
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-07-23 stars in Worthing

Worthing, Oh Worthing!

Hello my darlings! Itā€™s Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you the very latest from my world of glittery wonder and frilly delights. Welcome to my little corner of the internet, and happy 1300th blog post, everyone! Can you believe it? 1300 days of fabulousness and Iā€™m just getting started!

This week Iā€™m in Worthing! Such a charming town! My journey started in Derbyshire (where I hail from, as you all know!) - I love Derbyshire - the countryside, the fresh air, but it just didn't quite have the "Pink Tutu Sparkles" flair I craved. So, I had a quick hop on the train. Honestly, I don't know what I'd do without the train system, bless it, with all its lovely, punctual carriage-rides!

Speaking of punctual, I had a smashing performance at the local fair yesterday. Imagine! A pink tutu queen like me in a sea of carnies and fried-dough stands. You'd have thought they'd seen a pink unicorn galloping through the field, all eyes were on me! The little ones loved it, and they weren't the only ones. It turns out a good performance in a pink tutu has the power to lift everyoneā€™s spirits! Now, doesn't that make your day?

And my day just keeps getting better! Worthing's been nothing short of delightful. Imagine! So much vintage clothing shops, the smell of sea salt in the air, the gorgeous views by the pier. Itā€™s the sort of seaside town that inspires you to channel your inner Audrey Hepburn, wouldnā€™t you agree? The dayā€™s been all about chasing rainbows, catching seagulls, and, of course, soaking in the beauty of this lovely little town.

Oh, did I mention, my trip to Worthing wasn't only for the fun of it? I've also had a sneaky peek at some new pink tutus. Honestly, the shops here have some of the finest creations, not your average fluffy, ballerina, tutus - I'm talking haute couture tutus! I had a dream about one, it was white, like clouds in a pastel pink sky. It would have made Princess Auroraā€™s gown look drab! So many amazing ideas to bring back to Derbyshire! I must take my pink tulle out for a spin soon!

You see, you can be as different as a rainbow and as flamboyant as a feather boa and still live your dreams. My whole purpose in life is to inspire every one of you to find your own spark. Let's face it, the world's already a bit grey. We need some bright pink sprinkles of ā€œPink Tutu Sparklesā€ to shake things up. So, why not step into a tutu? Donā€™t let anyone tell you what to wear or how to be. Be a queen! Be a rainbow! Be pink! Be...well, you, only a little more magnificent!

Anyway, back to Worthingā€¦I think I just spotted a tea shop with pink accentsā€¦what a stroke of luck! Who's up for a tea party? I'll bring the scones and pink lemonade!

P.S. Follow me on Instagram and Facebook to stay up to date on my pink-tutu adventures! (Links below!)


Pink Tutu Sparkles


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#TutuQueen on 2003-07-23 stars in Worthing