
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-09-04 stars in Wembley

Wembley Wonders: Post 1343 - TutuQueen's Taking Over Wembley!

Hello darlings, it's your favourite pink tutu-clad drag queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles! Today, we're on a whirlwind tour of Wembley, a truly grand and historical place! Let me tell you, this trip has been an absolute dream, and you'll all see why very soon!

But before I dive into the fabulosity of Wembley, let me give you a little update on life in the tutu lane. You all know that Pink Tutu Sparkles doesn't travel by mere plane or car, darling! I'm all about the romantic charm of travelling by train, especially on scenic routes. This week, it was a delightful journey on the iconic Midland Railway, complete with the beautiful rolling countryside vistas and, of course, me sporting a most magnificent pink tutu that wouldn't look out of place at the Royal Albert Hall!

You see, my dears, life's a stage! Every moment is a performance! Even when I'm rocking my lab coat as Alex, the scientist by day, I find ways to add a dash of pink sparkle. You wouldn't believe the looks I get when I enter the lab in a particularly dazzling tutu, with a feather boa tied to my lab coat! It gets the conversation going, let me tell you!

Speaking of conversations, did I tell you about the grand scheme of things, my lovely readers? It's not just about the tutus, though they are essential! I am on a mission to turn the world pink one tutu at a time! Because why shouldn't everyone embrace a touch of sparkle and elegance in their lives? Don't be afraid to be different, to express yourself! There's a Pink Tutu Sparkles waiting to shine inside all of you, so let her loose!

Now, back to Wembley! I must tell you, my dears, it was like stepping into a fairy tale. It's so grand and impressive! As I walked towards Wembley Stadium, feeling every ounce of fabulous in my new pink feather-trimmed tutu, I couldn't help but think how inspiring this place truly is.

I spent the afternoon exploring the magnificent Wembley Stadium itself. From its impressive architecture to its incredible history, every corner of Wembley is begging to be captured on Instagram! As you know, dear readers, a selfie in front of such iconic architecture simply must include a fabulous tutu, and let me tell you, mine perfectly captured the moment!

Speaking of moments, did I tell you about the fabulous ballet performance I saw in Wembley? Yes! It was a beautiful production of Swan Lake! My heart practically leaped out of my chest! I practically gasped out loud at the beauty and skill of the dancers, their flowing movements and graceful elegance just took my breath away! I swear, it felt like my entire life led me to this moment! A spectacular pink tutu performance with equally as amazing classical dancing! What more could I ask for? A delightful mix of beauty and artistry!

Afterwards, I ventured into the nearby market, you know, for some more pink inspiration! I bought a magnificent feather boa, perfect for my next grand entrance at a local pub, as well as some exquisite vintage sequins, you know, for that touch of glamour to accentuate a fab tutu, and even a pair of feather earrings – it's the little details that really pull it all together, my dears! I couldn't resist the irresistible scent of pink cupcake that was being sold in the market too! This wasn't a market; it was a fairytale in edible form!

While you might imagine that this drag queen was just busy dancing and shopping, let me tell you, I love getting stuck into something new. Now, you might be surprised, but Wembley had something rather unexpected in store.

Who knew that Wembley was home to the National Horse Racing Museum! Yes, my dear readers, Pink Tutu Sparkles embraced her equestrian side this weekend, riding side-saddle on a magnificent grey stallion through the green pastures of this truly majestic park. They say horses can smell fear; well, I can tell you, they also recognise a fabulously dressed drag queen! This stallion seemed to know I was the star of the show. He walked, he pranced, he even bowed in my presence!

It was such a delightful afternoon exploring the horse museum, surrounded by so much equine history and fascinating stories! Honestly, even though I was sporting my most magnificent pink tutu with feathers and diamante, they weren't too out of place among the trophies and equestrian regalia on display. As if to add to the magic, there was even a section of the museum dedicated to horse ballet performances, and you know me, I couldn't resist pulling out my favourite pink tutu-styled feather boa for the occasion!

Of course, after all the excitement of Wembley, I wouldn't be me if I didn't cap the night with a magnificent drag show! It was a chance for Pink Tutu Sparkles to spread some sparkle and glamour for all to see. With my fabulous new boa draped across my shoulders, I shimmied and danced, entertaining the crowd with my own unique take on "Dancing Queen". You could say it was a touch pinker and with even more sparkle than the original! Of course, it wouldn't be complete without some amazing audience interaction. By the end, I had a few brave men dressed in my extra feather boas – a good start to my mission, darling!

I have to say, I was thrilled to hear that people truly loved the show. They were enthralled by my outfits, and I made them laugh! There’s no feeling like it when you get the audience cheering.

Speaking of cheering, my darling readers, I truly need to cheer on everyone who's embracing the pink tutu revolution. This mission, my dears, is not for the faint of heart! It's for those who dare to stand out and be different, and embrace a touch of pink fabulousness in their lives! Keep on spreading that pink tutu joy, my lovely followers, for you're helping make the world a much more fabulous place!

But for now, Pink Tutu Sparkles must leave you. I’ve got a grand entrance planned at the Royal Opera House tonight, and let me tell you, my dears, the glitter and pink tutus are gonna be out in force! Stay fabulous, and I can't wait to hear all about your pink tutu adventures!

Until next time,

Your beloved Pink Tutu Sparkles!

Visit the website to see even more photographs, find links to the theatre performances, find out my schedule and join the pink tutu revolution!


#TutuQueen on 2003-09-04 stars in Wembley