Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-01-24 stars in Crewe

Crewe: A Whirlwind of Pink! (Blog Post #1120)

Oh darling, hold onto your bonnets! Today’s journey has been a delightful pink-tastic adventure! I’m Pink Tutu Sparkles, your favourite tutu-toting, sequin-loving queen, and this is the chronicles of my life – where I travel, sparkle, and hopefully inspire you all to embrace the magic of a pink tutu.

Today I'm travelling in style, of course! Not in a chariot pulled by unicorns, as much as I would love that. Nope, I’m in Crewe! A trip by train, darling, with a vintage pink suitcase bursting with all my glamorous essentials - feathers, glitter, enough pink to paint the town, and a fluffy white tutu to get me in the mood.

This journey was prompted by a lovely invitation to a local dance event. Apparently, Crewe loves to shake its groove thang, and you know what I say, where there's music and dancing, Pink Tutu Sparkles is ready to twirl! It’s like this darling, every little town has a little magic tucked away, and it's our duty to seek it out, even if that means venturing beyond the glittery lights of the West End.

Before heading out for the show, I decided to explore Crewe a little. Now, you wouldn't know it from the name, but this place has a history of fabulosity. A place with a connection to the railways - just the right vibe for a sassy girl on a pink tutu adventure! I sashayed around the market square, feeling every bit like the majestic princess of Crewe. You wouldn't believe the sheer joy of feeling those elegant silk skirts flow in the wind while taking in the sights of a vibrant, bustling town square.

A charming little café called ‘The Pink Teapot’ became my next pit stop! Now, there's no way I could possibly resist a name like that, is there? You wouldn’t believe it darling, it served the most divine pink strawberry milkshake you've ever tasted - truly the perfect fuel for my impending dance performance. As I sat there sipping, I noticed a charming little ballet school. It looked so delightful that I had to pop in. And what do you know, they had a pink tutu! (of course, they did) and it was oh-so-perfectly worn, even by those little ballerinas-in-training.

The air here felt electric! It's clear that this town holds a passion for dance, for artistry, and for all things creative! I can just imagine, in years to come, these talented little dancers rocking their tutus, strutting their stuff on the biggest stages, just like me, only, possibly with more dance steps. They'll be giving me a run for my money for sure! I was lucky enough to find a friendly street artist. He was creating a colourful, fantastical mural featuring a rather magnificent looking unicorn in all its glory. Now, where was I to see a unicorn? Was this all a dream? Oh darling, the sheer whimsy and wonder was enough to inspire even this jaded, queen. This town definitely has an artistic streak. My inner art critic was swooning, especially after a generous spray of pink paint from my new pal on his mural! You never know where inspiration is hiding, darling. I've already jotted it down in my trusty pink diary for future adventures - think pink tutus, unicorns, street art! It could be the makings of my most stunning, most fabulous show yet.

It wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Sparkles blog post without a sprinkle of life's simple joys, so we have to talk about fashion! Now, Crewe wasn't brimming with extravagant fashion shops, darling. No, not at all, but a place does not need all that glitter to truly spark inspiration. Sometimes the most unlikely of places house the most exciting finds, right? Right there in the heart of the high street, amongst the shoe shops and haberdasheries, was a shop that had a dress called ‘Pink Flamingo’. Now, this was destiny in action, darling. I mean, how could I walk past something called “Pink Flamingo?”

So, you know what I did? I snapped up that exquisite dress and decided I deserved a fitting before the big show. Let me tell you, that flamingo dress was a stunner, I truly felt like a dancing, feathered, pink flamingo, poised for its big show.

My big show, it was time to rock it. The performance space wasn’t your average glitzy club, but an old cinema converted into a cultural centre, which I just love. It had a real bohemian charm, that sense of faded glamour mixed with the kind of history that makes a show even more memorable. The atmosphere was electric, with so many people ready to enjoy the spectacle, so I knew my act would truly be something special.

My intro song was ‘Pink Cadillac,’ by Natalie Cole - perfect! A pink tutu, shimmering makeup, pink lipstick, all for a crowd hungry for glitz and sparkle. The cheers were ear-splitting as I strutted onto the stage. Oh, it was truly magic! From that point on, I was in my element - singing, dancing, interacting with the audience, showering them with kisses and sparkles! The love for my act in the room was truly beautiful, everyone in the audience seemed so moved, their faces lit with smiles and laughter. Honestly, it warmed the pinkest part of my heart.

As the lights faded, I walked out into the street feeling utterly joyful and exhilarated, like my own private unicorn-drawn chariot was just waiting around the corner. And yes, you guessed it, a sprinkle of pink confetti showered my exit, of course! It’s only fitting, darling! I had given my heart and soul to the audience. And as the last notes of my encore faded, they cheered, calling for more, which made my heart soar higher than ever.

The show in Crewe left me with a heart brimming with joy, a wardrobe overflowing with pink, and a firm belief that wherever you go, even in the most unexpected corners of the country, magic and fun are just around the corner, if only you wear the right outfit and take the courage to look. Now, darling, excuse me while I head home. A train ride awaits me, the moonlit sky the perfect backdrop for a night of contemplation on how to share this pink sparkle with the whole world. Until tomorrow, my lovely readers, stay glamorous!

Yours always, Pink Tutu Sparkles, www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuQueen on 2003-01-24 stars in Crewe