Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2004-03-05 stars in Ashington

Ashington Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles Hits the Stage (Post #1526)

Hello, my darlings! It’s your favourite pink-tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another travel diary – and this time, I'm in the beautiful (and slightly chilly!) Ashington, Northumberland!

Remember when I told you about that fabulously glamorous fair I had to perform at last month? Well, my next stop was the lovely Ashington! Now, for you newbies, this little town is like stepping back in time. There's history everywhere, quaint little pubs serving proper hearty meals, and some real community spirit! It's charming! I swear, every single person I passed wore a fabulous hat! You don't see that every day in my Derbyshire neck of the woods.

Speaking of travelling, I decided to get to Ashington by train this time. No, not the standard stuffy, uncomfortable kind of train – oh, no! We're talking about the train experience! My dear friend Lily is an absolute whizz at sourcing old carriages – like those with plush velvet seats and tables where you can sip tea while gazing at the rolling countryside. It felt like stepping out of a period drama, complete with a hot flask of Earl Grey and a proper cream cake (which, honestly, you could eat a whole cake on this train – the journey was just THAT magical!).

Oh, the journey itself was amazing. Not only did I get to try on every single hat in the whole vintage carriage, but I also ended up chatting with a whole load of fabulously eccentric locals! One woman, Agnes, showed me her collection of miniature porcelain cows! Another gentleman, named Harold, showed me all the amazing pictures he'd taken of the area on his old Polaroid! It was truly an enchanting adventure.

When I arrived in Ashington, it felt like stepping back in time even more. Imagine quaint stone buildings, cobbles under your feet, and the kind of friendly chatty folks that will ask you all about your day and your lovely pink tutu. I quickly realised why the locals called it "The Toon!" The air crackled with community spirit! I felt like Alice going down the rabbit hole and landing in some incredible fantasy land, except the Wonderland here is filled with friendly locals, gorgeous hats, and lots of laughs!

And speaking of laughs… where did I end up? Well, it was no ordinary venue! Let’s just say, there’s a little theatre club that is truly hidden in plain sight, tucked away in the heart of town, next to the local library (so clever!) I swear it’s almost invisible to the untrained eye! They told me they were booked solid, but of course, I have my special sparkles that convinced them to add another performance! And you know, these guys weren't messing around, they even had the cutest little curtain and spotlights - honestly, it reminded me of those fabulous intimate performances in the grand houses in Derbyshire, filled with glitter and warmth!

I gotta say, my darlings, these Ashington locals know how to have a good time! I’ve never seen such an enthusiastic crowd. When I sashayed onto that tiny little stage, in my latest pink tutu (it’s a brand new creation - shimmering silver sequins and hand-stitched pink lace, oh my!) the place erupted. You’d think they'd never seen a pink tutu before. It was divine! They had everyone dancing and singing, and I even did a bit of improvisational performance with the adorable theatre club owner who wore the most stylish floral fascinator I have ever seen.

Let’s just say, I totally forgot that I was in "The Toon" and was busy performing my little heart out - there's something magic about that community spirit in this area, it's like it infects everyone with its joyful vibe!

Later, after my performance, they surprised me with a lovely little gathering outside their theater. There were drinks, some yummy pastries, and a wonderful local band. I'll never forget how one gentleman (wearing a ridiculously large straw hat) complimented my tutu and told me he couldn't wait for his granddaughter to be able to wear one. He seemed just as excited as I was!

Now, I might have been busy, but I’m a true explorer at heart. You know I wouldn’t leave town without exploring! After a much-needed tea break, I decided to head out into "The Toon". I strolled through charming, narrow streets, saw those pretty little Victorian houses with flower boxes blooming in defiance of the crisp air, and chatted with some delightful locals about life in this historic town! They were truly lovely - welcoming me like I was part of their family!

After stopping for an apple tart at a quaint local café, (I might have done a tiny bit of dancing on the cobbled street!) I decided it was time to check out one of Ashington's best kept secrets - the "Hidden Garden". This hidden gem is a riot of color - all those flowers in full bloom against the backdrop of ancient stone walls - it felt magical, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t snap a million pictures of this picturesque beauty in my signature pink tutu! The other visitors even gave me compliments on my "artistic expression"! Honestly, you can't go to Ashington without finding a bit of that peaceful magic in the hidden garden. It's truly special!

But wait, my adventures didn't end there! This incredible town also holds the unique treasure that is the Woodhorn Museum. A real trip down memory lane and full of fascinating stories from coal mining, with a beautifully designed modern art gallery to boot. Even the staff were incredibly charming – telling me anecdotes of the miners, and letting me have a go on a 1950s vintage typewriter - something I simply can’t resist when I see one! Honestly, who can resist typing out messages of hope, happiness, and sparkles? It’s just irresistible.

Speaking of hope, I have to mention how they encouraged their locals to take part in an art competition. There was something for everyone, from those tiny little art classes to large murals - they even included some great activities for little ones, which truly warmed my heart. Honestly, I felt a surge of pride when I saw them showcase the local talent! It just goes to show what a diverse and inspiring town Ashington is. They know how to get everyone excited, and let’s be honest, I love to be involved in exciting things - who doesn't?!

It’s funny - this place, despite its name, just doesn’t seem like "The Toon" to me at all. It has a warmth and a character that feels unique, almost like the tiny villages of Derbyshire back when I was growing up. But don't worry, my dear followers - I still brought my pink tutu along for the ride, showing everyone that it's not just for fancy events.

By the end of my stay, it was like I’d found a hidden jewel tucked away in the heart of the North East! Ashington just blew my wig off, literally - I couldn't believe the fun I had and all the amazing memories I collected - It truly reminds me of those Derbyshire days where everyone has time for you and wants to hear your stories! But what's even better is when you discover that this wonderful place isn’t only in the beautiful buildings but in the hearts of its people - it’s just oozing with a beautiful and rare magic, full of stories and laughter. That’s what makes it truly special!

Oh, and speaking of special, I just know everyone is already asking "What’s your next stop?" And I have a hint! Remember that time when I danced at that historical ballet performance? I’m venturing somewhere similar this time, but instead of watching graceful ballet dancers, I'm joining them. More details in my next post!

Until next time, don't forget to grab a sparkly pink tutu and spread some glitter around! Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles! xx

P.S. Don't forget to visit www.pink-tutu.com for more photos from my adventures in Ashington!

#TutuQueen on 2004-03-05 stars in Ashington