Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2004-01-28 stars in Billingham

Billingham Bound: A Pink Tutu Adventure! 🩰💖

Hello my gorgeous darlings! It's your Tutu Queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, and guess what?! I'm off on another adventure! Post number 1489, and I'm buzzing to be heading to the fabulous Billingham. Now, I know what you're thinking – Billingham?! Yes, you heard me right! Billingham has been calling to me for weeks now. It just has that something that makes a tutu-wearing queen like myself absolutely giddy with anticipation!

Now, I hear you asking, how do you get to Billingham? Well, let me tell you, my dears, I'm going in style, of course! No flying for this queen, my darling – this is all about the journey. A luxurious train ride, window seat, a good book, and a whole lot of glitter. And if there's a carriage with a little more space for me to do some pirouettes? Well, that's just an added bonus! (It’s only proper to stretch on the train, you know!) Plus, a train journey gives me a chance to watch the scenery change and soak in the energy of all the different towns and villages I pass through. You never know what inspiration might strike while whizzing through the countryside. Think I'm going to go for a bold blue eyeliner look with some strategically placed pink glitter...

Now, let's talk about the wardrobe. You know, you can't go to Billingham looking anything less than fab-u-lous, darling. So, of course, I’ve packed a suitcase overflowing with gorgeousness! My current favourite tutu is a soft blush pink with a little touch of silver – absolutely stunning under the stage lights! And because Billingham is known for its industrial heritage, I’m throwing on a pair of my metallic silver boots, and adding a touch of biker chic with a black leather jacket. Don't forget my statement jewellery, darling - you can never have too much sparkle, am I right?!

And what’s a Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure without some music?! You bet your sweet bottom that my travel playlist is on point. Think disco beats mixed with some classical ballet music (I adore a bit of Tchaikovsky and Stravinsky, darling!). And, naturally, a touch of Taylor Swift – that girl’s music always gets me dancing in the aisles. Or, well, maybe that’s best left to the hotel room! 😅

This is where you all come in, dears! What are your favourite things to do in Billingham? Any must-see attractions? Any local pubs or restaurants you think I should visit? Do let me know in the comments, darling, because I love hearing your suggestions and incorporating them into my travel plans. Remember, the most magical part of my journey is the opportunity to connect with all you gorgeous souls! 💖

Oh, and darling, before I forget, keep your eyes peeled on my socials – I'll be posting pics and videos from the adventure. Think behind-the-scenes looks at the glittery world of a Pink Tutu Sparkles road trip. You don’t want to miss the fun!

Now, I'm off to prepare myself for this magical Billingham adventure! I'll see you on the other side, dears. Until then, wear your heart on your sleeve, your dreams in your eyes, and a little pink tutu around your waist!

Stay sparkling, Pink Tutu Sparkles


From Lab Coat to Stage Lights 🧪✨

Now, darling, you've heard all about my fabulous journey to Billingham. But let's back up a bit and talk about how a scientist with a science degree becomes a drag queen extraordinaire.

It all started back in my days as a student. You see, darling, even though I love fashion and all things fabulous, I was also very good at science. You know, those logic puzzles, lab experiments, dissecting frogs (well, that bit wasn’t really my favourite!), I was ace! It was like second nature, really. I had all those bright ideas – brilliant and inventive ones. You'd think with that background, I’d have chosen to become a scientist for life, right?

But then came the ballet club…

Well, I’d always loved ballet – it's all about those beautiful movements, that grace and poise, that elegance. Plus, as a performer, I was hooked! And it just so happened that the university ballet club needed volunteers for their fundraising event. You know, dressing up in funny costumes for donations – pretty normal stuff for us students!

That’s when I spotted it, darling – a tutu. And it was a glorious shade of pink! Honestly, I think that tutu was made just for me! Now, a real scientist would have looked at that tutu from a practical standpoint. Is the fabric woven tight? Does it offer good support? Is the colour fast under the harsh stage lights? But I was blinded by that lovely pink and fell completely in love. I knew then and there that I had to be a performer. And Pink Tutu Sparkles was born!

Now, I won't lie, darling. Becoming a drag queen takes more than just a pink tutu. You've got to be prepared for some serious late nights – I’m talking about making costumes, applying makeup, and perfecting my performances. And those sequins?! They never ever leave you, they really don’t. You can spend hours removing those things!

It’s a demanding but rewarding lifestyle, darling, and it's a constant evolution. I never stop learning, pushing myself, trying new things, embracing that next challenge, because darling, that's what life’s all about!

As for my day job, you wouldn’t believe it, darling, but I still work in a lab. It might be the exact opposite of drag, but, you see, science really comes in handy. In the world of fabric testing! I’m a real textile whizz – that pink tutu experience certainly helped! So, during the day, I’m in a white lab coat analyzing fabrics. And at night? Well, darling, I’m a shimmering pink goddess! 😉

You know, I sometimes think of my life as a series of different stages. One moment, I’m testing the tensile strength of a fabric under a microscope, and the next, I’m twirling under a spotlight in a glamorous pink tutu. It's quite a journey! And I’m absolutely loving it every single step of the way.

Now, darling, that's my little secret, and that’s the story behind the sparkly tutu. Because life's too short not to embrace your sparkle and wear your heart on your sleeve. And never be afraid to step onto the stage, darling. You're never too old, too young, too experienced or not experienced enough to rock that pink tutu.

A Little Pink Tutu Inspiration 🩰✨

And because I want to encourage all my lovely readers to embrace their inner Pink Tutu Sparkles, I have a little inspiration for you! Here are some easy tips to bring some of my world into yours:

  1. Add some pink! No need to go full on drag queen, darling. But just add a little splash of pink to your outfits - a scarf, a belt, or even a touch of blush on your cheeks. Just like a sprinkle of sugar, a little pink adds sweetness to your day.

  2. Dance it out! I love going to ballet classes, darling. I encourage you all to find a local dance school and take a class. Even a beginner's class will unleash that inner dance queen within!

  3. Don’t be afraid of the tutu. You don’t have to go on stage. Wear your tutu while running errands, out for coffee, walking in the park! Be adventurous and you will absolutely love it.

  4. Glitter and shine! This goes without saying! Add a little bit of sparkle to your day, darling. Put on a bit of glitter around your eyes or even on your hair – sparkle and shine will be with you wherever you go.

  5. Share your passion. If you're passionate about something, shout it from the rooftops. Share your passions with the world – that’s what I’m doing.

That’s it, darling! Embrace your individuality, wear your heart on your sleeve, and embrace the fabulous side of life. And darling, if you are planning a trip to Billingham, remember to do the tutu twirl in front of that Billingham sign! 😉

Remember, it's never too late to let your sparkle shine through. Live your best life, darling! I can’t wait to hear your stories!

Stay sparkly,

Pink Tutu Sparkles


#TutuQueen on 2004-01-28 stars in Billingham