Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-04-22 stars in Great Yarmouth

Great Yarmouth: A Tutu-ful Seaside Escape! 💖


Hello my darlings! It’s Pink Tutu Sparkles here, back with you for post number 1208 on www.pink-tutu.com! You can’t believe what an amazing time I’ve just had in Great Yarmouth!

Honestly, my darlings, I do love a seaside town – the smell of fish and chips wafting through the air, the laughter of children on the beach, the sound of seagulls crying out to the heavens… And Great Yarmouth? It has it all!

Now, as you all know, Pink Tutu Sparkles never travels without her trusty pink suitcase bursting with sequins, tulle, and my most beloved pink tutus, darling! This time, however, I decided to mix it up a bit, opting for a grand, sweeping entrance (as is my right as a true queen) on a magnificent train journey. You know, a proper old-fashioned steam train? I just couldn’t resist!

Imagine, my dears, me sitting there, looking perfectly glamorous in my new pink satin dress and a fabulously feathered hat, watching the countryside fly by. It was like being in one of those old Hollywood movies, only a bit more sparkly and, let’s be honest, with a dash of my unique brand of fabulousness. 😉

I arrived in Great Yarmouth, all fresh-faced and excited, just in time to catch a breathtaking ballet show at the local theatre! It was called “Swan Lake,” a true classic, and I tell you, the dancing was pure magic. It truly ignited the fire of inspiration in this TutuQueen’s heart. Those elegant leaps, those flowing movements… just a sight for sore eyes, my darlings. It made me want to bust out my own graceful twirls right then and there, right in the front row, but I thought better of it… because let’s be honest, you just can’t compete with the professionals! 😅

And oh, the costumes! Exquisite, simply exquisite. I’d be lying if I said that didn’t inspire a few tutu-related musings and some ideas for my upcoming shows. You see, darlings, there’s nothing quite like a night at the ballet to truly appreciate the art of movement and beauty, and, of course, to see how fashion and dance blend seamlessly into a work of art.

Of course, after a grand day of art and cultural appreciation, no true Pink Tutu Sparkles trip to the seaside would be complete without a visit to the beach. I have to confess, my darlings, that the thought of sand in my sparkly shoes and saltwater on my glorious eyelashes did give me pause for a moment… but honestly, nothing beats that quintessential seaside experience, the feeling of cool, fresh sand between your toes! So I put on my new pink beach outfit – a stylish sundress paired with a tulle beach cover-up (because, let’s be honest, no pink-tutu-wearing queen should be without a bit of extra fluff and feathers even at the beach!), and there I was, sun shining on my fabulous face, feeling utterly fabulous!

Honestly, I do believe I inspired some of the local women to don their own pink tutus (yes, a dream come true, my darlings!). Now, it may not be their signature colour, but as you know, it takes a lot of confidence to rock a pink tutu! I made sure to tell them they looked fabulous! What can I say, it's contagious, the love for a good pink tutu! 😉

Then, it was on to a fairground – always a fun way to cap off a brilliant day! This fairground had all the delights – a carousel with majestic horses, the exciting Ferris wheel with its view of the seaside town, the bright flashing lights and, of course, those classic cotton candy and churros! Now, my darlings, a good old-fashioned funfair is the epitome of joy and laughter and truly embodies the spirit of pure delight! It makes me feel like a child again! And the wonderful thing about fairs is that they bring together people of all ages and backgrounds. It's a chance for us all to come together and share in the joy of simple pleasures!

Of course, being a drag artist with a talent for dazzling an audience, I couldn’t just be a passive participant, my darlings! I took to the fairground stage, a makeshift stage made out of hay bales and flashing fairy lights (honestly, you just can't resist a little magic!), and performed a set of my most popular hits for all the fairgoers to enjoy.

The audience was enthralled, dancing to the music, singing along, and showering me with enthusiastic applause! It truly felt like everyone there was in on a secret – a celebration of life, color, and the joy of simply being oneself. You know what, it reminded me why I became Pink Tutu Sparkles in the first place! To bring a bit of sparkle and happiness into the world. And my dear, let me tell you, there was not a single person there that night who wasn't feeling a little more pink and fluffy! 😉

The whole experience was utterly wonderful. I honestly couldn’t have asked for a better weekend. Now, you know, Great Yarmouth might be known for its seaside fun, but to Pink Tutu Sparkles, it was a true dance with destiny! And as I was leaving the beautiful seaside town on that grand steam train, I couldn't help but think, “Maybe it’s time for me to get a pink tutu designed just for riding those majestic railway engines!”

Speaking of, I must tell you about a new collection of pink tutus I’m launching next month, my darlings! It's a range of handmade designs, featuring pastel pink tutus and pink ballerina-inspired outfits, and trust me, they are just the thing to give your wardrobe a true pink tutu lift! Don't miss out – head over to my online store at www.pink-tutu.com for a glimpse at the magic! 😉

Until next time, remember, you can always sparkle – all it takes is a pink tutu and a touch of fabulousness! 😉

Lots of love and pink glittery kisses!

Pink Tutu Sparkles!

#TutuQueen on 2003-04-22 stars in Great Yarmouth