Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-11-09 stars in Ruislip

Ruislip, Oh Darling!

Post 1409: TutuQueen On The Move Again

Hey, darlings! It's your TutuQueen, back on the road and in my fave colour, of course: pink! I've just finished a whirlwind trip to the theatre district, and I am here to tell you - Ruislip, you're fabulous! This is where I've just finished a gig, performing for the most darling audience of lovely ladies, dashing gents, and a whole bunch of excited little angels. Oh, the joy of watching wide-eyed children get swept up in the sparkle!

Speaking of sparkle, let me tell you - this place is a haven for vintage shops! It's just so refreshing to find spots that are chock-full of gorgeous goodies with just a touch of kitsch - absolutely perfect for my style, you know? After my performance, I treated myself to a new, fluffy pink feather boa – what’s a tutu queen without a little feather flair?

And what’s a trip without a fab outfit? This time I’m sporting a “Pink Peony Perfection” tutu from a shop on Baker Street. This creation was made with layers and layers of the finest pink tulle – with just a touch of diamante, naturally. I paired it with a sparkly, custom-made bodysuit – because every fabulous queen needs her confidence! The final touch? A bright, glittery, feather fan that was a perfect accompaniment to the feather boa - oh, it was just perfection! Of course, the entire ensemble was coordinated to my bright pink wig - wouldn't miss a hair colour match, darling!

This pink ensemble really brought in the audience, I was even asked for photos after the performance, and believe you me, I had no shortage of admirers. The compliments ranged from “your TutuQueen performance was phenomenal” to "You were the highlight of our entire trip." Now, if that’s not high praise, I don’t know what is!

The Travel Bug

Ruislip is a delightful hop away from my Derbyshire roots, and to get here I took a leisurely train journey through the gorgeous countryside. I love the journey almost as much as the destination, the fresh air and open space of the British countryside – I could almost see those tutus in bloom - there's just something utterly charming about train travel, it gives you time to get ready and get in the mood for the performance, you know? It’s the perfect time to slip into my favourite comfy boots and practice a few fancy footwork moves. I find I get more inspiration for my acts after a bit of countryside fresh air, and the gentle rolling hills. Who knows, maybe next time, I'll just hop onto a horse and ride straight to my performance!

Science By Day, TutuQueen By Night

Speaking of inspiration, you're probably wondering how this Derbyshire gal ended up in Ruislip - or for that matter, how a science whiz ended up performing in a pink tutu, right? Well, my darlings, let me tell you, it all started back at university, where I studied science. It's quite the opposite to the glittering world of a tutu-wearing drag queen, wouldn’t you agree? Well, you see, my dear friends, while I'm in the lab by day, meticulously analysing fabrics, by night, I’m transforming into my TutuQueen alter-ego. It was at the university's ballet club that I discovered my passion for performing and the world of ballet and performance arts.

To be honest, it all began as a joke – I needed to try on a pink tutu for a charity fundraising event and instantly fell head over heels. It felt so liberating, like a complete transformation. From that moment, I just knew I had to become the TutuQueen! And the rest, as they say, is history…

* Spreading The Pink Tutu Love*

It's all about celebrating life, my dears, and sharing that joy with the world. My goal in life? Well, I have one dream: to make wearing a pink tutu the trendiest fashion statement around the world. Yes, I truly believe that everyone has a secret TutuQueen waiting to come out – so get ready to shine, because I’m making sure pink tutus take over the globe!

Follow Your Tutu Queen's Adventures

Don’t miss my adventures on the www.pink-tutu.com website, my lovelies. Until next time, I’m signing off – I have another feather boa to choose!

Yours in Tutu Love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2003-11-09 stars in Ruislip