
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-04-09 stars in Fareham

Fareham Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes on the South Coast!

Post #1195

Oh darling, you wouldnā€™t BELIEVE what an absolute corker of a journey Iā€™ve just had! Itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve had a good old fashioned adventure, and let me tell you, Fareham delivered in spades. Iā€™m talking glamorous gigs, stunning scenery, and the kind of pink tutu weather that makes a girlā€™s heart sing!

A Blast from the Past: A Farewell to Derbyshire

Before we dive into the Fareham frolics, letā€™s rewind just a little bit. As you lovely lot know, Derbyshire is where it all started for your Pink Tutu Queen ā€“ I practically grew up in that little corner of the Peak District. And even though Iā€™ve been on the road, exploring the nooks and crannies of this fabulous nation for ages now, thereā€™s always a pang of nostalgia when I leave home.

It wasn't easy saying goodbye this time, though. My family hosted a bit of a send-off at their quaint little cottage, and letā€™s just say it involved a LOT of cake. Iā€™m pretty sure there was even a Pink Tutu themed cake ā€“ my Mum is such a peach! Itā€™s a shame the train journey canā€™t be enjoyed with a slice of Victoria sponge.

The Magic of a Train Journey:

Speaking of trains, my dear! I am forever a believer in the majesty of a train journey. Donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™m not saying cars or buses arenā€™t excellent in their own way, but thereā€™s something just so elegant about a train journey that canā€™t be beaten. This journey to Fareham was extra special, as I happened to snag a first class carriage (donā€™t worry, darling, I wonā€™t bore you with all the fancy food! šŸ˜‰)

What made it even better, was the view. The rolling hills of Derbyshire melted away, making way for the vibrant green landscapes of the south. It really does fill me with an inner sense of joy, watching the world zoom past outside my window.

Fareham: A Delightful Destination:

Now, back to the jewel of this adventure ā€“ Fareham itself! My friends, this little town really bowled me over. First of all, the colour of the sky ā€“ absolutely dazzling, a clear cerulean blue, the kind that just demands you put on a fabulous pink tutu and twirl under its majesty! I wouldn't dream of disappointing, so I promptly changed into my Sparkle Surprise tutu, just to set the tone!

It turns out that Fareham has some lovely little corners and some amazing local restaurants, you simply must come here sometime if youā€™ve not been. I had the most delicious afternoon tea at the Rose Tea Rooms. A pink cake slice, no less! And my dear, it was just the perfect fuel for an afternoon spent browsing through all the shops, just picking up a few bits and bobs. After all, every girl deserves a treat when they've been travelling!

A Sparkly Gigs

Speaking of treats, darling! Letā€™s talk about the most wonderful part of this adventure ā€“ the GIGS! This town, and let me tell you, this part of Hampshire, knows how to throw a party. I had the absolute joy of performing for the loveliest people in the most delightful locations ā€“ from the quirky little pub, "The Crooked Barrel" to the charming theatre in the heart of Fareham, ā€œThe Malt Houseā€.

Every single show was just an absolute riot! People seemed to really embrace my message, and thatā€™s what it's all about! After all, whatā€™s life without a little pink tutu in your day? My Rainbow Delight number went down an absolute treat, and my dear, it just shows how even the most reserved individuals have a little bit of magic inside.

Time to Tutus-up Fareham!

To spread the joy of tutus, I made sure to offer everyone a little something special ā€“ my ā€œTutu Trial Kitā€, consisting of a lovely pink tulle scarf and some little glitter sachets, all tied together with a glittery ribbon, of course! There was also a chance to have their photos taken with Pink Tutu Sparkles (in my dazzling new pink tutu, ā€œStarlight Serenadeā€) ā€“ I made sure every little one (and the not-so-little ones) walked away with a memento from their first Pink Tutu encounter!

But, honestly, my best reward was seeing peopleā€™s smiles ā€“ it was like the sparkle of the pink tulle actually lit up their faces, just like it did when I discovered the magic of a tutu in my first university ballet club recital. Remember? All those years ago, I never dreamed that it would lead me to a place where I could inspire others to embrace their inner sparkle and take on the world.

Until Next Time, Farewell Fareham!

So, you lovely lot, it's time for me to move on ā€“ who knows where the next pink tutu adventure will take me! Maybe itā€™ll be somewhere a little closer to home, or perhaps it'll be a long distance travel on horseback (dreamy!). I know wherever it may be, Iā€™ll be sure to make some new friends, spread a little sparkle, and, of course, inspire a few more souls to get on board the Pink Tutu revolution! Stay tuned for the next installment of our incredible pink-tastic journey, darlings, because Iā€™ve got some pretty amazing plans lined up.

And remember, dear friends, always wear your tutus with pride and let your true sparkle shine through. And who knows, perhaps youā€™ll catch a glimpse of your beloved Pink Tutu Queen ā€“ a shimmering, pink tulle vision dancing into your very own local! šŸ’–

**With love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles.**

#TutuQueen on 2003-04-09 stars in Fareham