Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-11-25 stars in Paris

Bonjour, mon chérie! Paris, I’m Coming for You! (Post #1060)

Ooh la la, my darlings! It’s Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from the magical city of Paris!

Today’s blog post is all about dreams coming true, tutus twinkling under the Eiffel Tower, and a whirlwind adventure in the most romantic city in the world! I mean, seriously, what’s more fabulous than a Parisian adventure in a fabulous pink tutu? I’m positively giddy with excitement just thinking about it!

But first, a quick trip down memory lane… you see, I’ve always been a bit of a romantic at heart. Growing up in the picturesque county of Derbyshire, surrounded by rolling hills and whispering fields, I always dreamed of venturing off on grand adventures. Maybe it was the magic of fairytale books or those childhood trips to the theatre with my granny, but the seed of wanderlust was planted deep within me, waiting to blossom.

Fast forward to my university days, where I was knee-deep in a rather complicated science degree and utterly disillusioned by the endless rows of test tubes and beakers. Then, bam! My life changed forever. My bestie dragged me to the university's ballet club, and after a rather epic game of 'never have I ever', I found myself… wearing a tutu! Now, I know what you’re thinking – a scientist and a tutu?! The very concept seemed bonkers even to me. But trust me, when you’re trying to raise money for charity, nothing is off the menu, my lovelies! And to be honest, I've always had a penchant for twirling. The moment I slipped that fluffy pink masterpiece over my head, it was as if a hidden part of me woke up and yelled, "This is where I belong! This is what I was made for!" From that day forth, I was officially smitten. Not just with the tutu (which was seriously fabulous), but with the joy and freedom it represented. And of course, the feeling of empowerment!

So, there you have it – Pink Tutu Sparkles was born! Now, I wouldn’t say the transition was smooth sailing (scientists aren’t exactly renowned for their flamboyant fashion choices, ha!). But let’s just say I managed to seamlessly blend my love for science with the world of dance and sequins! Imagine - I test fabric in a laboratory by day and sashay my way onto the stage by night! Talk about a full-spectrum career!

Fast forward a few years and here I am, on the eve of my Parisian adventure. Now, getting to Paris is a journey in itself! I decided against the plane this time (always a touch overwhelming, wouldn’t you say?), opting for the magic of the railway instead! Imagine, rolling through the countryside, the gentle sway of the train, the soothing rhythm of the tracks… And yes, my trusty pink tutu was in tow! It practically vibrates with anticipation! (Yes, I do speak tutu language, darling.)

So, where shall we begin our journey? The Eiffel Tower, of course! And it goes without saying, my darling, that we'll be taking pictures. Loads and loads of pictures. Imagine the glorious views from atop that majestic iron tower! All captured with me looking utterly fabulous in my shimmering pink tutu, a vision of Paris chic!

I can already feel the warm Parisian air, the charming cobbled streets, the whispers of history and art. The City of Lights… and tutus? I think I'm already in love.

Stay tuned, my dears! You’ll be able to follow my Parisian escapade right here, with lots of photos, Parisian fashion tips (it’s ALL about Parisian chic, my love!), and probably a few tales of utter ridiculousness. And who knows, maybe even a glimpse into the world of French ballet! (I’ve heard they’ve got some amazing schools and performance halls - cue squealing with excitement).

Remember, the world is a stage and there’s a pink tutu waiting for you to twirl in! So, spread your wings and join me in this incredible adventure!

Bisous, mon chérie! Pink Tutu Sparkles


#TutuQueen on 2002-11-25 stars in Paris