Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-05-26 stars in Wigston Magna

Wigston Magna Calling! 💅💖 Tutu Travels to the Midlands, Post #1242!

Hello my gorgeous darlings! It’s your favourite pink-tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, ready to whisk you away on another sparkly adventure. This time, I’m leaving my beloved Derbyshire for a trip to the charming town of Wigston Magna, in the heart of the Midlands.

Honestly, darling, I simply can't get enough of these little countryside jaunts. There’s a certain magic in them, you know? The crisp air, the quaint shops, and the warmth of the locals – it’s like stepping into a storybook.

This week’s trip has a special flavour, though. You see, Wigston Magna holds a place close to my heart. Back in the day, before the dazzling pink tutus and the sparkly stage lights, I used to visit the town with my nan. We’d spend hours in the market, admiring the fresh produce and chatting with the stall owners. It was those little memories that sparked my love for travel, and you know I'm a sucker for a good bit of nostalgia!

And let me tell you, dear readers, the nostalgia doesn’t end there! I’m just so excited about this particular gig because it’s going to be a real throwback – I’m performing at a local theatre, bringing back all the glamour and charm of old-school showbiz. I've got my dance routine prepped, my makeup on point, and a whole lot of sparkles ready to illuminate the stage. Can’t wait!

Speaking of sparkle, my darling dears, the train ride down was a dream. Now, I'm sure you know how much I adore the allure of the railway, it just feels so chic and glamorous. But this time, the journey itself felt like a fashion show. It was as though everyone on board had received the same memo: 'Pink is the new black'. Pink hats, pink scarves, pink luggage... I even spotted a pink teacup poodle with a little pink tutu, she was an absolute vision! The railway's getting more pink-tastic by the day!

Of course, the trip wouldn’t be complete without a little retail therapy. I managed to squeeze in a quick shopping spree in the heart of Wigston Magna and, let me tell you, they have a whole lotta charm and vintage treasures in this town! Found a magnificent pink fur boa in a tiny, dusty antique shop - perfect for a chilly night. And what's a Pink Tutu Sparkles trip without a new sparkly accessory? A little shop down a cobblestone lane held the most exquisite hand-made rhinestone hair clips - pink, of course. And I can't forget the little vintage pink tutu dress for a fellow pink enthusiast (for a special discount, she's my "tutu twin"! She loved it).

My dears, you know what they say, a little bit of sparkle can brighten any day. Now, if only I could convince the whole town of Wigston Magna to wear a pink tutu! (Remember, it's all about the Tutu Revolution!).

So, dear readers, this has been a fabulous little trip to the charming town of Wigston Magna. Remember to join me at www.pink-tutu.com for the next episode of Tutu Travels, full of fabulous fashion, fun and adventure, coming to you soon! Stay tuned, and remember: the world is your stage, so twirl on, you gorgeous souls!

Tutu Travels with Pink Tutu Sparkles - Wigston Magna edition: A closer look!

Oh, darling, it’s just not enough to share a few fun highlights, right? For those of you with a keen eye for detail, here's a closer look at my wonderful adventures in the Midlands. Let’s dive deeper!

Theatre, Theatre, and More Theatre!

This trip wouldn’t have been the same without a grand old theatre performance. It was like stepping back in time - imagine velvet seats, crystal chandeliers, and a buzzing anticipation in the air! Oh, the magic!

I danced my little tutu-clad heart out, spinning and twirling to my favorite old show tunes, with all the drama and sparkle of a Broadway production. And the best part? I felt like I brought back a little bit of that dazzling showstopper energy to the town itself. My audiences in Wigston Magna are the best, they cheered me on every step of the way!

The Horse & Carriage Adventure!

Yes, you heard right! One of the absolute highlights of the trip was my very own fairytale journey! Picture this: I’m seated in a stylishly decorated carriage pulled by a beautiful pair of horses. You can’t beat the feeling of being transported back in time as you clip-clop along the countryside paths!

And yes, the horses were pink. I mean, darling, wouldn’t you just love to wear a pink tutu if you were a horse? It’s all part of my Tutu Revolution! This wasn't a traditional horse ride; it was an adventure right out of a storybook, and I felt every bit like a princess, especially with the sun warming my pink tutu.

Finding My Tutu-Twin!

My dears, let’s talk about Tutu Twins! Every time I go on one of these lovely trips, I discover fellow Tutu Revolutionaries! And on my Wigston Magna trip, I met my lovely tutu twin. This darling girl was just as enchanted by my little vintage pink tutu dress as I was. She was absolutely beaming as she strutted away, a vision in pink. It’s little moments like these that truly make my Tutu Revolution so meaningful! It’s about spreading the joy of pink and making every girl feel like a princess, even just for a day. We are a community, my loves, and every tutu twin we discover makes the world a little bit brighter!

Wigston Magna Food and Drink - A Delectable Delight

From traditional British pub fare to mouthwatering home-baked goods, the cuisine in Wigston Magna truly exceeded all my expectations. There's this darling little cafe, nestled amongst charming Victorian houses, where I enjoyed a simply divine afternoon tea, with warm scones, clotted cream, and, of course, the most delicate pink pastries! It was just the perfect blend of charming decor and delicious treats!

I discovered a real gem when I tried their local cream tea! Now, for those of you who don't know, a cream tea in England is a true culinary experience! I can't even describe the joy of eating the freshly baked scones topped with rich clotted cream and delicious homemade jam. Pure heaven, I tell you!

And finally...The Tutu Revelation!

Okay, darling, I can't let this opportunity slip by without sharing some words of wisdom with all you fabulous souls. Here's a little secret, straight from the heart of your Pink Tutu Sparkles! The Tutu Revolution is not about forcing anyone into pink tulle or turning every street into a ballet stage! It's about a little more than that, isn't it?

The Tutu Revolution is about joy, empowerment, and expressing yourself in the most authentic way. It's about taking that extra leap of faith, the little twinkle in your eye, the vibrant touch of pink in your wardrobe! Whether you twirl down the street in a magnificent full-fledged tutu or just add a touch of pink to your ensemble, the key is to wear it with confidence and joy!

So, spread a little magic wherever you go, embrace that inner sparkle, and remember – every one of us can be our very own pink tutu queen! I believe in you, and now, it's time for me to go create a new bit of tutu-inspired magic!

Stay sparkling, my loves! And as always, join me for the next Tutu Travel, here on www.pink-tutu.com


Pink Tutu Sparkles.

💖💅 Tutu Travels. 💕 The Tutu Revolution! 💖💅

#TutuQueen on 2003-05-26 stars in Wigston Magna