Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-10-11 stars in Rugby

Post 1380: Rugby, Rugby, Rugby! (Or Should I Say "Tutu-by!")

Hello lovelies! It's your favourite pink-tutu-wearing drag queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another travelogue from my exciting journey to… wait for it… Rugby!

I know, I know, you're thinking, "Rugby? That's not exactly a glamorous destination, darling!" But hear me out! You see, darling, I’ve always been fascinated by places that don't instantly scream "high fashion." Because it's all about making the mundane magical! And Rugby is all about that, honey. Don't let the name fool you; it's brimming with character and hidden treasures. It's all about the sparkle you find, no matter the setting.

This journey to Rugby began with a call to arms. Well, more like a whisper of a possibility from a friend at the local flower market. The good old "Rugby Flower Show" wanted a little bit of sparkle, you see. I mean, who doesn't love a bit of glitter amidst the blooms and foliage? So, armed with my pink tutu, some rainbow eyeshadow, and enough feather boas to cover a small forest, I set off for Rugby, arriving in the quaint little town on a Tuesday, perfect for exploring those little hidden shops you just can't find in a big city. The journey itself was just magical. A gloriously bright blue morning, perfect for my most vibrant pink tutu, and I found myself a ticket on the London-to-Birmingham train, which let me just take in the passing countryside scenery! And with my fabulous, hand-picked pink tulle number billowing behind me as I walked onto the train, you better believe I got some stares! It's all part of the mission, darlings – getting the world into pink tutus, one gaze at a time.

Oh, the town of Rugby was a little gem. The streets were bustling with charming pubs, charming cafes and some seriously fabulous vintage clothing stores (which of course I visited, darlings!). I mean, vintage clothes are like time capsules of fashion - and in a pink tutu, darling, it's an outfit you can truly have some fun with, let your creativity shine and find yourself some amazing hidden gems. I found myself a beautiful little pink beaded purse to wear for the big day!

The Flower Show, ah the Flower Show! This was truly the main event, the jewel in the crown of Rugby, the perfect opportunity to dazzle! My stage was a corner tucked between fragrant roses and vibrant sunflowers. The perfect backdrop for a performance as magical and vibrant as my pink tutu. I sashayed onto the stage, a cascade of shimmering pink fabric trailing behind me. I brought with me my most theatrical routine – a delightful mix of interpretive dance inspired by a graceful sunflower and a cheeky, feather-boa-heavy homage to the bees buzzing from flower to flower!

The audience was wonderful. There were some puzzled looks at first – “Darling, this isn't the Royal Ballet," I hear you saying - but as the show unfolded, the smiles and the laughs were genuine. The music that blasted from my custom glitter-covered portable speaker did all the work – everyone, even the tiniest children, were snapping their fingers! I even had an older lady come up to me and whisper, "You know, my dear, when I was young… ” she got quite excited and then explained how she'd loved dancing in her younger years - even did the odd ballerina gig as a teenager. She was such a darling, telling me stories and reminiscing. Then I saw it. She'd pulled a faded pink ribbon from her purse! “You remind me of myself, young lady” she gushed “ I even kept my little pink tutu for years, though my granddaughters are busy sewing clothes now for our next charity fashion show, you should come along, we need someone as bright as you.” You see darlings? Just like that! The magic spreads, a ripple effect that you wouldn’t believe, it’s incredible.

And to my absolute delight, even some of the "proper" gardeners, decked out in their beige khakis and sensible hats, started tapping their toes. A gentleman with a particularly lovely collection of orchids even confessed to me, "My dear, you've made my day! I never thought I'd see such joy in the middle of my prize-winning blooms!" It's a reminder that sparkle is universal. No matter where you go or who you are, you can always add a bit of magic and whimsy to your life, or the lives of others!

That evening, after packing away my dazzling pink tutu and feather boas (all expertly arranged within a padded suitcase I just love to travel with!), I went out to explore Rugby a bit more, enjoying a leisurely meal with my friends from the Flower Show. We explored a little bit, sat with a pint in a real vintage looking, pub that's been standing since the 19th century! That was an evening of chatting and laughs - a brilliant way to round off a day that had reminded me that even the most ordinary of places can spark extraordinary experiences.

But darlings, there's more to Rugby than meets the eye. It’s actually quite the hub for exciting cultural events. My little peek at a local calendar for the week told me it has everything from a performance of Romeo and Juliet at the historic "Rugby Town Hall" (I can already envision a magnificent pink tutu and dramatic entrance), to a medieval market at "Rugby Castle". (Just picture it darlings - a pink tutu adorned with velvet flowers, sparkling, amongst a backdrop of knights and jousting).

I have a sneaking suspicion that Rugby has even more pink tutu opportunities awaiting. The seed has been sown and you just know that before I know it there’s going to be a “Pink Tutu Week in Rugby”, and I will be right there at the front. So, darlings, remember to keep your eyes open for the magic in the mundane. There are a thousand reasons to wear pink and I'll be sure to bring some magic and sprinkle my sparkly dust as I explore even more hidden gems, sharing every moment with you all, my dearest lovelies, in every nook and cranny of our dear country!

Until next time, be fabulous and don't be afraid to wear a little pink tutu!


Pink Tutu Sparkles

(P.S., Don't forget to check out the newest blog post at www.pink-tutu.com every single day, darlings! )

#TutuQueen on 2003-10-11 stars in Rugby