Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-04-20 stars in Cleethorpes

Cleethorpes! Post Number 1206!

Hello lovelies! Your favourite Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you all the sparkle and glitz from a truly fabulous trip to the seaside! That’s right, darlings, I’m hitting the beach (well, the promenade) in Cleethorpes! Now, let's be honest, it wasn’t a trip for the iconic fashion and bustling night life, but hey, every queen needs a bit of seaside relaxation every now and again, right?

It’s been an absolute whirlwind lately, hon! I just wrapped up a fabulous run of performances at the Sheffield Spring Fair, you wouldn’t believe the crowds. I mean, I literally had people lining up for selfies with me - and my Pink Tutu? It was like the Pied Piper effect, with all the kids wanting to join in! Seriously, you wouldn't believe how many times I got asked "Can I have a go wearing that?!" My response, "If it’s Pink, It's Pink Tutu time!”

Anyway, after the craziness of the Fair, I thought I needed a little escape. It’s a good job I like train journeys, I hopped aboard for the day trip and I just love it, watching the countryside go by - like a vintage film reel, complete with fields full of dancing sheep!

Of course, darling, every Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure comes with a fashion flourish. This time, I’m sporting my limited edition "Sea Breeze Sparkle" Pink Tutu - with a special ombre fade from lavender to pink - all shimmering under the Cleethorpes sunshine, and a matching diamante tiara! Just think a mermaid, but with even more glamour.

After settling in, I wandered down the bustling promenade, enjoying the sea air and watching children playing in the arcades. My Pink Tutu got more than a few curious glances from the seaside tourists – not to mention a few attempts to pull the fluff, but bless their little hearts, they just can’t resist.

And let me tell you, a seaside trip wouldn’t be complete without indulging in a good old fashioned "Fish and Chips" from a chip shop. Well, I didn't quite manage the “chips”, I mean the Pink Tutu has this knack of attracting everything sticky, you see... I did, however, enjoy some scrumptious fish – oh, and don’t even get me started on the amazing sticky toffee pudding I discovered tucked away in a quaint little cafe with its very own "Pink Tutu-Approved" sign - what can I say? I can't resist pink anything, you see.

To top it all off, I got to witness a glorious ballet performance. Yes, you heard that right. You wouldn't think the quaint seaside town would be a hot spot for the arts, but Cleethorpes has a delightful local theater – imagine my joy when I saw a stunning production of 'The Nutcracker'. You know, it just gets me every time. I adore watching those graceful ballerinas in their shimmering tulle, twirling under the stage lights - a complete embodiment of my very own ethos.

Now, you've all been asking - why all the pink? Well, I'll be honest, it’s all down to a happy accident really, you see? You wouldn't believe it, but I was studying for my science degree - imagine, me - the glamorous Pink Tutu Sparkles - studying to be a scientist!

Anyway, our uni ballet club decided to put on a charity event to raise funds. One day, I was there volunteering to help put the posters up and the club president said “Fancy trying on one of the tutus?" I hesitated for a moment, then decided “Why not?" and tried one on. And it was PINK. And I’m not talking a pale pink either. This was an outrageous shade, practically fluorescent. And I have to admit, it really caught my attention!

That tutu felt like pure magic. There I was, dressed as a ballerina with a science lab as a backdrop - it made me see myself differently, I suppose. For the first time, I realized I didn’t want to be confined to the confines of a lab all day. I yearned for the stage, the colours, and the glitter. I wanted a career that ignited joy in myself and others!

You can’t just be confined to a life of white lab coats and equations, no darling! There is a world of colour and excitement out there. And with my science degree, I got my foot in the door as a fabric tester. Imagine that! Pink Tutu Sparkles testing all sorts of fabulously sparkly fabrics by day and dazzling crowds with my drag act by night!

But I do have a science-y side. And you know what, I reckon a bit of Pink Tutu love goes a long way to bring a bit of magic to everyday life. From my wardrobe of fabulous frocks to the science lab itself, it seems like I’m constantly finding ways to spread a bit of pink cheer!

Of course, my ultimate goal is to have everyone rocking a Pink Tutu! Just think: a world where everyone feels like a star! But my aim isn’t about pushing pink as a colour, you see. It’s about sharing my passion for fashion and my desire to spark a bit of magic. To get people dancing, feeling good and looking fantastic - like my Pink Tutu does every single time I put it on.

So, Cleethorpes! You have been truly magical - a true Pink Tutu approved destination. If you happen to be a fashionista with a passion for Pink like myself, well, you just have to come and experience the seaside in Pink Tutu Sparkle style!

Until next time my darlings! Always remember, If you love it, make it pink!

Lots of Pink Tutu love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xxx

#TutuQueen on 2003-04-20 stars in Cleethorpes