Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-08-13 stars in Coalville

Coalville: A Tutu-tiful Time! (Blog Post #956)

Hello darlings, and welcome back to my little corner of the internet, www.pink-tutu.com! Your fabulous friend Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to share the dazzling delights of my latest adventure: a whirlwind trip to the charming town of Coalville.

As a queen who firmly believes that life is too short for drab colours and dull attire, my love affair with pink tutus knows no bounds. I am eternally grateful for the day I slipped into one at uni, raising funds for a local charity – that glorious feeling of twirling and soaring is a memory I cherish. Little did I know then that this was the spark of something extraordinary, igniting my passion for both the shimmering world of dance and the expressive art of drag.

Today, I wear my pink tutu proudly, spreading a message of joy and self-expression, encouraging everyone to embrace their inner sparkle. Whether it’s taking ballet class in a fluffy tutu or gracefully waltzing onto the stage for a drag performance, I am on a mission to transform the world into a rainbow of twirling wonder, one pink tutu at a time!

But let’s get back to the adventure at hand – Coalville! Now, for those of you unfamiliar with this lovely little town in Leicestershire, let me paint you a picture. Imagine cobblestone streets lined with charming boutiques, bustling markets filled with local treasures, and an air of warmth and community that melts your heart. This was the perfect setting for a little bit of Pink Tutu Sparkles magic.

My journey to Coalville began, as it often does, in the most glamorous way possible – on the back of a majestic steed. My trusty steed for the occasion? A beautiful, black-as-night horse with a heart of gold. This majestic creature carried me, and my entire wardrobe (it’s quite the task, you know!), straight to the heart of Coalville.

Now, some might say this was a slightly unusual choice of transport for a drag queen, but honestly, there’s something incredibly freeing about galloping across the countryside. The wind whipping through your hair, the sun kissing your skin, the rhythm of hooves drumming against the earth – it’s an experience that truly elevates the soul!

And let’s be real, darlings, a grand arrival calls for an equally grand entrance. So, I took a deep breath, a confident twirl, and strutted through the heart of Coalville, my pink tutu catching the afternoon sunlight and sending shimmers of joy across the town square.

I'd been booked for a fun fundraising event for a local children’s charity, and you better believe I was ready to give those darling little angels a night to remember! Imagine my excitement – a vibrant mix of families and locals, all smiles and anticipation. As soon as I took to the stage, the energy was electric. I felt like a glittering pin in the middle of this wonderful, diverse tapestry. We sang, we laughed, we danced, and of course, there were plenty of twirls! For a moment, it was like everyone forgot about the world outside the stage and surrendered to the joy of shared entertainment. This, my loves, is why I do what I do – the power of laughter, of joy, of being utterly unapologetically yourself!

After my performance, I ventured out to explore the town and discover all the hidden gems Coalville had to offer. You see, I am not just a drag queen, darlings, I’m a bit of a travel enthusiast! Every town, every city tells a story. Coalville’s story unfolded before me as I wandered down cobbled lanes, its historic architecture whispering tales of times past. I admired the grandeur of St. Michael’s Church, with its stunning stained-glass windows reflecting the fading light of day.

I couldn’t resist popping into a couple of boutiques – what can I say? A queen’s got to shop! The charming shopkeeper, a dear lady named Fiona, shared tales of Coalville's history while I snagged a few fabulous vintage treasures. Fiona told me that the Coalville of today is a far cry from the bustling mining town it once was. Now, it boasts a vibrant arts scene, a warm and friendly community spirit, and an atmosphere of creativity that really resonates with my artistic soul.

Later, I dined in the grandest restaurant I could find, and oh, was it a treat! The dining room was a magnificent space, bathed in candlelight and graced by elegant décor. The cuisine was exquisite, each bite a symphony of flavour, and my taste buds did a little celebratory jig! It’s not all about sparkly outfits and dramatic make-up, you know, darlings, sometimes a sophisticated dinner in a fine establishment can truly nourish the soul.

My stay in Coalville was a delightful reminder of how even the smallest towns can surprise you with their beauty, their warmth, and their quirky charm. I made a few new friends along the way – I do tend to attract lovely souls, after all, – and felt inspired by the warmth of the Coalville community.

So, if you find yourself in need of a little dose of joy and inspiration, do head over to Coalville. Take a stroll through the park, soak up the atmosphere of its lively marketplace, and be sure to pop into those quaint little boutiques, you might just discover a little something sparkly that catches your fancy!

I must confess, as I hopped on my train back home, leaving Coalville behind, a tiny pang of sadness swept over me. It was hard to say goodbye to a town that had captured my heart in just a few short hours. But hey, a girl’s gotta keep moving, right? After all, the world is my stage, and there are countless other enchanting places just waiting to be explored, a pink tutu at a time!

Till next time, darlings, and remember, let your sparkle shine brightly!

Love always,

Pink Tutu Sparkles x


#TutuQueen on 2002-08-13 stars in Coalville