Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-04-27 stars in Arnold

Pink Tutu Sparkles Goes to Arnold: Post #1213

Helloooo my darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-wearing, sparkly queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, and I'm SO excited to be writing to you from beautiful Arnold, nestled in the heart of the English countryside! Today’s post is number 1213, and every single one of those posts has been bursting with pink tutus, sparkle, and pure joy!

As a self-proclaimed Queen of the Pink Tutu, I love nothing more than spreading the message of pink tutus to the far corners of the world (well, maybe not that far!). This week, it’s Arnold’s turn to get a dose of pink sparkle! I got here by train, which is definitely the best way to travel in my opinion!

Let me tell you, I absolutely adore exploring new towns and cities – and when I say “exploring” I don’t mean your typical sightseeing trip! Oh no, darling. For me, “exploring” means finding the perfect pink tulle to add to my collection! It's an addiction, you know, a love that starts in a tiny Derbyshire lab (where I secretly analyse fabrics, yes, really!) and turns into a pink tutu obsessed, train-travelling, queenly rampage across the country! I always find that tutus are like a beautiful butterfly - they're delicate but so very strong.

But of course, every good exploration comes with a little bit of pink tutu-tastic performance. Today, my darlings, I'm about to “take” Arnold with my glitter bomb of a show at The Golden Crown, a quaint pub that really gets what fabulous looks like! It's all part of a mission – get everyone in England (and beyond) wearing a pink tutu!

For this Arnold trip, I decided on a new vintage pink tulle creation, all soft and dreamy, perfectly embodying the quaint countryside charm of this place. My favourite part is the layers – it feels like twirling in a fluffy pink cloud! And because every true Pink Tutu Queen loves some dramatic flair, I’ve adorned it with a shower of sparkling sequins. Can you tell I love everything sparkly? Because truly, life just isn’t life without some sparkle! It adds magic to everything - to even the dullest day!

Shopping for Tutus

Arnold's shops were full of treasures - I always say you can find ANYTHING you need if you look hard enough! But I'm a gal who doesn't need to look too hard for a beautiful pink tulle - the shops practically whispered “Pink Tutu Sparkles! Come inside and find your new best friend!”

Of course, as any self-respecting queen, I spent a little extra time in the shoe section. Can you imagine rocking a gorgeous pink tutu without equally fabulous footwear? Absolutely not! I ended up with some glittering pink sandals for tonight’s show at The Golden Crown, and honestly, they just feel made for me! I knew that feeling – the way it fits my personality, just right. You always need to find a dress, shoe, bag and hat that make you feel this way!

Dinner Before the Show

As always, a queen needs her sustenance! Tonight's dinner was a symphony of flavours. We had the most delicious creamy risotto followed by apple pie (yes, with custard - I’m not savage!) The whole thing had me in a bubbly pink mood – the perfect pre-show pick-me-up. Now, you know I'm a true queen, and queens are all about balance. After all that lovely food, I had a good stroll by the park, breathing in the fresh air, enjoying the gentle glow of the sunset. Nothing like a nice, calming moment to reset and re-energize for an explosive performance.

Pink Tutu Performances in Arnold

The show at The Golden Crown was, in a word, amazing! Let’s just say Arnold was painted in a layer of pink glitter by the time I left! I love sharing my pink tutu joy with the world. The audience cheered, they sang, they laughed - and we all got a little dose of pink sparkle magic together. That's what drag is about, isn't it? Making everyone feel a little bit more themselves!

There's just something so incredibly fun about taking your life into your own hands and performing, becoming a persona and making everyone smile with your show. You know that feeling! But truly, the greatest reward for me, my lovelies, is that even in this most gorgeous town of Arnold, the idea of pink tutus is truly starting to take root. Can you believe it? We’re slowly turning the world pink! Isn't that exciting?

The Final Notes

As I leave Arnold this evening, the air filled with the sweet melodies of birds and a soft pink twilight reflecting on the grass, I can’t help but think about my journey and the wonderful adventures this town brought my way! This trip was more than just exploring; it was about sharing a vision, about making dreams a reality. Every performance, every pink tutu, every spark of glitter…it all brings us closer to my ultimate goal – a world covered in pink tutus!

What are your dreams, darlings? Remember: don't just dream about them, make them happen! Even if you need to twirl in a sparkly pink tutu to do it!

Remember to keep on sparkling!

With love,
Your Queen of Pink Tutus, Pink Tutu Sparkles.

Be sure to check out my website, www.pink-tutu.com for more stories, photos, and behind-the-scenes updates on all things pink and glittery!

#TutuQueen on 2003-04-27 stars in Arnold