Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-12-24 stars in New York

New York, New York: Pink Tutu Takes Manhattan! (Blog Post #1089)

Hello my darling dears, it's your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles, back again with another dazzlingly fabulous blog post! I hope this finds you well, in the midst of all your holiday hustle and bustle.

As you all know, I'm a bit obsessed with a good festive season, and what's more festive than a trip to the Big Apple during the holiday season? Oh darling, the sights, the smells, the pure magic of it all! Just typing those words brings a shimmer to my eye. I know what you're thinking - "Pink Tutu Sparkles in New York?" It sounds absolutely fabulous, doesn't it? Well, I'm here to tell you, it truly is. And let me tell you, darling, my little Pink Tutu Sparkles had a right royal time.

But before we dive into all the glittery glamour, let me share a little secret - the journey to New York was quite a story. See, being a Pink Tutu Sparkles fan, you've already gathered I love all things pink, tutus, sparkly, fabulous, and oh yes, absolutely unique. Now, getting to the States, I couldn't go via boring ol' planes, could I? My heart whispered, "Train," and that's exactly where I ended up. My journey began in good old Derbyshire, the very county that birthed Pink Tutu Sparkles herself. From Derbyshire, it was a gloriously magical train ride. I have to say, train travel truly allows you to appreciate the changing scenery; imagine those gorgeous English countryside landscapes whizzing by! I even squeezed in a performance in a quaint village on my way to London (I'll post a snap of that one on my Instagram, check it out!).

Arriving in London was a bit like being back in a big-city fairy tale - the hustle, the bustle, the sound of chatter in every language imaginable, all while trying to juggle my suitcases. I'll admit, the chaos did give me a little chuckle! After grabbing some breakfast from a cute café in Covent Garden, where the deliciousness filled my Pink Tutu heart, I found my way to St. Pancras station, feeling like a character stepping onto the platform of a Hogwarts Express movie!

Oh, you've no idea, darling! The journey to New York on the train was simply the dream - a dream I can truly say is finally coming true for this little pink tutu loving queen! I saw all sorts - snowcapped mountains, icy seas, the world zipping past in a whirlwind of snowy scenery! Even met some absolutely fabulous fellow passengers, who even offered to hold my pink tutu up for pictures. I've got a picture that I'll share on www.pink-tutu.com soon; let me tell you, the look of utter disbelief and glee on their faces as I strutted through the train carriage, my pink tutu shimmering in all its glory? Oh my, you simply have to see it! It was so worth the journey just for the moment they couldn't contain their inner glee at the sheer joy of Pink Tutu. It was everything! And to say it was the highlight of my trip would be a gross understatement!

Now, finally, New York. Darling, it truly lived up to the hype. Just stepping off the train at Penn Station, the hustle and bustle, the smell of the city, the excitement just pulsating everywhere! This wasn't the sleepy English village I came from - oh no, this was New York! And my pink tutu was about to make it sparkle even more.

After getting settled into my beautiful hotel (all the pink frills and plush cushions a queen could want!), the time had come for me to take on Manhattan! Firstly, the Empire State Building, that's a given. The view from up there? Simply magnificent. And it all looked even more fantastic when the sun was setting, the whole city lit up like a Christmas tree, just glorious! The Christmas decorations throughout the city were the icing on the cake. They've really got this festive season nailed! And that's just a teeny bit of my time in New York. We also did the shopping - Tiffany's, Bergdorf Goodman - the crème de la crème! Oh, and speaking of the crème de la crème - don't even get me started on the New York Ballet.

I swear, dear readers, seeing those dancers perform at the New York City Ballet was enough to make me want to leap onto the stage and do a grand jeté across the stage. My tutu just started screaming for some real-life dancing. There is no bigger inspiration in the whole wide world than a beautifully choreographed ballet! I saw "The Nutcracker," you all know, the classic. I know it well! But being there, in the Lincoln Centre, in New York City… It was like being part of the show! Those gorgeous costumes, the elegance of the dance - my dear friends, the very air in the theatre was just vibrating with sheer beauty! Oh, if you're looking for a spectacular performance during the festive season, look no further.

My first time at Broadway, I almost lost my words, almost! The entire theatre district in all its dazzlingly lit-up glory - oh, the spectacle was breathtaking. To hear the sound of applause and see that spark of excitement and wonder in the eyes of fellow audience members – my heart just danced! But the highlight, oh, the real highlight? Why, darling, it had to be seeing "Moulin Rouge! The Musical". The show itself? Simply dazzling. Every aspect was absolutely phenomenal, from the costumes to the music and choreography - a pure explosion of color and energy! Honestly, the show is one of those truly immersive experiences. I could still feel my feet tapping long after it was over.

My next stop - and darling, my biggest challenge to date – the Rockefeller Center! And trust me, a Christmas tree like that is the most magical sight! The lights twinkling, the skating rink below, and all that joyful Christmas atmosphere swirling around me – it was pure enchantment! Oh, and guess who braved the cold in their pink tutu? Yup, this Pink Tutu Sparkles was definitely there. But honestly, darling, after an hour skating in that snowstorm - my, I'm not so sure it was my wisest move. My inner science geek kept whispering about ice, and frostbite, and shivering - my science mind and my tutu-wearing self got in quite the tussle. But hey, no risk, no reward, right? The pictures were gorgeous, darling, the pictures! And don't worry, a little tutu-lover was never going to miss the chance of a hot chocolate after a brisk Christmas ice skating session. Hot chocolate? It simply had to be with whipped cream, a pink marshmallow on top, and enough pink sprinkles to get me into a festive mood, if you know what I mean. You simply can't come to New York at Christmas without that picture-perfect Christmas experience. And that's exactly what I got. Oh, what memories to cherish!

Another thing - oh, this I have to share! My stay in the Big Apple came with a special kind of enchantment. My little heart started thumping like a hummingbird's wings - a real heart attack, darling - when a little boy stopped me in the middle of the street! It was, like, the most adorable scene you've ever seen. It was during a snow shower in the park near the Flatiron Building. It was an amazing moment of pure joy. I could see the wide-eyed wonder on his face, and when he saw the twinkle in my eye, oh my, the joy. My little heart melted with sweetness, so I let him twirl in my pink tutu! And don't worry, darling, it all came with a whole lot of high fives. That memory will be forever imprinted in my pink tutu heart.

Well, darling, my trip to New York truly has given me so many memories that will sparkle forever! My pink tutu feels a tad bit exhausted after so much traveling - let's be real, those trains aren't built for the size of my fabulous tutus. But, I have to admit, I couldn't ask for a better place to have this festive adventure. As a rule of thumb, always go for what sparkles your heart - your inner tutu may tell you where you need to be, and, you just have to trust it, darling! The experience I had has rekindled a bit of that pink magic within. If a little pink tutu from Derbyshire can conquer a big city like New York, then believe me, anything is possible!

But until next time, darling, I'm off back to my life back in Derbyshire - back to my science lab and my own world of fabric testing by day and dazzling all the little village halls and village pubs with my spectacular drag shows by night.

Don't forget, darling, to check back tomorrow for another fabulously fabulous pink-tutu adventure!

Until then, my lovely dears,

Keep the sparkle in your heart,

And remember - Every day's a good day to wear pink tutu!


Pink Tutu Sparkles 💖✨

#TutuQueen on 2002-12-24 stars in New York