Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-08-11 stars in Bishops Stortford

Bishops Stortford, Darlings! (Blog Post #954)

Oh my gosh, my gorgeous followers, you won’t believe where I’ve just been! A right proper trip to Bishops Stortford! It’s not every day you get to grace the hallowed halls of a place like that. As the name suggests, there’s something utterly captivating about a place named after bishops, right? Makes you think of grandeur and grace and all things sophisticated, just like me, wink, wink!

Anyway, Bishops Stortford was the most delightful treat! I took the train there - yes, I love nothing more than a good journey by train, watching the world go by through the window while I daydream and people-watch (and, of course, make sure my makeup stays immaculate!) This place is simply adorable! I wandered about for hours and felt as though I was stepping into a classic fairytale! All the quaint little shops, charming little houses with flower boxes... sighs dreamily. Just the perfect setting for my pink tutu! I can see why Jane Austen would’ve set a book or two here – you know, with all the drama of love affairs and such! (Spoiler Alert: Mine will involve much more pink than any of those literary lovebirds!)

Bishops Stortford also has a lovely theatre and I just had to go see a performance. Oh, darling! The show was pure magic, complete with a dazzling ballet scene that sent shivers down my spine. My favourite tutu look is my pale pink one with the delicate sequins, you know? Just divine! So as the dancers twirled with grace and passion, I couldn't help but think that Pink Tutu Sparkles might just be ready for her own ballet show... Perhaps The Pink Tutu Nutcracker? Imagine the wonder! It would be utterly fab! I'm sure my trusty dance shoes would take to the stage with a twinkle in their soles.

Honestly, my love for the colour pink, tutus, ballet, and beautiful performances know no bounds. Just picture me in that delightful shade, swirling, pirouetting, and simply embracing the joy of movement. Life is all about colour, darling, especially a whole lot of pink. If you see me there at my next show, make sure you yell a big Pink Tutu Sparkles across the crowd. I'll probably be spinning in a giant pink tutu - there's never enough pink!

Speaking of pink, and let's face it, everything is about pink, my darling friends! There's a certain, you know, magical quality to pink, it's like wearing sunshine. And while I know some people are terrified of wearing this joyous hue (I just don’t understand! How can you possibly be afraid of happiness? The nerve!), my mission is to spread the joy of pink and, of course, encourage everyone to rock a pink tutu! I can’t stress enough the beauty of a well-placed tutu - whether it's a classic dance style, or just a bit of fashion magic for the everyday life! Pink tutus can add that little something special to any look – think: power walk, taking out the rubbish, you name it! Embrace the tutu! The more pink, the better!

Speaking of a ‘pinky’ way of living… My real-life name is Alex, and my daytime job is the most fascinating thing – I work as a scientist! You would be so surprised that my scientific background combines perfectly with my drag career, giggles. I actually specialize in textiles. Yup! That's right! My work is all about fabric, its structure, its properties... And let me tell you, I'm an absolute expert on fabric. But guess what my favorite fabric is? Pink tulle, duh! The feel of it, the delicate softness, the ability to create incredible swirling, voluminous gowns... You can tell my mind never rests on just one color or a single outfit.

I used to study in the great county of Derbyshire. Believe it or not, one day, while I was still at the university and in the ballet club, my life took an amazing twist! We were holding a charity event and ... drumroll… a gorgeous pink tutu magically came my way! That day, my drag persona was born! Pink Tutu Sparkles, darling, and you’ll find me making a pink splash around the UK! My little dream? To get the whole nation to embrace the beauty of the pink tutu – to bring a splash of pink to every street corner and, let's face it, everyone needs a bit of extra sparkle.

The rest of you are just catching up! I love touring the country – a good train ride or a swift trip on horseback (I'm quite the equestrian in my free time – imagine my outfit: pink riding boots with pink sparkle detailing, pink silk top, of course a pink helmet with the Pink Tutu Sparkles logo, and of course my iconic pink tutu!), makes for such wonderful travel stories to add to my blog. I just love getting to experience the diverse characters and incredible scenes that life has to offer!

Well, that's all, my darling friends. Stay fabulous and don't be afraid to embrace a little bit of pink in your life. As for me? I'm off to plan my next adventure, but I’m already envisioning myself prancing across the countryside on a beautiful steed, clad in a swirling, pink, sequin-embellished tutu! And trust me, this isn’t just a fashion statement – it’s a lifestyle!

See you soon for another spectacular Pink Tutu adventure!

Pinky kisses,

Pink Tutu Sparkles


#TutuQueen on 2002-08-11 stars in Bishops Stortford