Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-07-28 stars in Plymouth

Plymouth, You Pink Beauty! 💖✨

Hello darlings, it’s your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to unleash a dose of pink and glittery fabulousness on the world! It's Post Number 1305, and it’s from Plymouth, this beautiful seaside city with cobbled streets and history around every corner. And guess what? I’m bringing the glitter!

I just had the most incredible journey to Plymouth. Oh, you just have to imagine me on a train in my most stunning pink gown and tulle, sitting regally in my corner seat, eyes on the passing scenery. There’s nothing like a train journey to spark the imagination, especially when your destination is a seaside city full of magic! I’ll be honest, though, when the train ride took longer than expected, it gave me time to contemplate whether a tutu was the most practical attire for a whirlwind train journey. You know how I love my twirls, darlings!

Arriving at the station in Plymouth, I felt a spark. It's like this city has a vibrant soul - maybe it's the fresh salty air, the stunning architecture, or the sheer creativity I can feel in the air. There’s just a sense of freedom, which of course I embrace with open arms and a big pink tulle skirt!

Now, Plymouth was chosen because I am making my way across the country - and that's what I love to do. Whether it's the dramatic landscapes of the North, the buzz of London, or the laid-back charm of the South West, I embrace every location with a dash of glitter and my trademark pink tutu! It's like spreading my brand of love - a love for all things beautiful, a love for spreading happiness and, of course, a love for that glorious fabric, tulle!

Right, darling, let me tell you about the heart of my travels – Plymouth! I had my eyes on this gem for a while, ever since I caught a glimpse of it while traveling on my pink tulle journey (okay, maybe it was a regular coach journey - I tend to romanticize everything! 😂).

Plymouth, darling, is not just about its beautiful waterfront or historic docks. This city is full of surprises – charming alleyways tucked away between grand buildings, vibrant street art murals, and independent shops with stories to tell. I can't help but feel like this city is bubbling with a creative energy, just waiting to be tapped into!

One of my favourite things to do while exploring new cities is taking in the local arts and culture scene. Let me tell you, Plymouth, my darling, you do not disappoint. My weekend kicked off with an incredible show by the National Theatre on Tour. It's not every day you get to experience theatre under the stars in such a beautiful outdoor setting, and I just had to have my pink tutu moment - why wear a normal outfit when you can sparkle, darling? Let's just say, a sea of stunned eyes met me at the entrance. Well, let's face it, pink tutus and theatricality do tend to grab a bit of attention - and, my dears, I wouldn't have it any other way!

After the show, the crowds spilled into the nearby cobblestone streets, bustling with energy and joy, all brightly lit with beautiful golden lamps – a true fairytale backdrop for the tutu-tastic journey that is my life! I couldn't resist striking a pose - my tutu swishing around me like a fluffy cloud. You could see the joy in the faces of the locals; they’d wave, smile, and snap some photos. What a beautiful reminder of the magic we can all share through a touch of pink and a whole lot of glitter!

Of course, I wasn't going to miss a chance to explore the city’s art scene. I found myself wandering through The Box, a modern, bright space buzzing with exhibitions of art, fashion, and historical exhibits - such a delight for someone who has a fascination for the artistry in design.

Oh, darling, you wouldn't believe the gorgeous vintage lace dress I found there! My heart fluttered like a butterfly on a hot summer’s day! Of course, the store assistant loved it – every fashionable person needs some stunning vintage lace in their life, and the pale blue contrasted perfectly with my vibrant pink. We're all fashionistas, at heart, are we not?

My love affair with Plymouth was only starting to bloom. You know what else makes my tutu swirl with joy? Seagulls! Yes, they may steal your chips, and occasionally peck at your handbag, but darling, let's face it, they're the original flying fashionistas! Just imagine the glamour, their wings skimming the ocean breeze! They bring a real sense of seaside magic to the place - so much so that even I found myself taking photos, trying to capture their carefree elegance!

Before leaving Plymouth, I decided to indulge in a delicious seafood lunch overlooking the harbor – a little bit of indulgence before heading off to my next grand adventure. It’s amazing what a trip can do to rejuvenate and refresh you – like stepping out of a fairytale, with a full heart and my mind bursting with new creative ideas.

But, it wouldn’t be a Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure without a spot of shopping, now would it? I found a cute little boutique near the waterfront packed full of sparkly delights! Imagine, darling, all those gorgeous garments begging to be discovered! I even managed to pick up a beautiful coral scarf to match my stunning pink ensemble - so sophisticated!

Plymouth is not just a city of beauty; it's a city with soul, with a vibrant artistic spirit, a fascinating history, and a heart filled with warm hospitality. You’ll find it welcoming you with open arms, just as my sparkling tulle welcomes the world, embracing every single one of you with a dash of magic and a splash of colour. And hey, while you’re in Plymouth, maybe even think about donning a pink tutu, why not? It could be just the thing to brighten your day, bring a smile to your face and remind everyone that there’s a little bit of glitter and magic in all of us!

And just remember darlings, every day’s a journey, a whirlwind of pink tutus, laughter, and glamour! So keep on twirling, keep on shining, and remember - the world’s a much brighter place with a little bit of Pink Tutu Sparkles in it! ✨💖

Don't forget to check out www.pink-tutu.com every day for a new blog post about my pink tutu adventures!

Till next time, darlings!

Lots of Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles 💋

#TutuQueen on 2003-07-28 stars in Plymouth