
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2004-01-30 stars in North Shields

North Shields, My Darling! Post #1491

Oh my darlings, Iā€™m simply buzzing to be in North Shields! You know me, I love exploring new places, and this coastal town is absolutely radiating charm. It's got that proper seaside vibe, with those gorgeous quaint streets and that fresh sea air. You can practically taste the salt on your lips! The locals here are so friendly, like they're genuinely pleased to see me. Plus, the atmosphere is electric - the North Shields vibe is like a warm hug.

Now, as some of you might already know, my little pinky paw has been itching for a good dose of adventure, and boy, did this trip deliver. Imagine my excitement when I spotted this little treasure ā€“ a gorgeous vintage dress shop filled with sequins and frills! The shop owner, a sweet, sassy lady, practically flung me a fabulous vintage sequined cape, declaring, "This darling, was MADE for you!" and she wasn't wrong. It was practically calling to me, begging to be twirled and admired under the North Shields lights!

It was almost impossible to pick just one item, because you wouldnā€™t believe the array of treasures they had. Think vibrant 1950s ballgowns, sassy flapper dresses, and feather boas that were positively whispering stories of fabulous parties from yesteryear! And wouldnā€™t you know it, I even found a magnificent vintage handbag that was just crying out to be seen.

Speaking of fabulous parties, I must tell you about my little performance at a charity ball in a glorious castle overlooking the North Sea. Itā€™s a must for any aspiring drag artist, darling! Picture it ā€“ the castle bathed in soft light, elegant guests with that "let's make a night of it" look, and my glorious self strutting my stuff in my newest tutu creation! Let's just say, I almost felt like a princess, and it was all so magical. And then I had to remind myselfā€¦itā€™s actually my pink tutu, not my pink tiaras. Pink tutu or no, the entire night was a resounding success ā€“ everyone was absolutely loving my show! It truly is an honor to bring a little bit of pink tutu sparkle to the world, one sequin at a time!

This is the thing that gets me going ā€“ being a little ray of sunshine, showering my lovely fans with happiness, and watching them truly experience joy. Iā€™ve learned something pretty valuable in my time as Pink Tutu Sparkles: sometimes, you just have to dare to be yourself and strut your stuff. I find it so empowering!

Speaking of power, let's talk about those stunning sunsets here in North Shields! Seriously, they've been pure magic ā€“ the fiery reds and oranges burning like a canvas in the sky, making those dramatic, epic views of the sea look even more impressive! Now, there's something truly magical about the colours, the sheer size of the ocean, the way it stretches off to the horizon, promising untold adventures!

And speaking of adventures, darling, I managed to find a stunning, vintage train station right on the coast. Can you believe it? With those red-brick arches, it felt like stepping back in time! Now, you see, this little train station has a particular soft spot in my heart ā€“ for two very good reasons. First, the sound of a train rumbling by, like a rhythmic pulse against the sea, is one of the most enchanting things! Second, I absolutely adore traveling by train ā€“ itā€™s such a great opportunity to soak up the scenery. Thereā€™s something about watching the landscape roll by that sparks all sorts of creative ideas, even if it does tend to get a little...stuffy, especially if you've been in a pink tutu all day! I know it doesnā€™t quite match the whole pink tutu theme, but even the more stylish people have their weaknesses!

Oh, speaking of "Pink Tutu theme," can you believe this place actually has a dedicated "Pink Tutu Sparkles" cupcake stall? Donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™m never one to turn down a free cupcake (especially not pink ones!), but the lady serving them just started sobbing when I took one! The reason? I guess she just wanted me to know how much my ā€œPink Tutu Sparklesā€ drag persona means to her ā€“ I just couldnā€™t say anything, all I could manage was a ā€œThank you!ā€, which sounds even sillier than I imagine it. But seriously, her reaction completely melted my heart. The whole scene was like something straight out of a movie. Talk about a "Pink Tutu moment"!

The whole trip to North Shields felt like something out of a fairy tale. You have your quirky seaside shops, beautiful, friendly locals, an inspiring castle and even some amazing cupcakes.

Speaking of inspiring castles, darling, I was lucky enough to take a horse ride across the countryside, through some of the most breathtaking scenery. My mount, a graceful thoroughbred called "Rose," seemed to understand my affection for the color pink and treated me to a magical gallop through meadows that were awash in pink flowers. The fresh air was exhilarating, the sunshine on my faceā€¦pure bliss. I might just be the first, pink-tutu clad, drag artist to be taken for a horse ride, which I know for a fact, will be on the "Top Ten Pink Tutu Momentsā€ list, in the world ā€“ as you know, Iā€™m constantly building that list!

But all good things must come to an end, as they say, and I must make my way to the next stop on my adventures ā€“ which I will keep under wraps, as that's part of the thrill. But what I can say, darling, is this... Wherever I go next, I promise to bring that same sparkling, pink-tutu infused joy wherever I set my sequins down. Until next time, stay pink, my loves!

Remember, darling, you can find my latest daily post on my lovely pink blog - www.pink-tutu.com! It's full of photos, secrets, and all the juicy details about my drag life. I even have a special forum just for you, darlings, where we can chat and giggle over all things Pink Tutu.

Now, letā€™s go spread some sparkly pink tutu joy!

#TutuQueen on 2004-01-30 stars in North Shields