Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-08-06 stars in Croydon

Croydon Calling! 💅💖🩰

Hello darlings, and welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com! It's your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another juicy post – number 1314, can you believe it? It feels like just yesterday I was starting out with a twinkle in my eye and a pink feather boa. Oh, how things have changed! 😉

Today's adventure takes us to the fabulous Croydon. I can’t believe it's taken me this long to grace this amazing town with my presence, but better late than never, right? Croydon is bursting with energy – a true melting pot of vibrant personalities, delicious eats, and an infectious excitement that’s just… intoxicating! ✨

The journey down was a delight. I opted for a traditional train journey. Nothing quite beats a vintage carriage and a steaming cuppa while watching the scenery whisk by. Did you know? I used to live in Derbyshire - miles from the urban buzz of Croydon. Now, while my true home may be the heart of a lab testing fabrics, I've always yearned for the world of fashion, drama, and... let’s face it… a life bathed in pink! 🩰 That’s why I just can’t get enough of all things Croydon!

I'm not sure what it is about Croydon that makes it so fascinating. Maybe it's the unique blend of gritty charm and glittering glamour. Or maybe it’s just that Croydon is practically the embodiment of all things pink, fabulous, and full of sass! Maybe it's just the amazing ballet shows – yes, ballet – they've been pulling me in from across the country! It was that initial ‘aha!’ moment years ago, during a charity fundraiser at university (when I accidentally found myself trying on a pink tutu for the first time!) that first set my soul alight for the stage! Even when I was studying science and testing fabrics in my lab by day, I knew the call of the theatre stage was too powerful to resist. And so I was born: Pink Tutu Sparkles! ✨

My Croydon performance, as I say, was fabulous! The venue was a little dive bar, a haven for alternative music, with mismatched furniture, flickering lights, and a genuine ‘cool-but-slightly-dishevelled’ aesthetic. A place where sequins shimmered alongside ripped jeans, where pink lipstick stained every corner with its intoxicating magic. In Croydon, nothing feels out of place, everything feels gloriously in-the-moment. It's like stepping into a vintage movie montage – only far more fabulous!

For this particular gig, I decided on a pink tutu, of course (it's practically a religion for me!), adorned with feathers, diamantés, and an overflowing splash of bright pink satin ribbon. Oh, the drama of it all! ✨

The crowd went wild! You could feel their energy humming through the space – a combination of cheeky laughter and mesmerised stares. I even had a couple of little girls front row, bouncing along to the music and demanding their parents buy them their very own pink tutus after the show! I swear, they weren’t born yesterday. I've been telling everyone for years - Pink is power! This little moment made me realise – Pink Tutu Sparkles might not just be a drag queen. Maybe I’m more of a social activist for all things sparkly, glittery, and fabulously pink! 🤩 We need to empower more little girls (and everyone for that matter) to let their pink flag fly.

And talking of power... the entire evening was punctuated by an abundance of energy and passion. People in Croydon truly live life to the fullest. You know they’ve got a twinkle in their eye and a touch of rebellious fire in their hearts. There's a joy that oozes from every corner – in the conversations, the laughter, and, yes, the fabulously colourful, wild, and downright exciting music.

In Croydon, everything feels vibrant. Even the weather! ⛈️ When I stepped outside after my performance, the rain was coming down in sheets – the kind of torrential rain that washes the world clean and makes your soul sing with the pure joy of being alive.

I might have felt like a sparkly mermaid battling the storm in my pink tutu and feathered cloak, but there was nothing but sheer joy coursing through my veins.

You see, that’s what Croydon does to you! It just knows how to fill your cup with happiness and sparkle – in every single shade of the rainbow.

The streets were abuzz with life. Couples holding hands, families strolling, a group of teenage girls decked out in pink, turquoise, and rainbow everything, radiating a happiness so pure it lit up the night. Every single person looked ready to paint the town pink with joy, which is exactly what I did, in the most fabulous and sparkling way. And then the moment happened: I saw them! An impromptu flashmob in a corner of the square, perfectly synchronised with a pulsing beat and energy.

And then...they saw me! ✨ One little girl pointed me out. “Look, Mummy, it’s a pink tutu!” That one, little, pink tutu-laden princess! She pointed me out to the others! They stared back at me! With such delight in their eyes! 🤩 It’s moments like these I realise just how magical my job really is! My whole existence as a performer is wrapped around spreading a little sparkle, a little joy, a little pink-tinted fun wherever I go! I knew right then I would be returning to Croydon – my Pink Tutu Army awaits!

And of course, after such an unforgettable night, I just had to treat myself. A cheeky stop for some chips and gravy (a Croydon must!) with an oversized pink milkshake! What else could I ask for? 💖

So, until next time darlings, don’t forget to embrace your inner spark! Put on a tutu, spread the pink, and let’s light up the world together. You know I’m in the midst of plotting a ‘Pink Tutu Revolution’ that will take the entire country (and possibly the world!) by storm. 🌍

Remember to visit Pink-Tutu.com and subscribe for more daily doses of sparkle, because, like they say – Pink is the new black. 😉

Big kisses!

Pink Tutu Sparkles 💋✨💖

#TutuQueen on 2003-08-06 stars in Croydon