Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-02-26 stars in Royal Tunbridge Wells

Royal Tunbridge Wells: A Tutu-tastic Adventure! 💖🩰👑

Hello, darlings! It’s your Pink Tutu Sparkles, bringing you post number 1153 from the fabulous world of pink tutus and all things sparkly! I'm absolutely over the moon to be whisking you off to the delightful Royal Tunbridge Wells this week - it's simply a breath of fresh air!

Before I tell you about this fabulous weekend trip, I have to confess… you know how I’m all about encouraging everyone to embrace their inner tutu-wearer? Well, a rather fabulous incident happened on my way here!

As you all know, I prefer travelling by train whenever possible. I adore the romantic clatter of wheels on tracks, and the beautiful, ever-changing scenery flashing by. Anyway, on my way to Tunbridge Wells, I found myself sharing a carriage with a very proper lady – you know the type, grey tweed suit, pearls, and a perfectly-shaped handbag – you'd swear she was an extra from a Downton Abbey episode! Anyway, I couldn’t resist a little tutu-spreading joy, so I struck up a conversation. We talked about the gorgeous views – and guess what? She confessed she loved ballet as a young girl! Well, the stars aligned, darling! It turned out that the lovely lady’s niece was a huge tutu fan.

"How lovely," I chirped, "does she have one for her to wear? Because we must keep this tutu love going!" She giggled and confessed that her niece wasn't brave enough to wear one, not yet anyway. But then… then I saw my opportunity! "Well," I purred, “that's where Pink Tutu Sparkles comes in! Would you mind me popping to the station kiosk and picking out a sparkly pink tutu for her? Just a small one, for a little budding ballerina!” She agreed, her eyes twinkling! It was like a fairytale moment! She actually gasped when I handed her the beautifully-wrapped pink tulle. I left them a little letter explaining how tutus empower anyone and make life infinitely more fun. My work here was done! ✨

Now, about my journey in Royal Tunbridge Wells… it was simply delightful!

I arrived in the late afternoon and was immediately charmed by the quaint shops and elegant Victorian architecture. The streets were bursting with vibrant blooms, like a painter’s palette exploding with color, and the air was filled with the sounds of laughter and chatter – pure happiness!

Fashion Forward

As soon as I dropped my bags at the lovely boutique hotel I had chosen, I set off on a shopping spree! You can't visit Royal Tunbridge Wells without perusing the shops! This town has an eclectic mix, from vintage boutiques to independent fashion designers. You know how much I adore finding one-off pieces for my performances. I couldn’t resist picking up a gorgeous new pink top with sparkly sequins and some incredible shoes that shimmered like moonlight on a summer night.

Of course, I wouldn't be true to my name if I didn’t check out some tutu delights. There was this darling little shop filled with handmade items, and tucked away in a corner, I spotted the most magnificent collection of tutus! They weren’t just any tutus, darlings, they were creations made from the most decadent fabrics. Imagine velvet, lace, silk – all the textures you can imagine, bursting in vibrant pinks and purples, it was sheer magic! Now, I know what you're thinking, darling, I can't bring every single tutu I see home with me. That would make my luggage slightly unwieldy. So I decided to have a chat with the owner and asked if I could feature them in my next Instagram post - giving her shop a fabulous shoutout. I simply had to share the magic with all of you! We also had a lovely discussion about the power of tutus and how they can uplift your spirit, which naturally, is a sentiment close to my heart!

A Theatrical Feast

Saturday night was all about celebrating the artistry of the stage! I was invited to an intimate production of the ever-so-charming “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” by the local theatre group, Tunbridge Wells Amateur Dramatics Society. And let me tell you, it was absolutely sensational! They poured their hearts into the performance, bringing the play to life with captivating drama, exquisite costumes, and breathtaking sets. As for me? I'd chosen an extra sparkly, extra voluminous tulle-licious outfit – I was channeling a pink tutu-fied pixie, ready to dazzle! The audience roared with laughter and applause at the most brilliant, funny scenes, but they also let out hushed sighs and tears during the emotional moments – it truly was a beautiful spectacle. And, just imagine my delight when I bumped into an absolutely stunning lady in the foyer afterward! We bonded over our mutual appreciation for Shakespeare – her favourite was ‘Romeo & Juliet’. It turned out that this remarkable lady, whose name was Penelope, had the most incredible story! She was a retired ballet teacher who had dedicated her life to passing on her passion for ballet to future generations. She invited me to attend a performance of a ballet school in the next town over – I was beyond thrilled!

A Tutu-tastic Tea Time

Sunday was reserved for a true Royal Tunbridge Wells experience - a scrumptious afternoon tea at The Old Bank House Hotel! The building is stunningly beautiful! Imagine elegant Victorian architecture – they call it Grade II listed darling! It's just brimming with character! I was seated in a window seat that had the most beautiful views of the manicured gardens - I almost forgot about the tea, darling! My cup overflowed with delicately-cut finger sandwiches, freshly-baked scones with thick, creamy clotted cream, and enough delightful pastries to tempt a king (or queen)! As I sipped my tea and enjoyed the delectable delights, I pondered the beautiful history of this town - it’s been a place for elegant living, charming gardens and elegant houses for ages! And then, it happened! I heard a familiar melody!

“Isn't this ‘Waltzing Matilda?’” I questioned the lovely lady seated across from me at my table.

“Indeed it is,” she chuckled. “My late husband was from the Outback.”

This was a true revelation! The love of this elegant town for the most beautiful waltz was truly special to me, and the conversation that blossomed between us was simply delightful.

As always, darling, when it's time to say goodbye, my heart feels a pang of sadness but I also embrace the joy of a tutu-ful adventure! I must return to Royal Tunbridge Wells again, my dear!

A little tip: Before you venture out to experience this vibrant town, check out the event calendar – they hold various festivals throughout the year, including the fantastic Royal Tunbridge Wells Music Festival. Now, that sounds simply fabulous, don’t you think? I just might find myself heading there, too! I’ll keep you posted!

Now, let's keep those tutus twirling and remember, the world is a far more sparkly, fabulous place when you add a little pink to it. Until next time, darlings! 💖🩰👑

Yours truly,

Pink Tutu Sparkles!

(And for all you fab fashionistas who need a touch of magic, head over to www.pink-tutu.com for even more of my tutu-licious musings, styling tips, and delightful drag stories!)

#TutuQueen on 2003-02-26 stars in Royal Tunbridge Wells