Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-05-10 stars in Borehamwood

Borehamwood, My Darling! ✨ Pink Tutu Sparkles Diaries, Post #1226 ✨

Hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you all the glitz, glam and pink tulle from the beautiful town of Borehamwood, home of Elstree Studios! Honestly, this town just oozes a bit of old-school Hollywood charm, don't you think? It’s been quite the adventure getting here, with a lovely journey on the train. I do adore a train journey, especially in the sunshine – perfect for people watching and admiring the English countryside with my pink tutus in full view. (Yes, you guessed it, I always wear a tutu – what else, darling?)

Anyway, let's talk about the journey so far! As always, I had a whole look prepared for the journey. I was feeling classic glam with my new dusky pink satin tutu – it's practically the colour of my heart! – teamed with a sequined black vest, an old, favourite vintage pink leather jacket, and my signature pink diamanté shoes. Of course, I also had my pink feather boa for the inevitable selfie stop at a gorgeous English country view. You know me! 😂

And this is the absolute delight of traveling in drag: the attention you receive. Not everyone gets to travel with such a dazzling and dramatic wardrobe. All those knowing glances and the occasional giggle, oh, it makes my heart flutter. Even when you see a bit of bewilderment on a granny's face on the train when she takes a good look at the tutu, it still makes my day. This is the magic of the pink tutu – it turns ordinary situations into sparkling moments of joy and that's what it's all about, isn't it, darlings?

Let's talk about my upcoming performance here in Borehamwood. I’ve got a fantastic show lined up at the “Blossom” (what a perfect name, I know!), and it's gonna be fabulous! We’ve got an awesome line-up of talent. You’ll hear songs by Kylie and all my favourite pop divas, alongside the beautiful grace of my balletic routines. Oh, and a little magic. Who doesn’t love a sprinkle of magic with their tutu-wearing diva?

As usual, I will be showcasing my exquisite collection of tutus. There are so many in my luggage: frothy pink chiffon, iridescent lilac tulle, and shimmering gold satin. My stage name "Pink Tutu Sparkles" wasn't chosen for no reason, darling! I will be spinning, twirling, and, of course, sparkling – a delightful mix of drama and ballet that'll leave the audience gasping for more. (And, maybe wanting a pink tutu for themselves. It’s all in my plan, my dear!)

For this performance, I’ve put together a special choreography to my signature song: “Pink Tutu Queen,” a little number I wrote after I realized how much joy wearing a pink tutu brought me! The song captures my journey from a simple scientist to a shimmering drag queen who believes that the world would be a better place with more tutus – and that's not just wishful thinking! 😉

I'm really looking forward to tonight’s show! Performing with all these talented drag artists and sharing my love for pink tutus is something I live for. The thrill of entertaining, of being up on stage and spreading some sunshine and laughter - there’s nothing quite like it, darling! And honestly, I wouldn't trade it for a lab coat, not even for a million pink feathers!

So, tune in tomorrow for another blog update. It's gonna be full of gossip and glamorous fashion from Borehamwood! Until then, you all stay pink, pretty and sparkly! 💖

Your Tutu Queen,

Pink Tutu Sparkles.

Behind The Scenes, Before the Curtain 💫

It's been a pretty hectic day in preparation for the show tonight! It’s so much work being a glamorous, touring, tutu-wearing queen, darling. It's not all sparkles and high heels – sometimes you need a good old-fashioned scrub! 😂

You know what, sometimes when you're on tour and having a hectic time, it's great to remember why you do what you do. To share that bit of pink sparkle and glam, and bring a little bit of joy to the world, is a pretty powerful thing. And what’s more powerful than a sparkly, shimmering pink tutu, I ask you? (Ok, probably nuclear power, but pink tutus are pretty close!) 😂

My day has been jam-packed, full of costume adjustments (did you know how hard it is to sew on a crystal without getting it stuck on your skin?), hair and makeup prep, and my personal favourite part: creating a “Pink Tutu Sparkles” look for the venue! I'm thinking dramatic, beautiful, and a dash of glitter – always a dash of glitter!

I spent a glorious hour or two at the “Blossom” venue putting together the dressing room space and I feel super sparkly! You'd be surprised what a little pink tissue paper and some tulle can do.

Then, it was time to catch up with some other fantastic drag queens, you know, get that girl-talk going and share some juicy gossip, like all good queens should! It’s so great to meet the girls who are also blazing trails with tutus. From sequinned cowboys in silver, to elegant drag queens with bright orange mohawks (trust me, it's stunning) to one queen in a blue denim jumpsuit with the largest tutu I have ever seen, we truly are an eclectic bunch – but what a great bunch. We can all learn from one another, which is what makes drag such a fun, ever-changing and exciting scene.

After that, it was all hands on deck for last-minute show prep. My dear friend Lily was helping me with makeup, which as we all know, can be a tad tricky on this pink, porcelain face! And thank goodness for her, because I don’t think I’d be anywhere without her! 😂 She’s the one that talked me into wearing a pink tutu in the first place, remember? That charity event all those years ago! We were students at the University of Derby. We’ve come so far, and look where we are now. She’s the ‘tutu godmother’ to us both, and it just makes it all that more special to have her by my side!

After a final blast of glitter and a last glance in the mirror (looking fierce and magnificent as always! 😉), we are ready! Now for a quick break and then we’re back at it, ready for that fabulous “Blossom” performance, and then to celebrate! 🍾🥂

Don’t forget to catch my new "Pink Tutu Queen" song tomorrow morning on my website! I’ll also share some pictures from the show as soon as I get a chance – a glimpse of the glitter and the glorious, sparkly tutu goodness!

See you soon darlings!

*Pink Tutu Sparkles *

Behind the Curtain: A Night at the “Blossom”! 🎊

I’m finally home after a fabulous, whirlwind night at the “Blossom!” It was truly unforgettable, darling! My show was a complete triumph, and, to be honest, even exceeded my own wildest expectations (it’s not easy exceeding my expectations - even I get excited about a bit of sparkly glamour! 😂)

I’d never perform at the "Blossom” before and the place was bursting with energy and excitement! The atmosphere was electrifying - just waiting to be sparkled! 😉 And sparkling they did. I’m a performer at heart, and seeing all those smiling faces looking at me filled my heart with so much joy. I was on cloud nine the whole night.

After all that intense prep for the show (those tutus are no lightweight – take it from me!) and, you know, being my glamorous, sparkly self in public, there's no place I'd rather be than under the lights of a stage. The energy just radiates. As soon as the music started (those classic Kylie beats always give me a rush of excitement – those melodies really know how to get the blood pumping!), all my nervousness went out the window! I'm a chameleon in that way; on the outside I’m calm, cool and collected, but my heart’s pumping and my inner drama queen comes to life, sparkling and captivating that audience, every time! 😂 It's just me, on a little stage with a lot of passion.

I love every minute of it! It's the pure joy of it – sharing my passion for dance, music, performance and my dearest pink tutus! Oh darling, I just adore those tutus! They are a big part of what makes Pink Tutu Sparkles! ( I don’t know what I’d do without them!) 😂

What I’ve come to realize through this all, through the hours I spent practicing those pirouettes, spinning those tutus, all those hours in my little science lab by day, and then the late nights, rehearsing and prepping, what it all boils down to, is how much I adore making people smile. That, above all, is the most powerful thing. Just sharing joy. It's all about bringing happiness and smiles, darling. What's more important than that, honestly?

As always, there were many sparkly highlights. My signature "Pink Tutu Queen" number always gets such an incredible reception. The music hits, those pink tulle wings I designed with a local craftsperson shimmer, and everyone starts dancing along – and, that, is always magic! Then, my final routine was just pure, theatrical fun – twirls, sparkles, even some acrobatics in my giant pink tulle. The crowd was going wild!

Afterwards, everyone complimented me on the amazing “Pink Tutu Sparkles” energy I brought to the show! You’ll see soon why on my website. I've already posted some fabulous pics. Oh, I am loving my new glitter hair spray! I must say, I felt absolutely spectacular and I really loved my performance, I don't think I’ve ever been happier and more myself in the past twenty-two years of being alive, darling! This really is my world.

Of course, the highlight of my night was getting the compliment on my new bright fuchsia tutu from the leading "Blossom" showgirl, Miss Delilah! She looked magnificent herself, dressed in a red sequins dress and with the largest red feathers in a huge red and orange afro I had ever seen - it was a work of art. She has always been a role model to me in drag – for that fabulous, fun, flirty style. When she told me that the new bright fuchsia tutu was her favourite piece in the whole show, it felt like a big hug. (And, even I could tell you, a pink hug is truly a hug that makes everything sparkle! 😉). That compliment felt truly special because I truly did put my heart into designing the dress. I wanted to design something beautiful that sparkled. It’s got tiny crystal hearts all over, with beautiful, swirling layers of pink. And it seems it’s truly doing its job! It’s definitely attracting a bit of love from the other girls – a lovely compliment indeed!

Well darlings, it's time for me to start getting ready for my next journey! Tomorrow morning I'm off to another fantastic venue. It's a great secret! 🤐 I'm going to start prepping all those sparkly dresses! (The brighter the pink, the better!) and getting myself all glossed up and ready for a beautiful show tomorrow night. And hopefully a beautiful sunrise too, as we are traveling at night.

Always stay true, darling, be pink, be sparkly, and never be afraid to put on a pink tutu! 😉 And as always, stay in touch with all your pink tutu news on my website! See you soon!

Yours in sparkles and tutus! 💖

Pink Tutu Sparkles.

#TutuQueen on 2003-05-10 stars in Borehamwood