
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-08-04 stars in Strood

Strood, Darling! ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿ’–

Hello my sweet darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, back with another dazzling entry for your favourite daily dose of pink tutu perfection! This is post number 947, can you believe it? It's amazing to think that I've been sharing my love for all things sparkly and pink with you lovely people for over two years!

Right, I've got so much to tell you about my trip to Strood! It was such a glorious jaunt. This week, I hopped aboard a gleaming red train, with its beautiful shiny windows, and chugged right down to Kent for a delightful afternoon of Strood splendour.

Speaking of splendour, darling, you wouldn't believe what a sensational show I whipped up for them down there. The good people of Strood just love a good bit of Pink Tutu Sparkles, and I certainly didn't disappoint. Now, I know I say this all the time, but you just HAVE to come and see a show for yourself. Thereโ€™s something so special about that live performance energy that I canโ€™t even explain, darling! I was even blessed with a fabulous view from the stage too!

Before I dazzled the crowds of Strood, I had a chance to explore a little. Darling, let me tell you, the Kent countryside is heavenly. All those fields of flowers and quaint little villages... the perfect inspiration for a bit of outfit brainstorming! Did I mention I may have picked up some absolutely stunning, very pink ribbons from a quaint little haberdashery shop? They're perfect for my next new look, a full on pink tutu extravaganza, darling. Think a cloud of spun sugar pinkness, topped with a fabulous bow and more sparkle than you could imagine. Honestly, I might have to give up my day job just to stay home and play with fabrics and make pretty pink tutu creations!

Oh, you lovely lot must hear all about my newest love for the countryside! While Strood itself was wonderful, my heart truly melted for the rolling green hills and fields. I couldn't help but feel inspired by all those wild flowers and ancient hedgerows - donโ€™t worry, they all got a few puffs of Pink Tutu Sparkles hairspray from my compact fan just for good measure, obviously! Speaking of ancient things, I actually spotted a very old, very tall oak tree. My goodness, you've never seen anything quite like it, so grand and imposing, just like the fabulous people of Strood, darlings.

Now, I couldn't possibly go all this way without experiencing the local delicacies. Strood boasts the best selection of cherry and almond pastries you can imagine, a real taste of the county. But let's not forget my absolute favourite - pink jelly! Pink and fluffy, perfect for a sweet, delicious pick me up between my busy dance practices. I just know youโ€™re wondering, darling, how my hair is always so fluffy, I do tell you, Pink Tutu Sparkles never steps out without a touch of pink gel for the ultimate in fluffy perfection.

Let me tell you, the locals just adore Pink Tutu Sparkles and love to chat, particularly about fashion, darlings! One wonderful chap, I swear he must be the best barber in Strood, he insisted on styling my fringe for me. Such talent, darling! Itโ€™s honestly all so surreal and amazing. There is no greater feeling than knowing you can touch people's hearts through your pink tutu love.

I am off to the next amazing adventure on the morning train, darlings. Don't forget to keep your eyes peeled for your very own pink tutu to arrive soon! And remember, even if itโ€™s just for a fleeting moment, letโ€™s bring a bit of pink tutu magic to the world, darling!

See you all in my next post, darling! Until then, keep twirling! ๐Ÿ’–

XOXO Pink Tutu Sparkles ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿ’–


#TutuQueen on 2002-08-04 stars in Strood