Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-06-10 stars in Carshalton

Carshalton: Post 1257: Pink Perfection in a South London Oasis

Oh darlings, how lovely to see you back here for another day of pink, twirling fun! It’s been a whirlwind of glitter and train journeys getting to this absolutely delightful Carshalton. You know me, a queen loves a good travel adventure, and this time I decided to swap my trusty pair of sparkly high-heeled shoes for some seriously comfortable riding boots. Yes, you read that right, my darlings! Carshalton has this incredible Victorian horse-drawn carriage tour company that whisks you around the gorgeous countryside, and you bet your bottom dollar this Pink Tutu Sparkles had her very own private carriage all decked out with pink ribbons and fairy lights. Absolutely fabulous!

You see, Carshalton, much like Pink Tutu Sparkles herself, is a bit of a hidden gem. Not everyone knows about this charming south London oasis. But once you do, you’ll be coming back for more, trust me. I’m just going to sprinkle this blog post with all the enchanting details that stole my sparkly heart.

Right, let’s delve into the magic! Imagine a quaint little town bursting with independent shops, adorable tea rooms that are literally oozing with Victorian charm, and a sprawling park that’s straight out of a fairytale. Now, imagine this little slice of heaven tucked away amongst the bustling hustle and bustle of the big city, offering a tranquil escape for even the most glamorous drag queen. Yes, even this Pink Tutu Sparkles needed a break from the whirlwind of glitz and glamour, and Carshalton delivered with grace and kindness.

Speaking of grace, darling, we can't forget about the ballet. Carshalton is home to a fabulous dance studio, Carshalton Dance Centre, where I had the most splendid time twirling and pirouetting in a brand new, bespoke tutu that’s definitely destined for the spotlight! You know me, I simply couldn't resist adding some pink feathers to the ensemble! Now I’m ready to grace any stage, my lovelies! You bet I'm heading back there every chance I get. They even have a stunning auditorium for dance performances! They really do spoil us here!

But enough about my magnificent me. Now, let me share some little secrets of this captivating place with you. It's not all about the glamour, darling.

First up, there’s this gem of a little museum - the Carshalton and Wallington Museum. It's tucked away on the most charming little lane, literally the kind of spot where you could imagine spotting Cinderella as she scuttles to the ball! The exhibits are brimming with stories from the past, highlighting the local history and offering a glimpse into the lives of the people who walked these streets long ago. As you know, darling, this Pink Tutu Sparkles loves to learn about anything and everything. The Victorian history alone sent me into a blissful pink-tinged daze, not to mention the exquisite collection of ceramics. Imagine, the Queen herself could have visited these very places! Now, doesn’t that just add some sparkle to your day?

But this blog wouldn’t be complete without talking about the absolute haven of a park! Carshalton Park is practically made for twirling. Imagine, beautiful lawns just begging to be walked upon, giant trees reaching towards the sky, and a cascading waterfall, sparkling with magical fairy dust (okay, maybe that last bit was a slight exaggeration, but who's going to argue with a bit of whimsy, darling!). Oh, and you're just minutes from Nonsuch Park. Both parks offer spectacular tranquility, perfect for those dreamy daydreams.

Don't be fooled by the small size, though, Carshalton packs a powerful punch when it comes to delightful treats. From freshly baked pastries at the quaintest cafes to an unforgettable pie and mash lunch at a family-run gem hidden away in a narrow side street, Carshalton delights every taste bud! The local bakery is simply heavenly. You’d be a fool not to treat yourself to one of their award-winning pies! It's absolutely sinful but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

After that decadent afternoon treat, what else could you possibly need? How about an afternoon tea party at the most exquisite tea room imaginable. Oh, the delicate china, the tiny sandwiches, the steaming cups of tea... My darlings, it was pure decadence! The moment I stepped into that charming little space, I knew I’d found a secret hideaway where time stands still. Now that is what I call pure magic.

Carshalton's history weaves a magical tapestry throughout this delightful town. From ancient ruins and historical manor houses to quirky little cottages adorned with vibrant pink geraniums, the charming corners of Carshalton offer endless possibilities for photo ops. Trust me, my Instagram was dripping with glitter by the end of my weekend!

And talking about history, this little pocket of beauty boasts a whopping 15 churches! Now, I’m not a church-going gal, but even this Pink Tutu Sparkles couldn’t resist marveling at the exquisite architecture, the beautiful stained-glass windows and the quiet serenity that washed over me the moment I stepped inside. They're simply breathtaking.

For those seeking a truly tranquil escape, the beautiful ponds scattered around Carshalton are truly a sight to behold. The still water reflecting the vibrant blue skies, the whispering willow trees reaching towards the heavens - a haven of tranquility! Now, you know how much I adore a good photo shoot. A queen just can't help herself! The sheer peacefulness inspired the most stunning shots. It was the ultimate "Pink Tutu Sparkles at peace with the world" moment. Trust me, it's an Insta-worthy moment. The pictures practically scream "fabulous."

And just when you think Carshalton couldn't get any better, darling, let me tell you, you haven't lived until you've seen a Carshalton sunset! It paints the sky with shades of orange and pink, like a perfect backdrop for my fabulous pink tutu. A truly magical spectacle. The colours alone practically shout 'pink perfection' - how could I ever forget this beautiful sight! It was one of those breathtaking moments that will forever remain in my heart and in my memory bank.

Speaking of pink, this Pink Tutu Sparkles is about to wrap up this whirlwind journey, my loves! You bet your bottom dollar, Carshalton is truly a secret treasure, just waiting to be discovered. Oh, and let’s not forget, Pink Tutu Sparkles is spreading her pink cheer wherever she goes.

So darling, let's be fabulous together, always be ready to embrace a dash of whimsy, and of course, let's twirl to the rhythm of our hearts. Carshalton, I will see you again soon! You better believe it!

#TutuQueen on 2003-06-10 stars in Carshalton