
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-01-17 stars in East Ham

East Ham, Darling! Post #1113: A Tutu Tale of Travel & Triumph

Ooh, darlings! You won't believe what fabulousness unfolded in East Ham! It's a right little haven for a Pink Tutu Sparkles, this town, full of friendly faces, bustling markets, and even a delightful tea shop that sold pink scones. The highlight? A horse-drawn carriage that took me to the show! Yes, my lovelies, I travelled in style!

Before I delve into the sparkly details, let's rewind a bit, shall we? Remember that science-mad lad I told you about, the one who got sucked into the world of tutus thanks to a charity event? That's me! And whilst I may be in a lab by day, concocting experiments for the finest fabric finishes, my nights are devoted to the stage, showcasing the magical world of pink tutus.

Now, this East Ham journey started on the train. Imagine my delight! Not just any train, but a vintage steam train, puffing and steaming its way through the countryside. I was channeling a young, sassy Audrey Hepburn with a bright pink tutu (naturally), a vintage hat, and a chic pink lipstick. Don't you just love how pink is the most versatile colour ever?! It goes with absolutely everything, like, even the scent of coal smoke!

Reaching East Ham, the world turned pink again! A vibrant market welcomed me, its stalls laden with vibrant blooms, glistening fruit, and the most divine collection of pink feather boas. I practically sang with joy as I purchased a delicate pink ostrich boa, because every queen knows, the more feathers, the better!

After that whirlwind market adventure, my carriage awaited - a beautiful, cherry red vehicle pulled by a pair of proud black horses. The sound of their hooves on the cobblestone streets was almost like music! It truly transported me into another world, one filled with Victorian romance, and, you know, my usual generous dose of glamour.

My East Ham performance was at a quaint little theatre, nestled amidst charming brick buildings. The audience was electric! Everyone was buzzing with anticipation as the curtains rose and... BAM! Enter Pink Tutu Sparkles! This time, I was decked out in a swirling tulle tutu of softest pink, layered over a shimmering white petticoat. Imagine all that movement as I pirouetted, danced, and threw out smiles as wide as the stage. It's almost a chore, darling, to make these performances so wonderfully uplifting, haha!

After my grand finale, I couldn't resist indulging in that pink scone I mentioned earlier, topped with lashings of cream and a strawberry jam so tangy, it sent shivers down my spine! It was perfect after a gruelling but absolutely exhilarating night. And that brings us back to the pink scone... a true symbol of East Ham's warmth and the enchanting charm it offered.

The evening ended with a delicious meal at a local pub, and oh boy, was the pie divine! Nothing beats a hearty British pub dinner. Of course, I made sure the staff all knew it was a Pink Tutu Sparkles approved experience. They were tickled, giggling and asking for selfies.

East Ham, darling, you truly have won a place in my Pink Tutu heart. I’ve already planned my return - next time, with a ballet class, of course, all my fabulous readers are invited! Don't you just love spreading the pink tutu love? Remember, my loves, the goal is to have everyone dancing and twirling in their own personal pink tutu. After all, a little sprinkle of pink makes every day sparkle.

See you soon, lovelies,

Pink Tutu Sparkles


(P.S. Find me online on www.pink-tutu.com to keep up with all the glittery goodness! Don’t forget to post pictures of your own pink tutus with the hashtag #PinkTutuRevolution!)

#TutuQueen on 2003-01-17 stars in East Ham