Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-11-20 stars in Aberdeen

Aberdeen Adventures! 🎀🌸✨ (Blog Post #1055)

Hello my darlings! It’s your favourite Pink Tutu Queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to take you on a whirlwind tour of Aberdeen, a city that’s utterly charming and as vibrant as a rainbow after a summer shower! 🌈

As you know, my mission is to spread the gospel of pink tutus far and wide, and Aberdeen was the perfect place to do just that. I boarded the train from Derbyshire (a journey that always fills me with so much excitement, trains are just so grand!) wearing a brand new tutu that sparkled like a constellation. I can’t tell you how much I love a good train ride, you can practically feel the world rushing by as you journey towards adventure, and trust me, my darlings, there's always adventure to be had! I’m sure you all know how I love a good carriage - not the horse-drawn kind (although those are utterly divine, I’d love to see the Scottish Highlands on horseback one day), but the carriages in the railway kind of way, you know, the plush seats and the soft clicking of the wheels. My own carriage became a personal stage - I belted out show tunes with the greatest gusto, and trust me, the other passengers were loving it! Just ask them, the gentleman sitting next to me almost spilled his tea with laughter! 😂

After a delightful journey, I finally reached Aberdeen. Now, Aberdeen has the most beautiful, charming vibe you can imagine! From the historic harbourfront to the gorgeous architecture, it’s a place that whispers stories of old. As I sashayed through the streets, I could practically hear whispers of Victorian times! 🏛️ You all know how much I love history (I even wear historical costumes from time to time, they are just SO fabulous, and really go with my love of dramatic fabrics and bold colours!), so I knew I had to pay a visit to the magnificent Aberdeen Art Gallery and Museum. Inside, the beautiful sculptures and the history of Aberdeen’s maritime industry took me right back in time!

But of course, this wouldn’t be a Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure without a sprinkle of theatrical magic! My darling friend, Millie Mellow, joined me in the city for a spectacular ballet show. We saw a stunning performance of ‘Swan Lake’, with beautiful dancing and incredible costumes. Of course, I even snagged a pink tutu-inspired outfit that mirrored one of the swans (pink is a very popular colour in ballet costumes too!), and Millie went all out in a chic black tulle number with a gorgeous matching hat! 🦢

Now, you know that a girl needs to look fabulous and I always love a bit of shopping in any city I go to. But what really caught my eye was a fantastic vintage shop in Aberdeen, bursting with glittery and colourful clothes. Let’s just say, a little bit of pink ended up following me home, including a dazzling feather boa that's just begging to be worn! 💖

But no trip is complete without a bit of good old fashioned fun! We enjoyed a beautiful traditional fish and chips by the harbourfront (it was seriously delicious, my dears!), and of course, I couldn’t resist trying some haggis while in Scotland! You can't be in Scotland without having a taste, even if it’s just to tick it off your list!

Aberdeen, with its charming cobbled streets and friendly folk, won my heart right away! Even though the city was fairly bustling, I found a peaceful haven in the beautiful Duthie Park, with its tranquil lake, rose garden, and a greenhouse filled with vibrant exotic plants. I could almost feel my worries floating away on a gentle breeze! 🌸🌿

Aberdeen felt like a perfect blend of traditional charm and modern dynamism, a wonderful cocktail of culture, history and of course, plenty of sparkle! As you know, my dears, a pink tutu can take you anywhere, and in Aberdeen, I felt like a shimmering princess from a fairytale.

I hope my adventures have inspired you all to put on your fanciest outfits and travel to new places, wherever they may be! Whether you choose to travel by train, by plane, or even by horse (I hope to make that happen one day), go explore the world, wear a tutu with pride and never, ever forget the power of pink! 💕✨

P.S. Don't forget to visit www.pink-tutu.com and leave a comment telling me about your favourite travels! And until next time, stay sparkly, stay fabulous, and keep dancing! ✨💖

#TutuQueen on 2002-11-20 stars in Aberdeen