted to retire my tutu collection and become a ballerina! After all, everyone looks fabulous in a tutu - just ask my friends, the seagulls!

However, being a Pink Tutu Queen doesn’t just involve glamorous nights at the theatre! Yesterday, I found myself at a local children's fair - not just to watch the kiddies laugh and giggle, but to perform! Turns out, there’s nothing quite as hilarious and fun as watching small children marvel at a big pink tutu while you sing “I'm so glad I found a good tutu” off-key, on key - who’s to say? All I know is, *I was fabulous! *

Don’t get me wrong, my performance wasn’t just about me. Oh, no. The children looked so delighted! It really put the biggest smile on my face - seeing those happy, smiling little faces was the ultimate reward for all that sparkle and shimmy!

Besides, everyone needs a bit of pink, right? And that’s my mission: to spread pink-tastic joy, one sparkly tutu at a time.

And speaking of sparkle, I have the best news! The shop at Fareham that stocked the most magnificent array of fabrics and sewing supplies (with the best customer service ever!), has actually agreed to collaborate with me! We're talking pink tulle in all its glory, sequins, feathers... the possibilities are endless!

Oh my heavens, my brain is bursting with excitement. Imagine: custom-made pink tutus for every occasion, matching feather boas for those who love a little more whimsy, maybe even sequined headbands to complete the look! We're going to turn Fareham into the pinkest place in the UK, I can feel it in my sparkly, dancing heart!

But remember, darling, the Pink Tutu lifestyle is not just about fancy tutus and glitter. It's about expressing yourself, embracing the sparkle in every single moment, and, above all, just being YOU! No matter how wild or quirky, we all deserve to shine! And that, my dear friends, is what this crazy, fabulous pink-tutu-loving queen stands for!

So, keep checking in to my little corner of the internet - www.pink-tutu.com! - because there's a whole world of pink, tutus, and giggles just waiting to be explored. And hey, maybe even grab a tutu and let the sparkle flow! Who knows, you might be the next Pink Tutu Queen! 💖✨

Now, I’m off to enjoy the evening with my new feathered friends. See you all soon!

Always keep it pink, darlings! 💕

Pink Tutu Sparkles (aka Alex) xx

#TutuQueen on 2002-07-25 stars in Fareham