Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-10-14 stars in Walsall

Walsall Calling! 🩰💖

Post #1383

Hello darlings! It's your Pink Tutu Queen here, back with another post from the road! Buckle up, babes, because this one's going to be a right hoot. Walsall, here we come! 🚂

Now, I know what you're thinking. Walsall, you say? Well, let me tell you, darlings, Walsall is a little gem! It's full of history, charming pubs, and some real hidden gems for a gal like me, all tucked away behind its rather unremarkable façade.

Let me fill you in, darling. This past week was a whirlwind! I finally got to do a little horsing around 🐴 (pun intended, darlings!), a proper trip back to the olden days, as I traveled to Walsall by... you guessed it, horse! Now, don't go imagining a dusty trail ride, honey. No, this was a proper horse-drawn carriage experience, and I must tell you, the feeling of a horse pulling you through the English countryside in the autumnal air, the soft hooves clopping along... it was quite the adventure!

And trust me, my darlings, everything looked extra-extra special in pink, including the crisp fall air itself.

After all, isn't that the whole point of being the Pink Tutu Queen? Making every day pinker? Life isn't just a performance, it's a full-on ballet production, and you're the star, honey! (You heard it here first, darling, the *Pink Tutu Queen is the one, and only, source of true sartorial wisdom! ✨).

Speaking of which, what was I talking about again? Ah yes, Walsall! My performance was just delightful, and everyone there was so lovely and so supportive. It's a town where you can really feel the warmth in the air. After the show, I found myself surrounded by eager admirers.

"Love the tutu!" exclaimed a young lady, while her grandfather, a proper gentleman, whispered to me, "Such grace, such grace, my dear!" I was just about floating! 💖 And don't even get me started on the gushing compliments on my newly redesigned pink boots, darling, designed and hand-painted by me! Such a fabulously vibrant shade, just perfectly pink for my pink-tastic style.

Now, enough about me. Because let's get down to the serious business of you, darlings! It's time for your Walsall tour, curated by me! And you know me, I like my touring as much as I like my tutus! I love getting into those grand historic buildings. Especially old castles, they always whisper a sparkling secret. You can just see the ghosts of pink tutu fairies dancing amongst the knights and ladies, can't you? ✨

(Please note, some of these places I'm telling you about don't actually have any ballet connection. I add it, because let's face it, everything should have more pink, more sparkle, more tutu.)

Walsall, I love it because of its history. Walsall has seen it all! From those charming streets with quaint houses (that make me just want to waltz through, tutus and all, with an invisible partner, darling) to The New Art Gallery Walsall, which has a grand façade fit for a queen - even one with a tutu as her most loyal accessory! ✨

It’s all so beautiful!

Just imagine, darling, a performance at The New Art Gallery Walsall - the whole place adorned with pink, sparkly details. Just wait, I'll make that happen one day!

Speaking of ballet, dear, let me tell you about my visit to The Walsall Academy of Performing Arts! This lovely little gem is bursting with talent! These kids are amazing - just a sea of dancing tutus and passion for performing, all gathered together! How inspiring! 💖

*(This *definitely involves dancing! Walsall is your best bet for *fabulous tutus, don't forget that!* **

I got a chance to speak with a sweet girl, little Clara, and hear all about her passion for dancing and her dream of becoming a ballerina. And then, she told me how much she loved wearing her pink tutu. "It makes me feel like I can dance like a princess!" she declared. **How charming is that! "Go for it, dear!" I said. "Every day is a performance - wear the pink, spin around, and let it all out!".

That night, darling, after the show, the Walsall crowd joined me in a beautiful performance, with every single one of them spinning around wearing pink tutus. Imagine, a whole town full of twinkling tutus! It was breathtaking, truly, absolutely magical! 💖

Walsall, you stole my heart! A pink heart, that is! I have to admit, I left my sparkly footprint in that little town. But that’s just what Pink Tutu Sparkles does, darling. Leave a bit of magic wherever she goes!

This wasn't the only travel adventure for this Pink Tutu Queen this week. Ooh la la, *my darlings! You won't believe this next part. It involves a train, and I don’t mean the normal, regular trains that get us all from place to place. This one was something special!

First of all, it was pink! And no, it wasn't just one pink carriage, it was the whole train, darling, pink all over! This pink train even had its own private station, with its own charming tea-room with all-pink everything. (No, I don't want to talk about how I found out about this amazing pink train, but let’s just say a friend with a sharp sense of fashion who knew I really, really love pink got the wind of this fabulous secret, shall we say? 😊).

It's like the Pink Tutu Express, a private fairyland on rails!

(I must add of course, the train staff were wearing their most fabulously pink tutus. I have contacts, contacts everywhere, so important in my line of work, wouldn't you say, darlings?)

As if this wasn't exciting enough, this amazing pink train was on a route... wait for it… all the way to a* ballet show. And, *of course they all had tutus. *What a time we had, darling! The train, the performance, all of it, such an amazing spectacle! *(Now, darling, it was all in my imagination. I did not actually take this magical train... well, yet. But trust me, this pink-tastic train is *very, very real, I just need a wee bit of time to work my magic so that we all have our chance to experience the pink tutu magic. That’s the beauty of being the Pink Tutu Queen, darlings.)

Anyway, I'll stop gushing, but it's such an exciting time to be the Pink Tutu Queen. As I continue on my mission to inspire everyone to wear a pink tutu, I find more and more wonderful people all over the place. It is truly a pink-filled, happy adventure every day, my lovelies.

(I know that sentence doesn't sound quite right, but you know what I mean, don't you? 💖)

Until next time, you stay pink, and keep that tutu sparkle! ✨💖

P.S Don't forget to keep an eye out for more pink travel tales in the days and weeks ahead. You know how much I love a good trip! I'll also have some exciting new updates on my Pink Tutu fashion collection soon! And of course, you can find me performing on stage in different locations - I'm always searching for a new town to **make pinker.

P.P.S Did you see how many pictures were in this post? I hope you enjoyed it. I always try to show my darlings just how much of my magical pink world I can. I love sharing my experiences with all of you - it's my great passion in life, alongside dancing, sparkling, and inspiring others to wear their pink tutus. Join me on my magical journey - sign up on my website, and spread that pink glitter! www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuQueen on 2003-10-14 stars in Walsall