Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-09-08 stars in New York

New York, New York!

Post Number 1347

Oh darling, hello from the Big Apple! I'm sitting here in my hotel room, gazing out the window at the twinkling lights of Times Square, and I can't believe it's finally here. New York, the city that never sleeps! The city that's so big, so bright, so glamorous, it's like a pink tutu made out of dreams. And I'm finally here, ready to make my dreams come true!

You know how much I love my train journeys, and this one was a real treat! It's amazing how many fab people I met on board – I swear, they all just couldn’t resist Pink Tutu Sparkles! We even had a impromptu fashion show in the buffet car, and let's just say the tutus were out in full force. I'm a big advocate of train travel – it's like being on stage, and everyone's just waiting for you to perform.

It’s funny, you know? By day, Alex is a lab rat, analyzing fabric and making sure everyone's clothes are comfy and durable. But at night, she becomes Pink Tutu Sparkles – an unstoppable whirlwind of glittery glamour, who spreads her joy, and pink tutus, wherever she goes! The perfect life for someone who's got the biggest, brightest personality.

And of course, this trip isn't just about dazzling New Yorkers. I'm here to absorb everything the city can throw at me! You wouldn't believe the outfits I've been scoping out - a true feast for the fashion eyes. There's a little bit of pink tutu inspiration everywhere you look. And have I mentioned Broadway?! It's so full of sparkle, energy, and performance that I’m bursting with ideas for my next drag number. Plus, I'm dying to check out the ballet at the Lincoln Center! It's a dream come true, my love!

I just have to tell you, the excitement's already reaching a fever pitch here! I mean, I had a fabulous experience meeting a real, live, actual tutu shop owner yesterday! She was a darling, so full of warmth and generosity – and let's just say the tutu-related discussions went on for hours. Oh, and I just discovered this incredible hidden gem, a tiny, tucked-away bakery that makes the most decadent pink-tutu-themed cakes! Imagine: rosewater frosting, edible sequins, and a whole lot of pure deliciousness! I'll be posting photos on Instagram, of course. Don’t worry darling, I’ll save you a slice!

One of my favourite things about New York? It's such a melting pot of everything amazing. People from all over the world, speaking every language, dressed in the most extraordinary ways. It's so much fun to soak up all the sights and sounds – from the honking cabs to the street performers. This place is a dream for a drag queen, believe me! And the city’s embraced me with open arms – even the pigeons seemed to coo in approval!

Today's adventure? Broadway! I've scored a ticket for “The Lion King,” and I’m bubbling with excitement. The colours, the music, the costumes – it's all my kind of thing! I can’t wait to witness the sheer spectacle. You know how much I love those theatrical vibes! Plus, I’m on the hunt for some New York inspired costumes. My suitcase's just about bursting at the seams but who cares about luggage space when it comes to the thrill of the hunt!

I’m so excited to share my adventures with you, darling! Stay tuned!

With all my love, and a touch of glitter,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xxx

(P.S Don't forget to visit my website at www.pink-tutu.com! Lots more updates and stories to be found!)

The Big Apple Adventures, continued!

It’s hard to describe the magical atmosphere of Broadway, especially on opening night! You wouldn’t believe the roar of the audience! It was simply electrifying – enough energy to power a million Pink Tutu Sparkles. And let's not forget those dazzling costumes! The stage was alive with color and movement - it was like watching a parade of giant tutus dancing under the spotlights!

“The Lion King” totally stole my heart! The animals, the music, the pure theatricality - it was everything I could have wished for, and more. It was an explosion of colour, energy, and emotion, all woven together with an incredible soundtrack. Oh, darling, you just have to experience it for yourself. I promise, it'll blow your mind! And after the show? Well, a trip to the Stage Door Deli was a must! Let’s just say it’s an institution here, where everyone’s always hungry, no matter how late the show. The pastrami is divine – it’s all the energy I need to fuel my NYC adventures!

Speaking of adventures, remember that ballet class I told you about? Well, darling, it was divine! The studio was this little haven of peace in the middle of the city, filled with amazing dancers, all in their lovely dancewear. They were so friendly, and so talented – I even got a few tips on how to perfect my pirouettes! You can never have enough ballet, my darling!

Of course, I couldn't let myself leave New York without a little bit of high-fashion fun. So naturally, I headed straight to Fifth Avenue, where my pink tutu was feeling right at home amidst all those fancy stores. You’d think I was at home! You should see some of the outfits I found – I’m a fashion hurricane! You'd think they were designed with Pink Tutu Sparkles in mind, so much glitter, colour, and a touch of pink. Don’t worry, I’m making room for all the purchases in my luggage by adding a little more glitter to my performance outfits. It all goes together beautifully, right?

Let me tell you, a visit to Bloomingdale's was a highlight. You wouldn't believe how much they're in love with all things pink! The store felt like my own personal pink tutu playground! I even scored a fab hat for a performance – think: feathers, pink netting, a little bit of rhinestones – the perfect finishing touch to a Pink Tutu Sparkles look! Oh darling, the shopping just doesn't end in New York! It's just one giant tutu wonderland. And my wallet isn’t so happy about that, I tell ya!

The trip wasn't just about fabulous sights and amazing clothes though. You know how much I love to spread my pink tutu love wherever I go! I’ve had a chance to visit some inspiring places. One, in particular, that stayed with me was the Museum of the Moving Image, filled with fascinating pieces from all eras. There was everything from old cameras to movie props to costume sketches – it was like a time machine, darling! Seeing how filmmakers have used clothing to create their magical worlds? Well, it really got those creative juices flowing. Oh, and did you know that some of the earliest fashion movies ever made were actually about ballet?! How amazing is that!

I'm a firm believer that travel is the ultimate education, darling! It's about seeing new things, meeting new people, and learning from all the experiences. And I'm absolutely packed with all these incredible memories and inspirations – a new pink tutu wardrobe, of course, but also a whole lot of ideas!

Before I leave you for now, I have to say a big thank you to all the New York dreamers, visionaries, and pink tutu believers! You're the ones who make the Big Apple sparkle, darling! It’s a true wonderland for those who dare to shine, and dream big. I hope I managed to add my own special touch of pink tutu magic to the city!

Oh, I almost forgot! If you ever find yourself in New York, look for that small pink tutu-themed cafe I stumbled across near Times Square. I won't spoil the surprise! It's just a little taste of pink tutu happiness waiting to be discovered, like all those hidden gems in New York City!

Love, light, and a million pink tutus,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xxx

(P.S And please don’t forget, my dearest darling, you can catch more stories from Pink Tutu Sparkles at www.pink-tutu.com. I update it every single day with stories from the road, performances, style tips, and my reflections. Come and say hi, you're always welcome! xx )

#TutuQueen on 2003-09-08 stars in New York