Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-05-19 stars in Spalding

Sparkling Away in Spalding: Post 1235

Helloooo darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from the glorious, pink-tastic town of Spalding, where I’ve just wrapped up an absolutely phenomenal performance! You see, darling, this little town is just brimming with charm, with its picturesque canals, quaint cottages and of course, a super supportive audience who loved every twirl and sparkle of my act!

As a queen of both tutus and travels, I adore exploring new towns and spreading the pink-tastic cheer! I actually found my way here by train, all the way from Derbyshire - my hometown, you know! But we're not talking about old, boring carriages. Oh, no! I always travel in style. This time, it was a rather fancy sleeper carriage with all the mod cons - and enough room for my enormous suitcase packed to the brim with glittery outfits and, of course, a brand new, feather-trimmed, hot pink tutu! You see, every queen needs her special travelling companions, and I wouldn't leave home without a fabulous tutu!

My love affair with tutus began back in university - and it was all down to a little charity fundraiser. As a member of the university ballet club, I'd tried on a tutu as a lark for their charity fashion show, and… well… that was that! The rest is history! Who knew that one pink tutu would be the start of my entire career!

These days, by day I am a humble lab technician - testing the strength of fabric to ensure it can withstand the most dazzling dance moves! Now that's some real life-changing work! But by night, I am Pink Tutu Sparkles, the queen of pink, the master of the twirl, the ambassador of everything glittery and fabulously flamboyant!

You might think my life is all about glitz and glamour - and well, yes! - but the real joy comes from bringing a touch of magic and joy to the everyday lives of my lovely followers. From children beaming in the front row, to grannies waving their pink feather boas, I just love seeing those smiles!

I'm constantly on the move, always searching for a new venue to show off my fabulous self! My calendar is always chock-a-block with gigs at bustling pubs, whimsical festivals, and even some exciting theatrical performances - I even had the pleasure of opening a new shop last month, with a dazzling ballet routine that included a sparkly unicorn-shaped confetti cannon, if you can believe it!

Of course, all the dancing and fabulous fashion requires a touch of prep! So I have my very special pre-show ritual. A bubble bath filled with fragrant bath bombs and surrounded by piles of my favourite fashion magazines is a must. It's time for my own self-indulgent pampering, ready for a night of sparkles and fabulous fun.

It's all about channeling the best version of yourself, ladies, whether that means mastering a tricky dance move, discovering the perfect pink shade of eyeshadow, or learning how to style that brand new tutu! It’s about being fearless, letting go and finding that bit of magic within!

Spalding was an absolute delight, but already, the twinkle in my eye is set for my next adventure. There are so many amazing places to visit! Maybe the next adventure will involve a stagecoach to Brighton or perhaps a swanky cruise to a fabulous festival by the sea! Who knows what amazing experiences lie ahead for the Pink Tutu Sparkles? But rest assured, darlings, my travels will always be fabulous!

Now, excuse me while I indulge in a spot of ballet, after all, a queen never forgets her roots! You see, ballet and drag? It's all about that glorious combination of poise and performance, grace and glamour!

Join me tomorrow at www.pink-tutu.com for another sparkling tale from my incredible life.

Remember, darlings, it’s never too late to discover your own inner spark, and a pink tutu? Well, that's always a fabulous start!

Until then, keep sparkling and may your life be as fabulous as you are!

With all the sparkle in the world, Pink Tutu Sparkles x

#TutuQueen on 2003-05-19 stars in Spalding