Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-12-31 stars in Stevenage

Stevenage Sparkle! - Blog Post #1096

Hello darlings, and welcome back to www.pink-tutu.com! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing, sparkle-loving queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you another dazzling instalment from the ever-spinning world of my life.

Today, we're leaving the cosy confines of my Derbyshire cottage for a trip to the bustling, modern metropolis that is… Stevenage!

Now, I know what you're thinking. Stevenage? That doesn't exactly scream "fabulous", does it? Well, honey, that's where you're wrong! I've got a hunch that this town, nestled amongst the Hertfordshire countryside, is about to get a big dose of pink tutu magic.

It all started with a call. A little whisper in the wind, telling me about a dazzling opportunity to spread some sparkly cheer in Stevenage. They were hosting a Christmas market, with live music, food stalls, and a special appearance by a certain, pink-loving queen.

And who could that be?

Me, of course!

As a seasoned performer, you'd think by now, I'd have done all the train journeys there are. But darling, every trip is an adventure! Especially when it involves getting dressed up to the nines! This time, I chose a fluffy pink tutu with swirling, sparkling layers that looked like spun sugar dreams, complete with a matching pink bustier and feathered boa. The outfit, like me, exuded a sassy charm and a touch of theatrical flair. I even accessorised with my lucky pair of pink cat-eye sunglasses - after all, every fabulous queen deserves a good bit of protection from the glare of adoring fans!

But enough about my outfit, let's get to the heart of the matter, the magical journey! The train journey was just as delightful as you could imagine! A couple of lovely ladies who looked a bit like they were heading to the panto stopped to chat, clearly mesmerised by my glorious ensemble. "You look wonderful!" one gushed, her eyes sparkling with joy.

"Thanks! Off to make some magic happen in Stevenage," I declared with a theatrical twirl, sending a wave of shimmering tulle in their direction. "It's the new fabulous frontier."

Once we arrived at the station, I jumped into a horse-drawn carriage. They're a bit of a rare breed in the UK, and I simply can’t resist them! It’s a touch of vintage elegance in our otherwise fast-paced, modern lives, a romantic whiff of another time.

With my lovely steed pulling me along, we stopped at the festive market, buzzing with excitement. My heart fluttered with anticipation, this was about to be fabulous. As the driver opened the carriage door, I took a dramatic deep breath and stepped out, the crowds greeting me with delighted murmurs and camera flashes. I knew at that moment, this was going to be another magical night!

And oh darling, was it ever! I took to the stage in the heart of the market square, performing a set full of classic pop hits and dazzling choreographed routines, my sparkly outfit catching the Christmas lights and shimmering in a hundred beautiful ways. You should have seen the smiles on everyone's faces. Some had never seen drag before, let alone a pink-loving, tutu-wearing, spectacle. By the end of the night, even the grumpy, Scrooge-looking market manager was humming along to my performance, which proved it was working!

My evening wasn’t all singing and dancing. I spent some time chatting to the local folk and, let me tell you, the Stevenage folk are just lovely. So full of energy, enthusiasm and – most importantly – acceptance. And acceptance, darling, is the key to a happy world! It doesn’t matter if you’re a big, glam queen, a modest scientist by day or a lovely couple walking past my sparkly extravaganza.

It turns out that Stevenage wasn’t just a market place. The market had become a platform for embracing individuality. As I finished my set, a young woman came up to me. “I love your outfit,” she whispered shyly. "Thank you!" I chirped, my voice reaching a delightful, twinkly pitch, “Where is that fab little tutu dress from? It’s absolutely beautiful, and I would look like a true queen in it.” It seems my quest for spreading the power of the pink tutu was finding a very receptive audience, even amongst those who’d never seen a pink tutu in their life. I promised I’d look into a possible designer collaboration if I had time on this very short visit. She promised to pop back for the show and to try one on. My heart skipped a beat - it would mean so much to see another sparkle of joy and self-expression emerge. I simply cannot wait for tomorrow!

You see, darling, that's the magic of being Pink Tutu Sparkles - bringing a bit of sparkle, joy and fabulousness into the world, one pink tutu at a time.

Of course, my work isn't all glitter and gowns, by day, I'm Alex, a dedicated scientist who, surprisingly, tests fabrics! You see, when I’m not living out my sparkling dreams, I find it strangely calming to analyze the microscopic structure of fabric. That's the great thing about being a drag queen, I can juggle all kinds of personalities and skills.

Before I go, I have a confession. Ever since my very first performance, I've been having this crazy idea to write a song that celebrates the fabulous power of the pink tutu. I've been writing the melody and some of the lyrics down in my travel journal, a sort of little musical mantra that embodies my drag queen persona and the energy that fills the pink tutu-wearing world! It’s just waiting for that spark of inspiration to really come together.

Anyway, enough talk, you have a whole new week ahead of you. But never forget this important message from Pink Tutu Sparkles:

Spread some glitter, share a smile, and don’t be afraid to unleash the inner fabulous queen that is waiting to come out, all you need is a pink tutu to get you started!

That's all for now, darlings, until next time. Keep spreading the sparkly magic!

Yours, Pink Tutu Sparkles


#TutuQueen on 2002-12-31 stars in Stevenage