Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-11-30 stars in Gloucester

Gloucester: A Tutu-tastic Adventure!

#TutuQueen Post #1065

Hello my darlings, it's your favourite pink-tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles!

Today I'm bubbling with excitement because I'm writing to you from glorious Gloucester, a city that's definitely stolen my heart, if not my tutu. This week, I embarked on a fabulous journey by train - yes, my dear, I love the railway, such a classic way to travel. The carriages just seem to emanate an air of whimsy and glamour, perfect for a girl like me! And don't get me started on the plush seats and that little fold-out table, perfect for perfecting my lipstick.

As always, I made sure to pack my pink tutu (my favourite one, with the feathers) and my wardrobe full of shimmer and shine. This town's got such a rich history, which is always exciting to explore, but really, it's the energy and warmth of the people here that have made my stay so wonderful.

Before I share my latest adventures, let me tell you a little secret. There was a time, a long time ago, when this Pink Tutu Queen had a name - it was "Alex" - but darling, we don't speak of that time anymore!

Oh, don't worry, my loves, Alex still exists. It's just, by day, I toil in a lab testing fabrics, making sure they are perfect and colourfast - a tedious but important job for a queen with a passion for fabulousness! And then...when the day has ended and the lab is dark...bam! It's Pink Tutu Sparkles time. I switch off the scientific mind and slip on my pink tulle.

Speaking of my scientific pursuits...do you know how the obsession started? It all came down to a charity fundraiser at university. I was studying science - can you believe it? - but I joined the university ballet club because... well, let's just say I always loved to twirl and that my life felt incomplete without ballet shoes. And there it was, a huge pile of pink tutus for people to try on to raise funds for the dance department. I was mesmerized - I was, after all, a little girl at heart, a ballet fanatic and… and I'm so glad I wasn't a size twelve, because my inner diva screamed "TAKE ME NOW" as I twirled in the pink fabric! The rest, as they say, is history, and here I am, rocking pink tutus and sharing my adventures with you.

Okay, back to the Gloucester adventure! This town is simply buzzing with artistic energy. As soon as I arrived, I felt the call of the stage! My first stop, of course, was the grand old theatre – and let me tell you, the auditorium felt as though it whispered a thousand secrets of glorious past performances. It’s where I felt the inspiration to take up dance, you know?

Oh darling, there was a performance that left me speechless! It was a ballet with the most beautiful choreography. The dancers flowed with grace, like wisps of smoke painted in motion. Every move told a story – it was art in its purest form! And my dears, how they soared through the air, their pink tutus whirling with the movement, just like my own. I was mesmerized! Later that night, I was thrilled to be invited backstage and spent hours chatting with the ballerinas. What lovely ladies – true queens in their own right.

After the theatre, I ventured down to the docks and I can tell you, it was pure enchantment! You just can't beat that salty air and the sense of history on the cobblestones. It reminded me so much of being by the coast in Derbyshire. But darling, did you know that there’s a big street art scene in Gloucester? The cobbled streets are lined with vibrant murals, each one telling a story. They’re quite an eye-catcher – so vivid, like a burst of color that just made my heart sing. And the beauty of street art? You can just stumble upon it – an unexpected surprise that makes a stroll through town so delightful.

And while exploring, I came across this gorgeous little shop overflowing with pink. Pink ribbons, pink purses, pink scarves… you name it, they had it! It was as though this store was tailor-made for Pink Tutu Sparkles herself! Oh, and they also had this delightful selection of tutus - even one that had pink polka dots! How could I possibly leave without buying a souvenir? My lovely fellow tutu enthusiast, let me tell you, there is simply nothing that brings more joy than discovering pink tutus on the road. And trust me, I haven't forgotten about YOU. Every time I go shopping on my travels, I grab some special treats for my online family, the best followers on the planet. I'm planning a special give away soon, so stay tuned!

But darling, what good is a journey without a bit of sparkle, right? So, I found this quaint café nestled in a narrow street. You know, the kind with tables outside, perfect for watching the world go by. Well, what did I discover? A Pink Tutu Sparkles Tea Party ! This is why I travel my darlings – the world is so full of exciting things, just waiting to be explored. And don't you think this little party was just meant to be? I think so too! There I was, sipping on pink tea, adorned in my pink tulle, chatting with local drag queens – fabulous, talented, inspiring women who all made me feel like I'd found my own tribe!

Now, let's talk horses! The beauty of a place like Gloucester is that you are surrounded by history, but with a charming modern feel. The centre of town felt modern, but I also had a great time exploring the historic spots on the outskirts, with all those quaint, rural vibes. It was the perfect blend of old-world charm and a touch of the modern. And darling, you've guessed it - this meant one thing – riding horses! Picture me, hair flowing, dressed in pink of course – just like my favourite ballet tutu – and galloping through the rolling hills of Gloucestershire. Honestly, a picture of perfection, darling! My loves, this wasn't a race; it was a gentle canter, the perfect way to unwind after a busy day and enjoy the quiet countryside. And do you know what I realized? Horses and pink tutus? Just an unbeatable combination. A match made in heaven. I don't even have a favourite one! They both represent a love of freedom, of expressing oneself, and letting your inner joy out!

My journey in Gloucester, my darlings, was so filled with whimsy, charm and wonder – just like a perfect pink tutu. There's a certain sparkle here that you can’t find anywhere else! This city, it really embraces everyone, including the eccentric pink tutu wearing queen, with a warmth that fills the air!

Don’t forget to pop over to www.pink-tutu.com and let me know what you think of my adventures in Gloucestershire! What adventures have you been on lately? Share your stories, my loves, and never be afraid to embrace the sparkle! I’ll be back soon with more pink-tutu adventures from all over the UK!

Until then, sparkle and twirl, darlings!

                                 **Pink Tutu Sparkles** 💖

#TutuQueen on 2002-11-30 stars in Gloucester