Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-07-02 stars in Coulsdon

Coulsdon Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles is on the Move! 💅🩰

Hiya lovelies! 💖✨

It’s Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from sunny Coulsdon, the delightful little town tucked away in the south of England! I'm in full-on travel mode today, feeling every bit the pink-clad princess, and guess what? It’s all thanks to you beautiful people who've been showering me with so much love and support. It's you, my darling followers, who make every journey, every performance, every twirl, and every sparkle truly magical!

This is post number 1279 on my pink-tutu.com journey, and this time I’m sliving for Coulsdon’s charming vibes. Imagine this: cobbled streets, quaint tea rooms, and…wait for it…a delightful vintage clothing shop that smelled faintly of lavender and antique lace. Swoon! You’ll never guess what I discovered there! A magnificent pink feather boa – think blush-pink feathers with just a hint of shimmering gold, like the first rays of dawn over the English countryside. She was calling to me, my dears, and she's coming home with me. This new addition to my collection is already the star of the show. Can't wait to twirl around the Coulsdon park in her, perhaps even tumble on the grass – who knows? 😜

Oh! I nearly forgot to tell you how I got here! As always, a journey full of surprises. First, I woke up before dawn (gotta get that glow going for the day) and made my way to Derby station. Then, with a cuppa in hand, I took the most beautiful train ride through the countryside. Fields of emerald green rolling by, sunlight shimmering on the railway tracks – it felt like a fairytale. 🚂☀️ The train carriage was even more lovely: a gentle lady with twinkling eyes and a perfectly pink nail polish gave me her seat so I could perch by the window. I was in such good spirits that I treated her to a delicious strawberry-and-cream cake from the station bakery. It was a real highlight! 💕🍰

Then there's the other way I get around: with my four-legged, pink-loving companion - Ballerina, my trusty, sparkling white pony! 💖 She doesn't actually come to all of my shows, but she’s absolutely perfect for countryside travels. Imagine galloping through the fields, feeling the wind in my hair, my tutu swirling around me like a pink dream! She’s the most majestic, patient pony and I am SO grateful to have her as my sidekick! 🦄

This Coulsdon adventure feels very “old-fashioned England”, like something out of a vintage book of illustrations, or even a movie! My lovely friend, Maisie, is even taking me for afternoon tea at a traditional tearoom! They’re famous for their lemon drizzle cake and oh my, I have the biggest craving for some right now! 🍋🧁

I know I’m just a Derbyshire girl with a dream (and a passion for pink, naturally!) who somehow ended up living this extraordinary life! But that's what makes this whole journey so exciting, right? I'm not your typical scientist, let's be honest! I spend my days in a laboratory testing the composition of fabric, and my evenings putting on a full-on, dazzling, pink tutu extravaganza! It's a world away from my daytime routine, but it feels so perfectly fitting! Who would have guessed that a scientist would be a pink tutu queen, dancing under the lights of some small, charming town like this? It’s all thanks to that amazing moment I first slipped into a tutu for charity! It felt like the universe whispering, “This is it! This is where you belong.”

It’s crazy, right? I mean, how many scientists in white lab coats get to shimmy and twirl their way through life? I've even caught a few of the scientists in my lab dancing along to my performances in their downtime! I tell you, being the first to embrace the pink tutu queen is catching! 😉💖

There's a reason I wear a tutu and, to be honest, I've got this crazy mission: I'm on a mission to inspire the whole world to wear pink! The world's looking a bit too dull these days, and what could be better than a sprinkle of sparkle and the beautiful, empowering feeling of a twirling tutu? I believe pink brings a splash of sunshine to even the cloudiest of days, a little reminder that we can all embrace our inner sparkle, that we can all be whoever we want to be! Just imagine everyone in a pink tutu, twirling together, all filled with a spirit of fun and happiness! Now that's a world I’d love to live in. And with your help, maybe it will become reality! 🩰

Speaking of twirling, I've got an exciting show to get to in a few hours. It’s being held at the beautiful, quaint village hall. Imagine! A stage filled with shimmering lights, surrounded by friendly faces, ready for the spectacle of pink tutu brilliance. I've even had requests from some lovely locals to dance in their community theatre performance - talk about a dream come true! They need a little “Pink Tutu Sparkle” to boost their choreography, and I'm just so excited to bring that special spark. 💖

Don't forget to keep an eye out on pink-tutu.com! I’ll be posting regular updates, giving you sneak peeks into my wardrobe (those new feather boas need to be shown off!), my adventures (Coulsdon’s amazing antique shop has some vintage treasures I'm dying to share!), and my reflections on being a queen, a scientist, and a girl who just loves to twirl! 💃

Now, it’s time for me to finish preparing for tonight’s show. I need to do a full practice, because you know me, I don't want to be caught off-guard. Plus, I’m still trying to get the perfect tumble down. Maybe Coulsdon’s grassy fields will provide the perfect location? The most important thing is to put on my most glamorous pink tutu and let my heart lead the way!

So, until next time, stay bright, be bold, and sparkle like a queen, you lovely lot! 😘

Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

PS. If you're reading this and you happen to be in the Coulsdon area, come join me tonight! There will be music, dancing, laughter, and hopefully, lots of twirling! Don't be shy! And who knows, maybe I'll even find a pink tutu to add to your wardrobe... just for a little inspiration! 😉💖

#TutuQueen on 2003-07-02 stars in Coulsdon