Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-07-04 stars in Wellington

Wellington Whirlwind! - Post #1281

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here! Ready to take you on a fabulous journey to the magical land of… Wellington, New Zealand! Yes, that's right, this little ol' sparkly bird flew across the globe to bring some pink tutu-licious joy to the shores of the Antipodes.

You see, dear reader, I'm all about following my heart. And my heart told me it was time for an adventure! After my smashing success at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival (which, by the way, saw the debut of my brand-new routine "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" - all thanks to the brilliant seamstress who made my stunning galaxy-print tutu - just divine!), I felt the urge for some exploration.

And what better way to explore than by train? I hopped aboard a beautiful old-fashioned carriage, complete with plush seats and views of rolling countryside - simply dreamy! There’s something so romantic about the gentle rhythm of a train journey, isn’t there? Gives you time to ponder, to relax, and to admire the world going by, especially when you have your best tutu to make the whole carriage feel a little bit more… well, a little bit more “sparkly!” I do love to strike a pose for fellow passengers on the journey.

After several days of dreamy train rides, I arrived in the land of the Kiwis! Now, I’m not talking about the little furry ones, but the friendly folk of New Zealand. And oh my, have they been kind and welcoming! The moment I stepped onto the platform, I felt a warm embrace, a sense of belonging. Of course, the friendly locals thought I was just another tourist in a rather eccentric costume, but let’s be real - who doesn’t love a little sprinkle of pink tutu magic in their day?

First on my itinerary was, naturally, a ballet show! I adore the grace, the artistry, the storytelling woven into every movement, the sheer elegance of the dancers in their glorious tutus (though, I must admit, sometimes the colours are a little too safe. A splash of pink wouldn't hurt, now would it?!). It truly is a delight to watch and made me feel right at home, my little pink-tutu heart beating in rhythm with the music.

Of course, no visit to a city famous for its culture and art scene is complete without a little exploration! I went to see the Te Papa Tongarewa Museum, where I was dazzled by the Maori art on display - so intricate, so beautiful, so full of history! The way they use colours is really inspirational. I couldn't resist grabbing a photo with a rather magnificent, if somewhat bemused-looking, wooden figure. Let’s just say he didn’t have much time for selfies, but he posed beautifully all the same!

Speaking of colour, oh dearie, darling, you just won’t believe the shops in this city! A treasure trove of unique styles, bold colours, and, yes, you guessed it – tutus! Though, some rather drab tutus. But they all have such potential! And of course, a trip to any city means an afternoon spent rummaging through the vintage clothing stores – for one, that's my favourite way to find new gems for my wardrobe. A nice, dusty, and old sequined shirt for a performance in this lovely old art deco theatre they have here called the Civic - what’s a performer to do? And it worked beautifully. The old style fitted in with the deco architecture and really got the audience going!

I'm always on the lookout for inspiring new colours to add to my wardrobe, you see, and I think Wellington has a real sense of bold individualism, an embrace of the unique that's just oh so appealing. There's a spirit here, a buzz that really resonates with me. It’s a bit like a shimmering pink feather floating on a breeze, full of promise and a hint of mischief. And don't forget, you know what they say – pink is the new black! (Or maybe, I just made that up.)

Now, of course, no visit to a new place is complete without meeting new friends. And darling, I've met some amazing people here, all just as fabulous and warm as the city itself! They welcomed me with open arms and open minds. One day, I was walking down a street, trying to figure out where to go for a good spot for a photo, a delightful woman named Lily stopped me. She just happened to be wearing a delightful purple sequined tutu! I do believe she's also involved in the local arts scene here! After a brief conversation, we realised we have a lot in common! Her tutu was wonderful, but perhaps with a dash of pink…? It seems we'll be exploring the local vintage boutiques together soon to see what we can create!

I have so many stories to share, from hilarious mishaps with my luggage (let's just say there was a small incident involving a pink feather boa and a slightly agitated security guard, which made for a rather delightful and memorable exchange), to beautiful encounters with the locals, the joy of discovering new flavours of coffee (yes, even I need my caffeine fix!), to the pure magic of just being in a new and exciting place, spreading pink tutu joy along the way!

And that brings me to a little mission of mine. The mission that began years ago in my student days, with a university ballet club fundraiser. Back in my hometown of Derbyshire, there I was, a science student by day, surrounded by microscopes, lab coats, and beakers, yet yearning to transform myself by night, embracing the transformative world of pink tutus! That's how Pink Tutu Sparkles was born. A chance encounter, a sudden burst of inspiration, and a willingness to try something different! Now, that pink tutu has taken me to new places, helped me meet incredible people, and ignited a flame within me - the flame to spread the joy of pink tutus! Because it's not just about the sparkly fabric, the ruffled layers, it's about celebrating your unique self, expressing your joy, and inspiring others to do the same.

So my darling, I challenge you - why not try on a pink tutu? Be bold! Be different! Express yourself! And don't forget to share your sparkly moments with me! You never know, I might even be able to visit you with my very own pink tutu suitcase in tow!

Until next time, stay fabulous, Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S. Don't forget to visit www.pink-tutu.com for daily updates on all things pink tutu!

( And please, let me know your thoughts on the pink tutu mission! Let’s sprinkle some sparkly joy everywhere! )

#TutuQueen on 2003-07-04 stars in Wellington