Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-12-26 stars in Hayes

Hayes, A Pink Tutu Paradise! 🩰💖🚂

Blog Post Number 1091

Hey gorgeous darlings! 💖 It's your favourite Pink Tutu Sparkles, here with another daily dose of glitter, grace, and all things pink! Today, I'm sharing the fabulously twirling adventures I've had in the charming town of Hayes.

Let me tell you, the journey itself was a total dream! I hopped aboard a gorgeous vintage train, my pink tulle swishing with every chug and puff of the engine. My fellow passengers were charmed by my outfit, and several of them even confessed their secret tutu-wearing desires. Just wait 'til they see my new line of Pink Tutu Sparkles headbands – coming soon!

I’m loving how easy it is to hop on a train and travel to a new place. It’s so much better than the car, not only can I keep my big, pink tutu clean and my sparkly makeup smudge-free, but it’s just such a fun way to arrive at my destination. Plus it gives me plenty of time to ponder my latest tutu creations and chat with other fellow travellers.

Once I arrived in Hayes, I was struck by its beautiful Victorian architecture, the friendly people, and, of course, its fantastic theatre scene! Oh, how I love a good theatrical performance. The graceful dancers and powerful acting really set my creative mind buzzing. They might not all wear tutus, but I reckon I can inspire them to embrace their inner ballerina – with a little pink encouragement, of course!

The ballet class I took at the local dance studio was a right blast! It was a joy to share the space with so many talented dancers of all ages. We even got to try a new routine set to the soundtrack of Singin’ in the Rain - what could be more fabulous than a good, old-fashioned ballet routine in a pink tutu with an iconic musical score? We finished off with a little tea party in the studio’s tea room. It really wouldn't be a ballet class without a cuppa!

Speaking of fabulous, let me tell you about the most wonderful clothes shop I discovered tucked away in a quaint corner of Hayes. It's called 'A Stitch in Time' and it's crammed with every possible pink accessory imaginable! My bag was brimming with gorgeous feather boas, sequins, and, of course, several metres of the most delicate pink tulle. Now, don't think that just any tulle will do. The kind I need is all hand-stitched with tiny glitter and silk beads - each tutu a bespoke creation for my Pink Tutu Sparkles shows. I can't let just any old tulle near my sparkling booty, no siree!

Later that evening, I performed my signature show at the local theatre in Hayes. It was a real triumph, the audience were absolutely captivated. You could tell by the cheers, the applause and the many enthusiastic shouts of "more! More!" Even though my costume was very sparkly, it didn’t detract from my performance! I think people found the dazzling glitter accents a fabulous reflection of the story I told through my dancing. There were a few cheeky fellas in the front row who tried to sneak their smartphones up to try and capture a bit of my pink tulle on video, but no worries darling, my trusty crew always has a plan! We manage to get everyone to keep those flashing phones pocketed while still enjoying the show. The important thing is that the whole performance was truly wonderful – even without being immortalised on Tik Tok!

What a whirlwind of a day! Between ballet classes, theatre shows and all that amazing shopping, I really think that Hayes has become my new pink haven. Now, I'm off to plan my next big adventure - maybe a trip to Brighton by horse this time, or perhaps I'll take a vintage car tour across the Lake District - just as long as my pink tutu is at my side, ready to spark joy wherever I go!

Speaking of spark joy… have any of you lovely people embraced the tutu life? I really believe that every woman, man or non-binary pal needs a little pink tutu magic in their lives! Whether it's a sparkly, full-length tutu like mine or a simple, plain one, tutus can be so versatile. I even heard of a scientist at the university who wore a bright pink tutu to her lab party - so stylish! It inspired a whole load of people to put on their dancing shoes! Now that’s what I call tutu power!

Do send me your favourite tutu memories or questions - and please share pictures! Let's spread the pink tulle love across the world, one sparkling tutu at a time. Remember love, laughter and a sparkle never go out of style!

Catch you tomorrow! 💕

Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles (aka Alex)


#TutuQueen on 2002-12-26 stars in Hayes